NullVoid Posted April 15, 2020 Report Share Posted April 15, 2020 Leper.. Coronavirus Islands confirmed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted April 15, 2020 Report Share Posted April 15, 2020 I daresay it doesn't help provide clarity or a good example of what 'essential' is, when folk see SIC employees undertaking duties in public during the closedown that are very difficult to perceive as remotely essential. Environmental Health, according to the Council's blurb have closed their offices to the public and in effect are only venturing out concerning issues of food hygiene and vermin control, which is fair enough. Its hard to quibble that those aren't 'essential services'. Yet, a few days ago members of Enviornmental Health staff were observed out and about attending a vehicle in a carpark they suspected to be abandoned. It wasn't causing an obstruction of any kind, it was in complete and secure condition, so was posing no danger of producing flying debris, it wasn't leaking any fluids so wasn't posing a risk of environmental pollution. The carpark it was in is very seldom full, so capacity issues did not come in to it, not that they should have been an Environmental Health issue anyway. Were it not sitting there, if that space was used at all, and it seldom was before it was parked there, it would have been occupied by another vehicle of a similar type. So its beyond me why turning up getting on for an hour's drive out of the town during a closedown when most non-essential public services are closed, just to slap a 'Removal' sticker on it was 'essential' under any interpretation of the word. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted April 15, 2020 Report Share Posted April 15, 2020 What a bunch of whinging paranoid knuts!Just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 I daresay it doesn't help provide clarity or a good example of what 'essential' is, when folk see SIC employees undertaking duties in public during the closedown that are very difficult to perceive as remotely essential. Environmental Health, according to the Council's blurb have closed their offices to the public and in effect are only venturing out concerning issues of food hygiene and vermin control, which is fair enough. Its hard to quibble that those aren't 'essential services'. Yet, a few days ago members of Enviornmental Health staff were observed out and about attending a vehicle in a carpark they suspected to be abandoned. It wasn't causing an obstruction of any kind, it was in complete and secure condition, so was posing no danger of producing flying debris, it wasn't leaking any fluids so wasn't posing a risk of environmental pollution. The carpark it was in is very seldom full, so capacity issues did not come in to it, not that they should have been an Environmental Health issue anyway. Were it not sitting there, if that space was used at all, and it seldom was before it was parked there, it would have been occupied by another vehicle of a similar type. So its beyond me why turning up getting on for an hour's drive out of the town during a closedown when most non-essential public services are closed, just to slap a 'Removal' sticker on it was 'essential' under any interpretation of the word.Bet they were wearing "Hi Viz".. That would make it OK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NullVoid Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 Just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 There is a vehicle that has, effectively, been abandoned in Berry Road Scalloway and someone (presumably) from EH stuck a "Removal" sticker on it a few weeks ago. The sticker has since been removed. The vehicle is STILL there and has been there that long that dirt etc has accumulated under the wheels.It IS causing a hazard as it reduces an already narrow road to "single lane"It IS causing a hazard because it is alongside a very narrow pavement and is restricting access by pedestrians.Were it not sitting there, the bus service etc. might find it a little easier to use the road.It has been there that long that I doubt very much if it is still taxed or insured and I am surprised that the local "plod" has not taken an interest. A week or so back, an Emergency Vehicle (ambulance) had to park right opposite it to attend to a call out, and that completely blocked the road for almost an hour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwalker Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 What a bunch of whinging paranoid knuts!That contribution is as much use as me suggesting you’ve spelt nuts wrong Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George. Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 Westminster won't like it. They don't appear to like anybody north of their wee border being looked after. Firm at centre of PPE row says it WILL deliver to Scotland Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tarsus Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 I think Claadehol is a member of the establishment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claadehol Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 Well Tarsus I've seen a lot of changes in Shetland over the last 72 years, and not all for the better. I'm a long time member of the Shetland community, neither wealthy nor important, I just despair when I see all this police state nonsense printed on here. We had all sorts of rules and regulations forcibly imposed on us during the last war, these of course were abandoned as we celebrated coming through it. I see no reason why the same won't apply after this pandemic. We need to get on with life, and stop whingeing about loss of liberty, all you are being asked to do is sit on your ass for a while, not take part in battle. Try to control your vivid imagination where you see secret police lurking around every corner, and don't give possibly nosey neighbours any reason to consider reporting you because of your behaviour because you insist you know better ways to control this pandemic than anyone else. I don't have any problem with neighbours or the police because I can see good reasons for the measures taken and so I try to use common sense and avoid senseless confrontation. George also seems to worry unnecessarilly about this SNP fairy tale about the PPE equipment. This has been exposed as nonsense, but Nicola made the news headlines again, and all her worshippers will believe she has won another braveheart battle....Dear Lord save us! eenoo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tarsus Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 Claadehol. Now that was a sensible and better note than your last one but I am considerably older than you and have traveled extensively all over the world and have seen how when certain individuals are given a little bit of power misuse it so I can understand how some people are apprehensive. I also understand that certain rules have to be put in place and enforced but I heard today that someone was fined by the police for visiting the cake fridge on the Aith/Voe road. I think that if this is true it is no wonder that there is apprehension. one of the problems is the fact that we do not know what is true and what is not and just because the person saying it is in a position of authority does not make it true. We have all seen how our leaders have manipulated to their own advantage over the years. Suffererof1crankymofo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 Who was it that said "truth is the first casualty of war" ? Suffererof1crankymofo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 (edited) Governments are no wiser than anyone else, they just parrot whatever their 'advisors' advise them......and considering they hired said advisors in the first place, the chances of them being a well rounded, diverse and proportionally representative bunch is questionable to say the least. Add to that the political bias and practical constraints that are in imposition on any Government at any time also moulding the nature of the 'advice' they eventually issue to the public, and it becomes something that while it may well have its basis and core message as good, sound advice, the final draft we get to hear needs taking on board with liberal doses of salt. The core message behind all the waffle and verbal diarrhoea flying round of 'stay as far the hell away from other folk as is possible until this blows through' is hard to fault, its stood the test of time as good advice over and over again whenever 'suntin wis gyaan aboot' for god knows how far back..... Those hanging on to every last word and taking it all completely and totally literally, going around with tape measures making sure no two people are closer than 2 metres, or running a stopwatch to see if someone they see out for a walk is at it for more than 30 mins, or checking they only have one walk per day.......Are of the same mentality as those who believed our Government's WWI propaganda and set off for France etc in WW1 to 'sort out the Hun'. Most are there yet, and those who made it back to their dying day cursed the Government who conned them in to going there and for creating the carnage they faced. The advice of Government may well usually be fine and well, in general terms, but you need to read between the lines as well as the actual words, and temper it with both common sense and to best fit individual circumstance to be of any real and practical use. Taking it at literal face value and applying it as a 'one size fits all' nationwide, is the surest way to be rapidly heading up that that infamous creek, with every paddle store for 1000 miles locked up more securely than Fort Knox. Edited April 16, 2020 by Ghostrider Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George. Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 The unionist's show themselves for what they truly are. The most ridiculous Unionist responses to Scottish PPE scandal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwalker Posted April 16, 2020 Report Share Posted April 16, 2020 The unionist's show themselves for what they truly are. The most ridiculous Unionist responses to Scottish PPE scandalNow now George, now that the original story you posted has been proven not to be the fault of Westminster, lets find someone else, like the unionists to blame. Kinda sidelines the fact the the story was rubbish and Sturgeon took full advantage to score points. It must be Westminster’s fault, no it must be the Unionist’s fault. Deflect and blame others, doesn’t fool anyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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