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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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Just kill off the ecenomicaly vulnerable to protect the physically vulnerable.


That is the choice that has been made for us.




“If we don’t prepare and act now – to secure access, avoid funding shortfalls and disruptions to trade – we could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months

in most countries cited by WFP the food crisis is the result of conflict, but it is said lockdowns and the hit to business are likely to slash the incomes of the working poor.

Edited by NullVoid
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Depending on where you get the figures the average deaths from flu in the UK is around 16000, thats with a reasonable uptake of the annual flu jab by people eligible to get it. Mainly affects the elderly and those with existing medical problems.


On the news yesterday some ‘experts’ were suggesting that the number of Coronavirus related deaths issued by the government, which are basically only those who died in hospital, around 19000, are way under estimated and they believe the real numbers are nearer 41000. considerably higher than the flu. What would these numbers be if we weren’t in lockdown and keep in mind young, ‘otherwise healthy’ folk are dying from this.

Having lost a friend from this horrible virus, I am aware of the hurt the loss causes to close family and friends. My friend was elderly and it becomes easier to deal with. My heart goes out to those who lose otherwise fit young people and in some cases children from this.


The idea of let’s get back to normal and take our chances may be fine for some folk, but I would imagine the majority of folk would not want to take that 1 in 10 risk with their family members and children.


I agree, it’s unlikely we can continue with the current lock down indefinitely and our businesses are suffering, but this will take a bit of time to work out the best and safest way forward. I would think things will change in the foreseeable, where more movement will happen with folk having to wear masks. The reason this isn’t happening now, is masks are scarce and must be kept for our front line workers.


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This Just in: Scottish exit strategy

youtube.com/ watch?v=teLTZTzADKA

Can somebody post an uber brief overview.....I can't listen to this wife for over two minutes.


I tried, but two words in and I had to mute her.



Thats why there is the lass with the sigh language!




1. 7th May Before we even see anything tried


2. Options for varying the restrictions include full and partial lifting of existing measures. the possibility of re-applying or strengthening current lockdown still there.



3. approaches for Scotland are likely to involve some combination of the following key measures:


    Innovative approaches to maintain and enhance physical distancing

    Continued focus on strong hygiene practices

    Active surveillance

    High public community awareness of symptoms and prompt action in response

    Active surveillance

    Active surveillance

    Case finding, contact tracing and quarantining

    Shielding of clinically at risk groups


4: My guess is people not working at home are supposed to have differential starting times to spread traffic throughout the day, read this on another document.


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^ Winging it, and making it up as they go along, just like the rest of us.


Meanwhile, they're ignoring the elephant in the room, we're over four weeks in to their 'lockdown' for a virus that is supposed to have a typical incubation period of 2-14 days and maximum of 21 to possibly 27 days, and new cases still continue largely apace......


Do the math, even using a conservative average 10 days incubation, and tell me how this policy is supposedly 'working'.


22nd March > 1st April > 11th April > 21st April........Hmmm.


Edited by Ghostrider
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Lockdown was never intended to protect the population.  It was (as they keep telling us) to "protect the NHS" and prevent it being overwhelmed.

It was also (I believe) intended to buy some time in the search for a "cure".

This is a bit hard to swallow from a bunch of "hoorays" who have done everything possible to undermine the NHS every time they get elected.

Truth is that there is (presently) no "cure" and, once the virus is "in" we are stuffed.  Eventually, the majority will become infected.  Some will just brush it off, others will succumb to it's effects.

More to the point, if a "cure" is eventually discovered, the general population will be the last to recieve it.  I would guess that the 1st to be innoculated would be our "rulers" and their support (police, army etc) so that they can continue to maintain "social order" and suppress the "masses".

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^ I'm all for our 'rulers' and their support staff getting any 'cure' first.


Rather them than me be the guinea pigs for big Pharma's latest cobbled together in a hurry money maker concoction.


I'll take the less than 1 in 10 chance of Corona killing me than the, or so I'm told, 1 in 2 chance of a side effect from a licensed pharmaceutical. Had more than a gutful of those already in this life.

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I'm inclined to agree with you.  In fact, the only entity that will benefit from this whole episode will be "big pharma".  They are already upping the prices of common (and previously cheap) medicines.  Apparently, the anti-malarial drug (can never remeber it's name) has gone from £2 to over £34 in the last couple of weeks. 

Thank you Mr Trump for that one.

Also, after suggesting that we should be innoculated with disinfectant, should he now be referred to a "Harpic" as he appears to be "clean round the bend".  :ponders:

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I'm inclined to agree with you.  In fact, the only entity that will benefit from this whole episode will be "big pharma".  They are already upping the prices of common (and previously cheap) medicines.  Apparently, the anti-malarial drug (can never remeber it's name) has gone from £2 to over £34 in the last couple of weeks. 

Thank you Mr Trump for that one.

Also, after suggesting that we should be innoculated with disinfectant, should he now be referred to a "Harpic" as he appears to be "clean round the bend".  :ponders:


The great cleansing is upon us.


It has not been enough to have 99.9% of bacteria slain,


Even if it means total annihilation of every Man, Woman, Child, Animal, Plant or microbial life form!

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