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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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Exactly Tarsus, we don't know what is true and what isn't. We don't know the details of what happened at the cake fridge' if it was at the cake fridge. We don't know if the "criminals" involved just wanted to go for a spin somewhere because it was a nice day for a change, whether they just wanted to take the dog to a different locality so it could crap on someone elses land. We don't know what kind of attitude the police had to put up with, how confrontational the people involved, we know none of these things. We can't believe what we hear Tarsus! Your words not mine!

I know one thing! If I had to face some of the headcases the police had to deal with on a regular basis, I would be inclined to spray them or electrocute them as soon as they started getting aggressive. 

If you've travelled as much as you say you have, you should be thankful we have the police force we do have. Many other countries  are not so fortunate.

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Agree with a lot of what you say Claadehol, and we are very lucky in Shetland to have the police force we do. As far as I can tell our local force have handled a difficult, continuously developing situation extremely well and manage to get the message across without having to resort to heavy handed tactics. I’m surprised they have issued as few fines as they have, as we all know there are a lot of idiots around. Local policing at its best under difficult circumstances.


Unfortunately the same can’t be said for some forces on the mainland. You just need to go on YouTube to see the behaviour of some officers who seem to be poorly guided and informed, in people’s faces breaking the very social distance rules they are there to enforce. While there are plenty of clips where the public are clearly being idiots, there are many where the police have clearly got it very wrong.


We are in difficult times and it’s important that we all do our bit and follow the guidance to help make everyones job safer and easier, but, and this is where we may disagree, I feel we should respectfully question authority where it is inappropriate, unprofessionally delivered or unlawful. To just accept bad policing slowly widens a crack which becomes the norm. Take a look at American policing for example, unfortunately we often follow on from them. Luckily, in the main, we have a good system in the U.K. 


Edited by Windwalker
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Yes Windwalker I can also agree with you on some points here. But we can also go on youtube, or one of the police programmes to witness some of the witless drunken antics of the imbeciles the police have to deal with on a regular basis. 

The courts fail to back up the police, out of touch judges hand out ridiculous sentences to career criminals and the police have to spend the next weekend chasing the same ones. 

The police have to battle every weekend on the mainland with drunken idiots who have no respect for the police or anyone else for that matter. The police get sworn at, spat at, and many times physically attacked by these idiots. The courts let them out again.

Is it any wonder there are police out there who are severely cheesed off with the whole system.

Is it any wonder they get confused and disillusioned with their lot when the orders they are given can alter at a minutes notice because the politicians and the medical experts have got their facts wrong.

Is it any wonder with the abuse and endless criticism they get when doing a thankless job, that they look many times at the public with a jaundiced eye.

We would be certainly be in some mess without them.

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The role of the Police is to question if members of the public are adhering to the rules of society when they are in society, and bring rule breakers to account when there is evidence they have done so.


In return society, either collectively or individually is entitled to question if members of the Police are also adhering to the rules placed upon them by society when undertaking their appointed role, and bring to account any who fall short when there is evidence they have done so.


This is the only way the system can work seamlessly and sustainably.


Yes, it could very easily be argued that the people who enact the rules by which society and the Police are to operate have created a situation whereby the idiots and imbeciles within society have an unfair advantage over everyone else, and I can appreciate that such a situation makes for a very messy, frustrating and apparently thankless job for the Police.


However, society allowing the Police, or at least turning a blind eye,  when they bend the rules themselves, just because they're having a hard time in other aspects of their role, is not acceptable.


Two wrongs do not make a right.....Avoiding descending to your opponents level when they are clearly the one in the wrong, moral high ground and all that etc......


If the Police, as they appear to be, are feeling abused and put in a 'no win' situation by the rules they're supposed to enforce and to abide by, at no time is it more important for them to be seen and proven to be whiter than white.


If they choose to start to try and do something about feeling they've been placed in an impossible situation, and can present themselves unshakably as a by every rule book that has been written, straight down the middle outfit, they have best chance of eliciting public and political sympathy and support. However, every example of questionable or dubious decisions or actions undertaken by the Police simply muddies the waters until folk start writing them off as 'as bad as those they're trying to catch' and nothing changes.


I don't doubt that the Police often see criticism as un-necessary nit picking, and some of it at least, nit-picking for the sake of it, and that may well be so from some, but not all of it by a long shot.


The Police are an unfortunate and regrettable necessity, a place that had no need for them would be so much better, but folk simply won't behave themselves, that much is proven well beyond doubt. So they're here......


Reasonable people want and need a Police force they can feel they have absolute trust and faith in, and that involves one that adheres strictly to the rule book at all times, and operates consistently across the board. The level of hypocrisy created when the Police bend/break certain rules in the name of enforcing others, for many is deeply enough concerning that their trust and faith in them are significantly rattled.


Any resulting criticism is neither nit picking nor un-necessary, it is those people voicing their concerns that they have become aware of something which has dented their trust and faith in the Police, and they are seeking an explanation or other reassurance to rebuild that lost trust and faith.


Unfortunately explanations/reassurances are very seldom forthcoming from any 'incident' of any kind, and many find their trust and faith in the Police being slowly eroded over time as incident after incident occurs as time passes, just like water dripping on a stone.

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Yes Windwalker I can also agree with you on some points here. But we can also go on youtube, or one of the police programmes to witness some of the witless drunken antics of the imbeciles the police have to deal with on a regular basis. 

The courts fail to back up the police, out of touch judges hand out ridiculous sentences to career criminals and the police have to spend the next weekend chasing the same ones. 

The police have to battle every weekend on the mainland with drunken idiots who have no respect for the police or anyone else for that matter. The police get sworn at, spat at, and many times physically attacked by these idiots. The courts let them out again.

Is it any wonder there are police out there who are severely cheesed off with the whole system.

Is it any wonder they get confused and disillusioned with their lot when the orders they are given can alter at a minutes notice because the politicians and the medical experts have got their facts wrong.

Is it any wonder with the abuse and endless criticism they get when doing a thankless job, that they look many times at the public with a jaundiced eye.

We would be certainly be in some mess without them.

You are saying all that as if you think I don’t agree. I fully agree that the job of the police is a difficult one and certainly not one that I would have wanted, particularly with the complexities they face on a daily basis. Gone are the “good old days” where the local bobby would give you a slap on the lug, take you home just to get another slap on the lug from your mother.


I clearly in my last post mentioned YouTube clips of idiots, which you seemed not to have read.


You seem to be suggesting that, because their job is a difficult one, we should not hold them accountable when they get it very wrong. This is a recipe for disaster. 


I for one, am grateful that we have a good team of officers in Shetland and will give them my praise and support for the great job they do, but I would not think twice in challenging something that wasn’t right, just the same as I would challenge exceptionally poor service in a shop. To be clear, I have never made any formal challenge or complain to police, I think they do a great job. Just because I reserve the right to challenge them doesn’t make me anti them, more so, it proves how much I care that they continue to do their very difficult job professionally. 


We have the luxury of a well led force here in Shetland, but it’s not the same everywhere. I have a friend in London, who is very hard working, professional and successful, never been in trouble in his life, well off, runs his own large business, drives expensive cars etc. His view of the police is very different to mine. He has been pulled over numerous time and been treated like he must have stollen the car, he’s been dragged out of the car for daring to ask a question, he was accused of being a drug dealer, because he’s driving an expensive car. he’s been stopped and searched on the street more times than he can remember and treated as if he has to be guilty of something. These are his words not mine. Of course he is black and as he puts it, it’s just become the norm. 


I suggested he move to Shetland as this would not happen here, of course he can’t, as his business is in London, but it proves the point that our police like all other people in authority have to be held accountable, just the same as you and me must, as we go about our daily lives.


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Well ghostrider you make sensible and common sense points. However, there are those in every job and career you can imagine, who, by their very attitude, qualification or intellect, have no right to be there. Alas, we do not live in a perfect world and the police service like any other career has its problems both in practice and in leadership. We just hope the government of the time can keep control measures in place to rein in those who act against the public interest.

Windwalker has stepped into the racial side of this I see and that subject causes more problems. Police picking on people because of their colour is obviously wrong but we need to get both sides of every story. The majority of gangland feuds in London are among the young black males, that is a fact. Most stabbings are black males stabbing other black males, and involve the massive drug problem.

The police know this, and as a result tend to stop and search young black males, and guilty ones are not above playing the race card. This stop and search bias may cause friction but it is understandable.

There doesn't seem to be the same gang problems like this with other races, though they have also certainly been exploited in the past. Why is this? Many of the other races have achieved great wealth in UK business ventures.

I think I may have opened a can of worms here, and in this politically correct world we have to be very careful about what we say. However, there are things that are deliberately under reported for this reason and it's about time we were actually allowed to be told exactly what is happening in our UK cities.

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Windwalker has stepped into the racial side of this I see and that subject causes more problems. Police picking on people because of their colour is obviously wrong but we need to get both sides of every story. The majority of gangland feuds in London are among the young black males, that is a fact. Most stabbings are black males stabbing other black males, and involve the massive drug problem.


Drug problem?

The Legal highs thingy was a promising solution Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 was a mistake.

The scope of the law should have been simply to ban the Nontoxic kinds to ensure more stoners used the poisonous varieties and the drug problem would solve itself.


For context people were buying some drug pretending to be plant food over the counter prior to Psychoactive Substances Act 2016



I think I may have opened a can of worms here, and in this politically correct world we have to be very careful about what we say. However, there are things that are deliberately under reported for this reason and it's about time we were actually allowed to be told exactly what is happening in our UK cities.

Who is Your/Our?


A full tower block can burn down with the residents inside there and yet have no British or European occupants besides 2 Italian residents harmed


To answer your question

Oligarchy + Communalism

Mass immigration brings labor costs down and housing costs up reduces upward mobility and can increase corporate profits and Communalism is beneficial to the oligarchy

Oligarchy Communalism


Politicians and their controlled media say "Diversity is our strength"

Diversity is [Politician's and their controlled medias] strength



Communalism is a term used in South Asia to denote attempts to construct religious or ethnic identity, incite strife between people identified as different communities, and to stimulate communal violence between those groups.

It derives from history, differences in beliefs, and tensions between the communities.

The term communalism was constructed by the British colonial authorities as it wrestled to manage violence between religious, ethnic and disparate groups in its colonies, particularly Africa and South Asia, in early 20th century.


Notice the linguistic use of

"the BLACK community"

"the ASIAN community"

"the CHINESE community"

"the [notably absent group] community"

"the TRANSSEXUAL community"

"the LGBTP community"

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The media has switched tactics to some extent but will snap back ASAP


If you remember the fruit pickers "Land army" which has been slow to process applications but quick to import people.

now they were saying that they couldn't find anybody and are now saying

"If anything we’ve been overwhelmed with offers of help"


For anyone interested in the mystery of why they did not get 100% acceptance of their job offers after the minuscule amount of video interviews they did.


the reality of applying for jobs in the UK during 21st century is that you apply for multiple jobs at the same time because on average the employer gets multiple applications,
because the employer can only take on 1 person per interview slot you simply will not find a job applying for 1 at a time.

if you apply for 20 - 60 jobs you might get 0 - 9 responses so if you get a successful job interview you may turn down any job offer you get after the fact because you already landed one.


Its not legal to move house yet and more people who lost their livelihood by the Governments response to the plague live in urban areas.


The fruit picking/recruitment companies also circumnavigate minimum wage law by paying employees outside the UK and Charging for room and board that people already living in the UK would not need.


We have lots of people who are now going to be unemployed due to the governments responce to this plauge.

Butn if the flow of cheap labor could be halted it would force employers to compete for workers and as a result improve wages and actually provide secure contracts and we wouldn't have nearly as many people out of work when this is over.



Sharp rise in unemployment
2020 stock market crash
Collapse of the tourism industry
Collapse of the hospitality industry
Collapse of the price of oil
Destabilization and collapse of the energy industry
Increase in government debt
Major downturn in consumerism


The last thing we need is more people to add to the fire


And to the Useful idiot who is going to say "DAS RACIS" the Romanians are whiter than i am its the sheer number of people that concerns me especially when everybody is getting laid off and our economy is going up in flames AGAIN!

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Following the example of other countries who seem to be more successful than ours at dealing with this crisis it looks like the best strategy for minimising the toll is mass testing/tracing/quarantining the people with the virus and those who have been in contact with them.

You would think with our unique position as being an island with a realtively low population, having a large number of cases (relatively) and a community willing to help, Shetland would be the ideal testbed for an exit strategy.

Bit tongue and cheek, but could they not just test the entire population of Shetland on week 1 quarantine/trace contacts and then again on week 3 and thereafter test anyone coming in?

Virus free in a month for 46,000 tests + the tests for those who come and go until a vaccine is widely available.

Edited by Capeesh
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