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It seems the SNP does not want all Scots to get a vote in any future independance referendum . https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1325127/snp-news-george-galloway-twitter-michael-gove-scottish-independence-nicola-sturgeon-news

How would you do this though?


You need to Legally define who is a "Scot" and who isn't and current "anti-discrimination" laws would make it difficult to do this in a Civic or Ethnic Sense,

You run into problems when you create the criteria to Check,

What about Minorities especially non-British ones?


Perhaps a better way to resolve this is:

Which British Citizens would be eligible for Scottish Citizenship and who COULD Legally be deported to the rest of United Kingdom in the hypothetical independence scenario?


Though since the laws of citizenship are unknown it is theoretical possible for  somebody who spent 100% of their life in Scotland yet took measures to remain a British citizen and refused/abdicated his Scottish passport could possibly be deported since (having no Scottish citizenship) he would be a UK Expat legally speaking.


Any country can just grant amnesty/grant citizenship weather you ask or not so you could just get it automatically regardless of weather or not you have the papers.


So should whoever COULD get a Sottish passport also get a vote?

for the Null Island constituency since they would be nonresident and absentee.

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The last referendum the franchise was agreed, those resident in Scotland, regardless of ethnicity, the very people who chose to live, work and raise their children here had a vote, seemed entirely fair and democratic to me at the time.

Ironic that the people who want to move the goalposts and change it to a vote based on Scottish ethnicity are British nationalists.

Funny also that they only want to include people born in Scotland and living in other parts of the UK, what about those living elsewhere in the world?

I don't think you need to be a genius to nail the reason...They've seen the recent polling on Scottish independence and are desperate to rig any future vote in their favour.

Edited by Capeesh
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Perhaps there is a need for definition of Scottish Citizenship, other than whoever happens to live there at the time.

Once independent it would have to be for people holding Scottish citizenship only,  to vote. (or EU citizenship when Scotland joins up)

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I dont get it the SNP want 16 year olds , prisonors , EU citizans and refugees to have the right to vote in a future Scottish independence referendum yet throw their hands up in horror at the thought of Scottish expats getting a vote . Whats their problem with that ? Surley in the event of Scotland getting independence all Scots expats would  automatically be entitled to Scottish citizenship as their  birthright .

Edited by Watter
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^The common theme is they live in Scotland, they have the greatest stake in how the place is run, doesn't matter where they come from.

The opponents of Scottish independence in your link don't want all Scottish expats to get a vote, they only want the ones who live elsewhere in the UK to get one, have you asked yourself why?

Edited by Capeesh
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My understanding is if you are an expat living say in Spain you are allowed a postal vote to vote in UK elections .So why cant expats Scots living in the rest of the UK get a vote on Scottish independence .? Is it because they may be more supportive of the union ?.

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How will Shetland vote in a new referedum the last time we voted soundly for remaining in the UK and again voted with a large majority to remain in the EU in that referendum . The new choice will be remain in the UK and out of the EU or Scottish independence and in the EU . We cant have it both ways this time .

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^If Shetland voted for, and got, independence it could then do what it chooses to do. As of yet, it hasn't done that. If it voted to be a seperate part of the U.K. it could, but as of yet it hasn't. It could still put up with what James III inflicted upon us in 1472, but it hasn't. I wonder why?

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How will Shetland vote in a new referedum the last time we voted soundly for remaining in the UK and again voted with a large majority to remain in the EU in that referendum . The new choice will be remain in the UK and out of the EU or Scottish independence and in the EU . We cant have it both ways this time .

There is absolutely no guarantee that Scotland would get into the EU.   They already have enough basket case, sh!th0le countries.  Why would they want another ?


Anyway, Scotland as part of the EU, would NOT be independant.


Before anyone says anything, I live in Shetland, not Scotland..

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