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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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Bit tongue and cheek, but could they not just test the entire population of Shetland on week 1 quarantine/trace contacts and then again on week 3 and thereafter test anyone coming in?

Virus free in a month for 46,000 tests + the tests for those who come and go until a vaccine is widely available.


If they did that they could get local industry going again in parts of the UK sooner,

If they keep the economic engine stalled for longer the mega banks can make profits from loans.

Extra large to mega businesses can lose more of that pesky competition from bankrupted small to medium competitors.


Again why would they want to speed things up?

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I feel I have to add to your story here George. 

Ever since we joined Europe in the 70s employers have gradually abandoned the whole apprenticeship thing.

It was cheaper just to ship in people from among our European friends as and when required.

That has helped the wages bill to stay as low as possible and explains why we are so sort of skilled people of our own,

Including the NHS.

However I have to say I have had experience of trying to bring people of UK origin into the ranks of the workers. I have witnessed many failures as those who have been happy to rely on state handouts couldn't be bothered to show up for work.

As soon as the company employed Hungarians it was found they actually wanted to turn up, on time, and were eager to work overtime as required.

No contest there as far as I'm concerned.

Now those who didn't want to work in the first place are whingeing. I do not believe these people would last a day picking fruit. 

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I still cannot understand how we can allow all those willing workers into the UK just now when we are under strict instructions to stay at home,with exemptions only for some exercise and shopping,keeping at least 2 meters  apart  


Are we to conclude that those Romanians are virus free and also expendable..


Would we be free to go to Romania just now, still I look forward to my summer salads and wish them all good pickings.

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The food industry is essential, and as the Brits won’t work, then they have to bring in foreign labour.

Bloody foreigners not coming over here and doing the dirty work for us!

I think they should send any people not in essential jobs to work on the farms, for nowt.

That’s what we need now. Conscription!


It looks like leaving the EU is not going to mean less foreign workers.

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Its not legal to move house yet ...




In Scotland, you can still move house if you haven't been able to negotiate new dates.


In England, you can move house if you are moving into a new build; if you're in a chain and new dates can't be negotiated, you can still move.


In England, viewings by those interested in buying are not permitted but surveyors are allowed to conduct urgent surveys with certain measures in place.  Not sure what it is in Scotland as per usual, Scot.Gov. website isn't as easy to navigate as Gov.uk.


This is what bugs me, is the amount of people who assume certain work isn't permitted when it is, such as landscaping, gardening, etc.




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I feel I have to add to your story here George. 

Ever since we joined Europe in the 70s employers have gradually abandoned the whole apprenticeship thing.


I have witnessed many failures as those who have been happy to rely on state handouts couldn't be bothered to show up for work.

There were tonnes of strikes in the 70s but strikes today from the same demographics would not take place because of how easy it would be to replace the workers.


as for being happy to rely on state handouts yeah there will be more of those and those kind of people have larger than average families so expect their ranks to swell until a collapse levels things out,

the government is very rich so don't expect them to run out of money to give to those people soon.

and if the dole is going to pay more than work offered don't be surprised by what choice they make.


as for the lions share of the other type of people they have been fed the lie that they are going to get a skilled job after going to university so consequently they have unrealistic expectations and still think any day now they will get something that made the student loan debt worthwhile.


the best thing to do is to remove the requirement to "look for work" for people on welfare so that people genuinely looking for work don't have to get in line behind them.


I have too much savings to qualify for UC so if i wasn't working right now or getting furlough cash i would just be losing savings

human nature is always the same the environment changes from place to place, decade to decade



Now those who didn't want to work in the first place are whingeing. I do not believe these people would last a day picking fruit. 

it depends most of the local workers maybe but people who are living in turdholes parts of the that get burgled every week might if given the opportunity to move people want out of those places,

it can cost quite a lot to do that though and most of the working age population has less than £1000 in savings so only a minority of them Can and i can tell you from experience it cost more than £1K to move to where i live now from where i lived before transport and the deposit for the place to stay alone exceed that amount



retirees and those gainfully employed have savings but not so much the types who would move for work

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Its not legal to move house yet ...




In Scotland, you can still move house if you haven't been able to negotiate new dates.


In England, you can move house if you are moving into a new build; if you're in a chain and new dates can't be negotiated, you can still move.


In England, viewings by those interested in buying are not permitted but surveyors are allowed to conduct urgent surveys with certain measures in place.  Not sure what it is in Scotland as per usual, Scot.Gov. website isn't as easy to navigate as Gov.uk.


This is what bugs me, is the amount of people who assume certain work isn't permitted when it is, such as landscaping, gardening, etc.


Still seems like you would have had to have gotten the ball rolling before the plague lockdown for such a move to take place.

so just if you are sealing the deal


there is too much ambiguity with the laws,

Ambiguity should benefit the defendant in the case where the legality is unknown however the prosecution has been given the benefit of the doubt.


This means the police can chase after Easter eggs, wine and crisps until they get public ridicule and the politicians tell them to cut it out thereby clarifying this publicly.


the law say "nonessential travel" so going to buy nonessential items while "Shopping" which is explicitly permitted is a grey area

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Bit tongue and cheek, but could they not just test the entire population of Shetland on week 1 quarantine/trace contacts and then again on week 3 and thereafter test anyone coming in?

Virus free in a month for 46,000 tests + the tests for those who come and go until a vaccine is widely available.

Not quite that simple longer term when a person can be infected and transmitting the virus without having a clue that they are, and the tests currently available.


Say you test the entire population (we'll leave out the debate at this stage on whether or not a government has the 'right' to make such testing compulsory, and the side debate of what happens from an infection POV *if* some people refuse to take the test.......) and we're all found to be Corona free.......


Testing people entering the isles won't work on its own, you'd need to test them, quarantine them at the point of entry, and keep them in what would effectively be solitary confinement for three weeks and see if they stayed healthy and cleared the test again at the end of that time before being able to safely 'release' the in to the general population. Otherwise, all it takes is one person clearing the test as they come in, developing it in a very mild symptom version a day or two later, and thinking they're just gotten a mild cold or something, but end up infecting who knows how many, yet still be able to clear the follow up test at the 3 weeks end as the current tests allegedly can only detect the virus while its still active in a host, not the anti-bodies or whatever previous sufferers have developed as a result of having had it but recovered from it.


While quarantining everybody coming in for 3 weeks might be difficult, its probably do-able with adequate resources thrown at it. What might well be a whole lot more difficult to manage is what to do with our ports etc. Our various ports, harbours and airports host visitprs daily whose last landfall has been various foreign locations around the globe, while you can demand that the vast majority of those aboard remain there for the duration, by the very nature of such things local personnel have to board and engage with some of those onboard, and on occasion some of those onboard must come ashore. Certain aspects of such things are largely out of the control of even the UK Government, international agreements supercede national governments for many aviation and nautical situations.


While being an island gives us an advantage of being able to very easily control in/out movement of residents and the inward movement of visitors, it places us in a position where we are far more vulnerable from those passing through as part of their business and those who cast up here unplanned due to some emergency or other.


Do we place all harbour pilots in permanent quarantine for the duration, or do we ban vessels over a set tonnage from Shetland ports for the duration. You have to have one or the other to maintain an effective barrier against the virus. Do we place all Customs staff in permanent quarantine as well, or do we ban all non-EU vessels for the duration. Again, its got to be one or the other to maintain an effective barrier.


The former in both cases would almost certainly be perceived as cruel and un-natural by the staff involved and their families, and the latter would close Sullom and make Lerwick Harbour a mere shadow of itself.


Then you still have to have something in place to cover the eventuality of Lifeboat crew, SAR crew, Police etc who may have to board any passing vessel from anywhere at any time that might have anything on board on humanitarian grounds.

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On a lighter note re the coronavirus lockdown I am wondering if isolation rules could be relaxed a little regarding trout fishermen, and if there is a possibility we could be considered a special case.


We belong to a certain sector of society whose mental health is often considered in serious doubt. Some of us are already borderline cases as can be ascertained by our obsessive manic pursuit of the elusive trout.


Anyone who has seen us at the start of the trout season, up to our oxters in the middle of a freezing loch with hailstones bouncing off our heads, will bear witness to our mental instability.


Sudden withdrawal of this pastime, though of little consequence to many, can well be enough for some, already teetering on the verge of insanity, to be tipped over the edge.


Now the last thing we need in the middle of a pandemic, is further pressure on our wonderful and overloaded NHS.


Therefore, we can't at this time have our paramedics, nurses, doctors and ambulances tied up with collecting and comforting rabid, foaming at the mouth anglers, fitting them with canvas jackets with wraparound arms, and shipping them to the screw factory to be rethreaded.


Wouldn't it make sense to allow us, as a unique and vulnerable group, to self isolate at remote Shetland lochs, in the hills where there are no gates to contaminate.


I can guarantee there will be considerably more than the recommended two metre distancing between anglers, even if they should wind up at the same loch.


Even in normal times any angler encroaching on another's territory is likely to be met with a colourful volley of abuse.


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^^^No denying Boris and his government are incompetent morons, nearly as bad as Trump and his lot across the pond.

Let this sink in for their supporters in the press and elsewhere in the country... Staggeringly and tragically, thanks to their complete incompetence, 10% of the worldwide total for recorded coronavirus deaths are from the UK and this is with months of warning, absolutely indefensible.

The Scottish government won't come out of this smelling of roses either, slavishly following fools is just as bad, if not worse, than being ones yourselves.

Edited by Capeesh
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^^^No denying Boris and his government are incompetent morons, nearly as bad as Trump and his lot across the pond.

Let this sink in for their supporters in the press and elsewhere in the country... Staggeringly and tragically, thanks to their complete incompetence, 10% of the worldwide total for recorded coronavirus deaths are from the UK and this is with months of warning, absolutely indefensible.

The Scottish government won't come out of this smelling of roses either, slavishly following fools is just as bad, if not worse, than being ones your yourselves.


Sweden is still going for heard imunity




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