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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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Now we’re being asked to spy on our neighbours and challenge them about their movements rather than report them to the police. I would think that’s going to work out well. We already have one interfering sod living on our street who thinks he owns the place. Now he will think he has a licence to accost neighbours and act like the sherif in town.


Do the folk who come up with these ideas ever think them through





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Who was it that said "I am not my brother's keeper" and "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones" etc..........?


If I had such "intrusive" neighbours then, I would rudely tell them to *&^%  £"!


Fortunately, all my neighbours appear to be of the "sensible" variety.


Perhaps it is the underfunded and undermanned police state trying to get us to police ourselves.!

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Now we’re being asked to spy on our neighbours and challenge them about their movements rather than report them to the police. I would think that’s going to work out well. We already have one interfering sod living on our street who thinks he owns the place. Now he will think he has a licence to accost neighbours and act like the sherif in town.


Do the folk who come up with these ideas ever think them through





I'm gonna have to put in a big popcorn order with Tesco so that I have enough to sit back and watch all the fights.....


In a lot of ways it sounds like 'situation normal' in these parts, the only plus being that if the grasses are going to have the bottle to complain to your face, we'll know for sure who they are. Which makes a very welcome change from the norm of somebody whingeing anonymously just to stir the pot, the first you hear of it is when some twat in a suit knocks on the door or sends a letter, and then you have to play 'guess who's been the knut this week......'

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Now we’re being asked to spy on our neighbours and challenge them about their movements rather than report them to the police. I would think that’s going to work out well. We already have one interfering sod living on our street who thinks he owns the place. Now he will think he has a licence to accost neighbours and act like the sherif in town.


Do the folk who come up with these ideas ever think them through





I actually like this idea because THEN you learn exactly which twats are snitching on everyone.

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The government has had to be very simplistic in telling folk what to do, as unfortunately half the country appears to have no common sense. While it is common sense to go to the troots or da paet hill or go for more than one walk in a quiet country road, these people cannot actually work out the risks for themselves. Basically it is how the nazis and the stasis got people to do their bidding .

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The government has had to be very simplistic in telling folk what to do, as unfortunately half the country appears to have no common sense. While it is common sense to go to the troots or da paet hill or go for more than one walk in a quiet country road, these people cannot actually work out the risks for themselves. Basically it is how the nazis and the stasis got people to do their bidding .

People have different ideas on how it should be handled


There are Haves and Have Nots Those with and without.


Particularly Jobs and housing who has to lose in the situation and who has to gain.


Homeowners and the gainfully employed

Underemployed/unemployed and Renters.


If the plague was allowed to run its natural course the winners are the survivors previously Without/Have nots

If businesses are shut down and lives of the Haves are protected thus results in the livelihoods of the have nots being cut with very little effect on the Haves economically.


Lets be clear to have to deal with 2 consecutive recessions and housing costs due to NIMBY people refusing to allow new houses to be built near existing lots there is a ton of resentment brewing.


i personally believe in compromise get PPE manufactured locally get output to effective levels and end the lock-down ASAP

Above is a real advert



The fact of the matter is your body is most able to work when you are a young adult and this is WHEN you should be using that to provide for a family and or save for old age

2 consecutive recessions are squandering the opportunity for the upcoming generation to the point where people are beginning to genuinely want a mass death scenario to free up jobs and housing.


Do you have any idea what kind of politics THAT is going to create?

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This lurgi has clearly demonstrated one thing, the worrying number of sheep disguised in human clothing. Identifiable by their bleating of 'get with the man's program'.


aka. Never underestimate the depths of collective stupidity when fools collude.

Sut meiddiwch chi ddweud pethau o'r fath am bobl ddefaid!

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