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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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^^^No denying Boris and his government are incompetent morons, nearly as bad as Trump and his lot across the pond.

Let this sink in for their supporters in the press and elsewhere in the country... Staggeringly and tragically, thanks to their complete incompetence, 10% of the worldwide total for recorded coronavirus deaths are from the UK and this is with months of warning, absolutely indefensible.

The Scottish government won't come out of this smelling of roses either, slavishly following fools is just as bad, if not worse, than being ones your yourselves.



Sweden is still going for heard imunity

^^^...and are suffering from a death toll far exceeding their nearest neighbours. Edited by Capeesh
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Never mind. I'm sure it would all have been wonderful if we'd had the good sense to have let Commie Corbyn and Deranged Diane Abbot take care of everything. :roll:


When folk are dying en masse from some previously unheard of smittin lurgi the Medics know nothing about, political (re)action is a bit of a moot subject. It wouldn't matter who was running the show, the deaths would have been their fault for doing/not doing something different.


The only happy people just now are the owners of Undertaking businesses, everybody else needs someone to blame, and as a lot of bucks stop with the Government of the moment, its them.

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^^^No denying Boris and his government are incompetent morons, nearly as bad as Trump and his lot across the pond.

Let this sink in for their supporters in the press and elsewhere in the country... Staggeringly and tragically, thanks to their complete incompetence, 10% of the worldwide total for recorded coronavirus deaths are from the UK and this is with months of warning, absolutely indefensible.

The Scottish government won't come out of this smelling of roses either, slavishly following fools is just as bad, if not worse, than being ones your yourselves.


Sweden is still going for heard imunity

^^^...and are suffering from a death toll far exceeding their nearest neighbours.


At the moment.


Tallies mean nothing until the fat lady sings.

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Never mind. I'm sure it would all have been wonderful if we'd had the good sense to have let Commie Corbyn and Deranged Diane Abbot take care of everything. :roll

I'm by no means a Labour voter or a socialist but I do find it amusing the amount of times the sacred free market needs bailed out by the state, this pandemic has proven it yet again, the state's even paying most of the country's wages.

We've got Captain Tom doing laps of his house on a zimmer at 100 years old to raise money for the underfunded state run NHS, but when you try and find a few billionaires to help out by paying their share, they all seem to be hard to find.

Edited by Capeesh
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Sweden is still going for heard imunity

^^^...and are suffering from a death toll far exceeding their nearest neighbours.

At the moment.


Tallies mean nothing until the fat lady sings.

It's going to be interesting to see the social and economic reshuffling thereafter.


As the plague removes people of all stripes those in the middle or higher in the pecking order in death bequeathed to their successors and this continues down the chain


As the door is slammed shut for the grand finale of some the door is opened for others.


The competitiveness of merchants, labourers and farmers who found themselves with more land than they could work in the aftermath of the bubonic plague is viewed as a driving force behind the Renaissance to some historians.


Interesting times ahead

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Never mind. I'm sure it would all have been wonderful if we'd had the good sense to have let Commie Corbyn and Deranged Diane Abbot take care of everything. :roll

I'm by no means a Labour voter or a socialist but I do find it amusing the amount of times the sacred free market needs bailed out by the state, this pandemic has proven it yet again, the state's even paying most of the country's wages.

We've got Captain Tom doing laps of his house on a zimmer at 100 years old to raise money for the underfunded state run NHS, but when you try and find a few billionaires to help out by paying their share, they all seem to be hard to find.


Had this country had the balls to go through with the herd immunity approach they briefly started out with, and some other countries have stuck with, paying folk's wages wouldn't be necessary. Its the curtailing of the free market by an arguably pointless closedown that's necessitated this bail out. Their actions caused it, so its only fair they fix it......


I'm no more a right winger than a left winger, both camps have their good points, but both have their bad as well. It just dumbfounds me that the current right wing government have taken the approach they have, far better IMHO had they run with social distancing only and let trade and industry continue as near to normal as possible. They could have thrown the same money at the NHS as they're throwing a peoples' lost wages just now, and more, as they'd have had the normal income coming in from taxation. Almost certainly a far wiser and worthwhile exercise in the end.


I shan't argue over the Billionaires...... A little benevolence now which they wouldn't miss would go a long way in PR for themselves in the future. But then again, for the most part they didn't become Billionaires without keeping every penny prisoner, and they know that broadly speaking the vast majority of the masses will soon forget even if they don't forgive, its only a very small minority who won't forget and boycott them, so it all works out fine for them in the end regardless. Unless they pick up Corona themselves of course, for which they probably have a higher risk than most, given the un-necessarily lavish travelling and entertaining lifestyle most of them choose.

Edited by Ghostrider
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The "wealthy" don't leave anything when they die.  It has to be taken from them.  :ponders:


Interesting times coming ? maybe but, I just see "more of the same"


We are "trapped in a loop" and will not get out of it without a fight. :roll:

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^ As I've said before, medicine has been messin' with the mechanics of herd immunity now for quite a while, so it shouldn't come as a big surprise to anyone that nature will retaliate. Nature does not view the 'life' that is the virus to be any more/less 'important' than the 'life' that is the human, each has a fair crack of the whip in the domain they inhabit.


We've been kickin the ass of viruses with our meds, at some point nature will/is gonna say, 'Ey, oop! Time to reset the balance here.......". Maybe that is the 'something' 'they' fear they're facing.


We've been increasing human life expectancy significantly for many decades, that cannot last indefinitely, its gotta peak someplace, as it relies mostly on stopping people dying at a younger age from whatever they have or catch, rather than slowing the ageing process and getting or catching things.


In other words, a far higher percentage of the population now live on far longer with either health conditions or in a frail state than did previously, and it should be no surprise that when something does come through that medicine is impotent against, there is a significant cull.


Yes, its sad when somebody dies, yes, its a sad time for their families and friends, but its the natural way of things and had the people involved been born even no more than 40-50 years earlier they've have had to deal with it when the deceased person was at a younger age as medicine back then wouldn't have been able to keep them alive as long as it did today. They've had those extra months, years whatever of life as a bonus due to modern medicine, can't folk be content with that gain and accept the inevitable.


A cursory glance over the currently publically available data shows that of the deaths in Shetland within the last month, 33% were aged 90 or above.......

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The "wealthy" don't leave anything when they die.  It has to be taken from them.  :ponders:


Interesting times coming ? maybe but, I just see "more of the same"


We are "trapped in a loop" and will not get out of it without a fight. :roll:


Death forces bequeathment the contracts of the dead can only be enforced by the living.


The fact that the UK government is willing to shut down the bread and circuses AND livelihoods indicates that they are being less careful or are being too careful and just testing the waters.

 If the people of the UK weren’t gigantic wimps when it comes to dealing with authorities and anyone who takes the piss something in the way of reform might actually happen


all this suppression of crime, at some point it will be ‘released’.


There are going to be people who are out of work, businesses that have not been able to sustain themselves, and the impact on society will start to come through.’

‘My worry is that there will be a whole load of societal impacts from what we have gone through over those months.

‘Those consequences could be a more volatile and agitated society.

‘The suppression at the moment is clearly done for the right reasons to stop the spread of the disease, but there may be impacts for individual mental health and what then will that mean?

‘We’ve got to try and think through the consequences of these actions, and what are the unintended consequences.’






Generally speaking, "herd immunity" seems to work with every other type of virus we encounter but, my guess is that there is "something" about this one that has got them running scared. 

The X-5 Unit?



The UK went full Venezuela at the drop of a hat! hence the lack of toilet paper.


Here's the problem with China "stealing our industry"

Try buying products from overseas on perhaps eBay for example


Import duties and P&P from China Free

Import duties form Mexico or the United states or India expensive Postage and tax

cost of exporting from the UK you pay taxes or your customer does


notice anything?

free trade for them but not for you!


Import from china you need to buy massive things before the even bother to try taxing you buy something elsewhere and the post office holds onto it so you can pay a handling charge and whatever tax the SELLER overlooked.

Politicians have made them more competitive than other countries and bankrolled them.


and if you think cheap labor is a good thing look at the industrial revolution all that machinery was built because Labor cost was high and the industrialists wanted more bang for their buck.


Would it have been so terrible if industry stayed in the Occident and automation/mechanization picked up the slack?

the masks and PPE are produced by automated machinery imagine what would happen if the mask factories were in Glasgow, Blackburn or even just another European country!


houses in the UK are now almost exclusively bought by foreign investors or old money but just 1 generation prior UK younger families were the largest buyers (New money)



Why don't people ask why the hell the NHS isn't making its own masks and gowns instead of asking about the shipment of PPE?


Look at how much money is leaving the country compared with what would circulate in the local economy in the past

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