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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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Therefore I conclude the vaccine should be remain optional and require consent because forcing it will arouse suspicion and if there is a substantive cohort of the population who will not take it willingly what does that indicate?


It would indicate that a scary amount of people chose to ignore scientific fact, the reality of life around them and plain old common sense, choosing to believe random hellery on youtube instead.

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Therefore I conclude the vaccine should be remain optional and require consent because forcing it will arouse suspicion and if there is a substantive cohort of the population who will not take it willingly what does that indicate?


It would indicate that a scary amount of people chose to ignore scientific fact, the reality of life around them and plain old common sense, choosing to believe random hellery on youtube instead.


Seems like lots of these vaccine boycotts happen in some areas more than others maybe there is something in the zeitgeist of each area.


This is a subject that would be hard to survey because anyone conducting such a study probably started with their conclusion and selected who would participate based on their own confirmation bias.

how many believe vaccines work but have such a distrust of the authorities they suspect malice and how many for the more stereotypical reasons.

its a moot point about random hellery on youtube because both get most info from the internet anyway too many on both sides of the debate read the headline and not the article.


Did you get your scientific fact from looking at the data weigh up results from sources you have personally verified and known to be trustworthy and asses the data based on your own knowledge of the subject matter,

Or did you just take the word of a media reports of a trusted source on what authoritative sources have concluded?


It is also easy to take for granted that the authorities here are held in higher esteem than other parts of the country,

Compared with the type of communities where even law abiding people with clean records hate the police.


Which situation is likely to foster a reputation of a good caring government and what type of communities view the government as little more than bandits and robber barons?

Thus who will trust and who will not?


Richer areas tend to have longer life expediencies and poorer ares tend to have more illness based on neglect/despair and depression so they get sick more often and die younger.

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its a moot point about random hellery on youtube because both get most info from the internet anyway too many on both sides of the debate read the headline and not the article.

You mean just like when you were gullibly taken in by this headline in The Spectator the other day?


Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers


Professor Carl James Heneghan of the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine published a study that finds the difference between wearing a mask or not is negligible.

The findings, however, should not be used to conclude that a recommendation for everyone to wear masks in the community would not be effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infections, because the trial did not test the role of masks in source control of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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Questions the role of impartiality of fact checkers and how it will simply become a partisan thing



Provides a different example of a fact checker being used to "check something else"

This time about a washing machine being used to “spin” the news



Yes I have a problem with cherry picking.  The rest of your sentence is gibberish. [because i dont like the idea of questioning "fact checkers" it is impossible for an origination with fact in the name to be nonimpartial]

The "gibberish"

[you are] 100% ok with sites appointing ministries of truth to “check facts” and could not fathom these ministries cherry picking and slandering as per own bias, if not now once they are allowed to take root.


You are just dwelling on me citing this incident of a fact checker


I bet we would be arguing over the existence of this washing machine if i had used that example to argue against the absurdity of these ministries of truth.

Although it should have been obvious that the Babylon Bee piece was just a spoof of the ongoing political brouhaha over alleged news media “bias” and “fake news,” some readers missed that aspect of the article and interpreted it literally.

Gonna need some proof a substantial amount of readers believed this, surveys polls etc! where are they!


Quotes this article about the fact checking of the washing machine something else and misses the point by calling it random gibberish proving he missed the point


Although it should have been obvious that the Babylon Bee piece was just a spoof of the ongoing political brouhaha over alleged news media “bias” and “fake news,” some readers missed that aspect of the article and interpreted it literally.
Gonna need some proof a substantial amount of readers believed this, surveys polls etc! where are they!

More gibberish 



do you have a point or not?

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You mean just like when you were gullibly taken in by this headline


You are probably still banging on about the post i made in page 1 on page 7

Red headline black article


Professor Carl James Heneghan of the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine published a study that finds the difference between wearing a mask or not is negligible.


A “fact checker” declared this false because it contradicts the narrative,


Masks were flip/flopped on by the WHO for a time and the main reason for masks becoming popular was since the 60s cities like Tokyo and Hong Kong having spikes in hayfever due to that pollen not being absorbed the west just copied this because their heads of state declared they must.


To be honest most will in time view these “fact” checkers as spokesmen for a political party.


Why not just have a multiparty fact checkers since social media companies insist on them,

All you need is a few international partisan organizations and for national political parties to endorse their favored one


So under every shared article

Go to page 1 for link

for a hypothetical example:

The Labour party declares this false

Ukip declares this a mixture of fact and fiction

The Conservative Party declares this false

The SNP declares this false

The Liberal Democrats declare this false


Why not we are headed in that direction anyway


How much of your replies are about the lines in red?


the subject was already aptly covered by the second post on page 2


"Professor Carl James Heneghan of the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine published a study that finds the difference between wearing a mask or not is negligible."


Honestly ?  Did we really need a professor to tell us that ultra cheap, everyday(?) masks that we see all over the place were going to work and that they were going to do anything other than add to the pile of litter we see about the place? 


A truly effective mask would also involve an awful lot of other PPE as well and, I would bet that, together, the whole lot would be painfully expensive.


I would guess that the main reason for the 'masks edict' is to try and show us all that government is trying to do something useful when, in fact, we're stuffed in the long term.


Please dont bring it up again unless you have something new to add!

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I see Durham police are looking at fresh evidence re Dominic Cummings, with possibility of prosecution. I notice that there is a deafening silence from SNP ranks now despite them baying for his blood a short time ago.

Perhaps this silence is due to the leader of pack baying for blood, Margaret Ferrier, having reappeared at Westminster.

Just saying.

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^Thank you, Claadehol. Luckily I had a D.N.A test done some years ago and it showed up as, after being assessed by MyHeritage, being 85.6% Scottish, Irish and Welsh, 13.3% Scandinavian and 1.1% as Mesoamerican. I'm grateful to only get the areas mentioned - very grateful.

Have you had a similar test done, and if so, did it show similar, or different results?
Fingers crossed :cool:
Edited by George.
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Interesting article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3000998/Are-Welsh-truest-Brits-English-genomes-contain-German-French-DNA-Romans-left-no-trace.html



You talk about the English as if they were some accursed legion corrupted into uruk-hai by the Romans and Proto-Anglo's to impose the misery of "civilization" and destroy all that makes anyone happy out of spite.

Whoever told you that is a liar and you should throw soap at him because of his filthy lies.

Regardless i don't think London or Westminster even qualifies as English at this point since they have basically become separate country at this point.


A big part of the problem for Westminster being especially cack is you have a heterogeneous nation within the union where elections are less competitive than the other more homogeneous home nations where people vote based on preference instead of nationality or antinationalism or just the elderly thinking Old Labour is going to come back any day now.


In England and Wales Conservatives won a bunch of desolate areas like Bridgend in wales a place only famous for suicide because they gave false hope that things might be different if they changed their voting patterns  instead of voting the same party over again

Labour stands for major employers to keep wages noncompetitive

Conservative stands for the land-keeper to keep prices up

Its going to be one of those in the vast majority of the UK and often the same party every year

If you aren't somebody's boss and you don't own your home why would you be enthusiastic about either and these are basically the only ones who ever win anything there

There are a few reasons why Con is the favored side of the bi-factional Uni-party might be that thy feel jobs and savings are safer with them due to the other side of the coin being socialist.


There was a plan to break England up into multiple home nations so each would have a devolved authority and possibly more regional parties so the elections might have been competitive.



The boarder between Yorkshire and Lancashire is now patrolled by Covid-wombles so maybe that's back on the menu


If I told you last year that politicians would be debating the legality of outside exercise, sunbathing in the garden or that a commissar would question anybody moving between counties i doubt you would have believed me but it has all happened this year.


^Thank you, Claadehol. Luckily I had a D.N.A test done some years ago and it showed up as, after being assessed by MyHeritage, being 85.6% Scottish, Irish and Welsh, 13.3% Scandinavian and 1.1% as Mesoamerican. I'm grateful to only get the areas mentioned - very grateful.

Have you had a similar test done, and if so, did it show similar, or different results?
Fingers crossed :cool:




Might be an interesting story behind that,

or has part of your DNA been stolen or corrupted by a La Luz Extinguido?

i hate it when that happens!



Joking aside you would probably be able to figure out what relative you likely inherited that from if you know enough of your family history.

Edited by NullVoid
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