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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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In an ideal world we wouldn't need authorities stating the bleeding obvious and enforcing the very simple rules put in place to prevent a lot of people needlessly dying.

Unfortunately, as has been proven with the softly softly approach, a very large number of our fellow citizens are just downright stupid.

Edited by Capeesh
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@ Colin, bus drivers have apparently been asked also to ask passengers if journeys are essential and to let the police know.  One bus driver posted on Failbook.  I think the Police and Zettrans are overstepping the mark here.  If they want to pull over a bus and ask the passengers, fine, but some people seem to accept that bus drivers have a legal right to ask you.  I can't see anything in the legislation that gives bus drivers that power.  If anything, it shouldn't be a bus driver on Failbook telling folk but ZetTrans should.  Quizzing passengers just builds resentment and doesn't protect anyone.


If they want such draconian measures, either go for the 'papiere bitte schnell schnell' approach or stop acting like the blooming gestapo.  I'm not a fan of our civil liberties being tossed aside so lightly and accepted by so many.

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Hmm, I get on well with bus drivers, as a rule, and wouldn't want any one of them to start giving me the "3rd degree"..


What would happen if a bus driver refused to carry me (or anyone else) for "no good reason".other than a refusal to divulge information to which they are not entitled.  ? 


If they want to "spy" on everyone then, they should re-employ some of the many ex Stasi agents. :razz:


Maybe the police just want to get the bus companies to do their jobs for them.. ?


It's early and I'm still in "grouch" mode.  Now, where's my tea.  :cry:

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Thats interesting Watter, I was just caught the end of a bit on the bbc news where the chief constable for Devon and Cornwall just stated there are no road blocks in the United Kingdom.  Whilst I understand the police’s job isn’t an easy one just now, the things we need from our police just now is honesty, clarity and a sensible approach. Advise, educate and where need be fine and lockup those who continue to ignore  the current laws, but as this all moves so fast, let ensure the information being issued to the public is up to date and accurate.


personally, I have no issue with being stopped at a road block as long as the person doing it acts professionally. As for bus/taxi drivers or similar being asked to police us, I think this is the start of a dangerous road to go down where a minority might overstep their authority, which of course when challenged by a passenger, will no doubt result in the passenger being the one that’s arrested.


whilst we all need to buckle down and except we are in challenging times and this requires changes to our normal liberties, we also need to ensure that our liberties are not unnecessarily eroded and that these changes are removed as soon as possible, when it is safe to do so.

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Perhaps signs displayed at the bus stop and in the bus window asking you to consider if your journey is really necessary, would safe a lot of bother, after all if the person boarding the bus knows their journey isn’t necessary they are not going to admit it to the driver. All it will do is cause resentment and additional pressure on the drivers.

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If they want to "spy" on everyone then, they should re-employ some of the many ex Stasi agents. :razz:


They have been rehired/never stopped work in Germany but go under names like

Gesellschaft zur Rechtlichen und Humanitären Unterstützung (GRH)

(Society for Legal and Humanitarian Assistance)


and get jobs where they can implement their ideas such as companies and political parties


the lockdown powers are already a wet dream for existing authoritarians in government,

Easter eggs and buying thing online are the next thing they will want to crack down upon.

Edited by NullVoid
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When government's tried to leave it to the common sense of the individual to adhere to social distancing measures a very large number of people totally ignored them.

We all saw it with our own eyes.

Suppression of the virus now seems to be the global common goal, how do those who oppose the lockdown powers propose success in the achievement of that goal after seeing what was happening before they were brought in?

Edited by Capeesh
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And here's the other side of the coin. 



it’s sad to hear the numbers working on the front line who are affected by Coronavirus, some folk don’t get the option to sit at home and be safe. This helps clarify the reason why folk need to stay at home, not go out when it’s not necessary and adhere to the social distancing rules.  

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Whit a load of bruck ghostrider. I ken 8 o da folk dat hae or ir had it (including twaa relatives), and ken whaa a lot o da rest o dem ir. Joost because du doesna ken dir names doesna mak it some sort o conspiracy.


And as fur sayin da SNP fellow was a "willing and malleable patsy"... get a grip o desel.

Were all 8 fully tested and confirmed as definitely suffering from COVID-19?  Or were they among the apparent increasing numbers of 'vague' people (e.g. him/her it bides idda new hoose dey biggit oot by da knowe), who, according to the jungle drums have experienced 'flu types symptoms' and have contacted their Doc, the NHS, whatever asking to be tested. Only to be allegedly told something along the lines of, 'It sounds like COVID-19, so you probably have it. If you experience breathing difficulties at any time, get back in touch and we'll take a closer look then There's no need for a test unless that happens'.


Its winter, bad caulds and flu like type bugs are rife every winter..... *If* every one of those anybody contacts a Dr about is getting chalked up as a COVID-19 without testing, there's a very good chance there's a hell of a lot of false positives out there by now.


(** mod edit - comment removed **)

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