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On 19/01/2022 at 19:38, Arfski said:

If you have a point, make it, debate it, provide a relevant source. In the mean time, what restrictions that have been put in place have helped many lives to be saved, and only the actions of a minority of red faced covidiots that refuse to work together for the well-being of society have been bar to that.

Er......How about don't be a hypocrite, and apply your first sentence to the remainder of your paragraph.

That, and some advice, you probably won't take, but whatever. Addressing people with made up and meaningless, but implied derogatory names, just because their OPINION differs from your own, isn't usually condusive to establishing a mutually respectful and productive debate. Just sayin......

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16 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

Addressing people with made up and meaningless, but implied derogatory names, just because their OPINION differs from your own, isn't usually condusive to establishing a mutually respectful and productive debate. Just sayin......

The thing is though, when it comes to pandemics, the opinion of an epidemiologist who's studied the subject for years isn't equivalent to the opinion of someone who's found out from Facebook that Bill Gates is putting 5G-enabled microchips in the COVID-19 vaccine in order to cover up that the Moon landings were faked. 

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I still remember the good old days when it was 5G masts that were spreading Covid; the days when we didn't - and still don't - have any 5G masts.

At least we're starting to see more becoming known about certain aspects of Covid beginning to be better understood and, more importantly, acknowledged. It's all way over my head (and I read Facebook!) but the effects of the virus when it gets anywhere near the brain look to be providing some backup to Long Covid sufferers and the "loss" of smell and taste appears to have genetic roots which are now being examined. More importantly, it being openly discussed (by the boffins at least) and not swept under the carpet.

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12 hours ago, Evil Inky said:

The thing is though, when it comes to pandemics, the opinion of an epidemiologist who's studied the subject for years isn't equivalent to the opinion of someone who's found out from Facebook that Bill Gates is putting 5G-enabled microchips in the COVID-19 vaccine in order to cover up that the Moon landings were faked. 

I can't say I've noticed Arfski claiming to be an epidemiologist or anything else medically qualified/experienced for that matter, so who knows where they got their opinion from or whether or not it has any credibility beyond anyone else's.

Regardless where an opinion comes from, the old maxim 'don't believe everything you read/hear' is usually worth considering.

Demonstrable, provable facts, which seem to be becoming increasingly rare in the 'science' of today, are one thing to bandy about. Opinions, as someone allegedly said, are like a-ss-oles, everybody has one, and the only one that really matters to anyone is their own.


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9 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

Regardless where an opinion comes from, the old maxim 'don't believe everything you read/hear' is usually worth considering.

I think you're confusing facts and opinions here. Let's say Alex Jones or David Icke states that they believe that the Royal Family are shape-shifting lizards. They may well be telling the truth in that this is their actual opinion. But since there is no evidence that the Royal Family are shape-shifting lizards, or that shape-shifting lizards even exist, it can be demonstrated that their opinion is factually incorrect.

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On 20/01/2022 at 21:16, Ghostrider said:

Er......How about don't be a hypocrite, and apply your first sentence to the remainder of your paragraph.

That, and some advice, you probably won't take, but whatever. Addressing people with made up and meaningless, but implied derogatory names, just because their OPINION differs from your own, isn't usually condusive to establishing a mutually respectful and productive debate. Just sayin......

Sweden took the course that you have consistently proposed of letting it "rip" through communities, Sweden changed direction due to the sheer volume of of deaths that the policy was causing.

Some advice, if the cap fits, wear it, just sayin...



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No more waves of hyperlinks please but provide a relevant source. A contradiction in terms Mr Arfski?

It's common particularly with left leaning totalitarians to dismiss any alternative opinion which challenges the dogma they have embraced as right wing or populism.

Its clear now tens hundreds of thousands of medical professionals and other experts in the field are in disagreement with the FAILED Covid strategy we have endured

The  blanket Lockdown disaster becomes clearer by the day but luckily having acheived Brexit we had the best vaccination roll out in Europe but the line should have be drawn at over 40's being offered.

The censorship, manipulation of data, propaganda and mandate and coercion route has been a mistake bordering on criminal.

Luckily we have free thinking libertarians willing  to speak truth to power like Neil Oliver, Jordan Peterson and Peter Hitchens to name a few




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  • 2 weeks later...

There has always been the eccentric tin foil hat wearer, handing out pamphlets in the market square on a Saturday to anyone that will take one, but now they have the Internet. With the Internet a small minority can suddenly make a disproportionate amount of noise. It's still noise of course, Elizabeth I was a man, flat Earthers, anti-vax, anti-<insert random pet peeve>, mind altering con trails, Lizard people etc. Now the crackpot is no longer harmless, they can now spread misinformation at an alarming rate, and that is always going to be the worst aspect of the Internet.


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2 hours ago, George. said:

^ It's worse than you thought. Elizabeth I was English - and the Queen of England, no more and no less.

For clarity, can confirm it was the English variety that I think the conspirators go on about, not the current Scottish one, well, at least I think that's the case but who knows, I'm sure someone right now is typing away on some forum post somewhere...

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