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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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“Schools closed for operational reasons”. So much for openness and transparency.

I may have to self stop paying my council tax for reasons of international, geopolitical security!

Weren't they doing that heard immunity thing?


if we lose people they will just bring in new families the government is not worried and can prepare themselves accordingly.


They all want us to stop using cash and use the card machines that everybody else touched,

Just another way for the Banks/international finance to make themselves mandatory for additional parts of daily life


Abroad they are demonetizing larger sums and setting cash amount limits which WILL shrink.


^It would certainly be interesting to see just how effective that would be. Let Westminster prove it by action.

Would be good to see the Reaper pencil in some appointments for those actually pulling the strings,

i get the impression they already have the cure anyways oh well.



A collapse may be what we need to level the playing field but they are too prepared for that and will likely come out stronger

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For avoidance of any doubt - this opinion is personal, mine, my own theory that it is, nothing to do with anyone but me etc etc.



For darlings sake. Get a grip. "Transparency" on closing the schools locally is that its lumpsooker obvious! How more transparent can it get! Everything explained in detail ahead of time.


Same goes for so many things. Travel, care homes, public venues. Everybody is doing their bit IN THE REAL WORLD.


Stop sitting at keyboards (THE germ breeding grounds of today) and open your eyes. Authorities and Corporations, sadly I guess to many, are acting as responsibly as they can. So are the majority of the public.


At the end of the day, responsibility lays with each and every individual. No other entity whatsoever. 


Yes, this is a hefty issue that may well kill our grannies and grandads. So stop lumpsooker about on the internet trying to get likes for controversial links and concentrate on reality.


Before it dies.

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This will be controversial, but most of the victims of Corona, were it not for decades of flu jabs and other modern meds would have been gone long ago. This could be, but may or may not end up being the 'perfect storm' created by decades of medical 'advances'.


In our headlong rush to not die, not be inconvenienced by illness, not to be inconvenienced by the death of someone that means something to us, businesses not to lose out on profit as a result of staff sickness, pharma businesses to sell more product, a nanny state promoting a facade of 'we'll take care of you and everything........' etc.


We've lost sight of at least a couple of inalienable 'facts'.


1) The weakest get taken out first.


2) Mother nature always wins out in the end.


Its all very well getting a flu jab year after year, but if the existing flu strains that have done the rounds for years, which pretty much all but the weakest can easily survive, aren't thriving too well, which is how nature reads it when they're hampered and curtailed by vaccines etc, it leaves the field wide open for a newer more deadly version to develop and run amok unhindered, leaving a significant death toll in its wake........sound familar yet.


*If* the usual strains of flu had been doing their rounds like they used to pre-vaccines days, would Corona have had an opportunity to develop? Who knows, perhaps, perhaps not. But one thing is very much odds on, and that is it wouldn't have travelled anywhere near so far or been caught by anywhere near so many people so quickly, as it would have had to compete with other flu strains already out there. Nor would its victim count have been anywhere near as high, as the majority it will take out would have already been claimed by a similar pneumonia creating situation previously.


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - Actions have consequences. Meds are marvellous things but if the folks who regulate the use of such things ever consider the bigger picture/long term consequences use of them, they conveniently sweep any doubts and concerns under the carpet and choose to have tunnel vision of the instant gratification aspect only of what they're dealing with.


Which is fine and well, until something comes along that their meds is essentially ineffectual on, which is where we're at now....... As Spinner72 says, neither Governments nor Corporations will save anybody at a time like this, responsibility for each individual is in their own hands. Stay the hell away from other people unless you have no choice, and let it run its course and blow through. Just like everybody did back in the dark ages of the 60's and 70's when their were no flu jabs and only pretty crappy antibiotics by today's standards. Not everybody caught everything that went around back then, and it didn't kill everybody that caught it back then either. Nor will it this time.


We've been lulled in to a false sense of security with artificially low death rates from the usual 'winter bugs' for decades as a result of vaccines and modern meds, from mother nature's POV a cull is long overdue, and as its been so long since the last one, it'll be a big 'un. Sorry, but thats the price you pay for not having had several mini ones over the last 3-4 decades.

Edited by Ghostrider
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For avoidance of any doubt - this opinion is personal, mine, my own theory that it is, nothing to do with anyone but me etc etc.



For darlings sake. Get a grip. "Transparency" on closing the schools locally is that its lumpsooker obvious! How more transparent can it get! Everything explained in detail ahead of time.


Same goes for so many things. Travel, care homes, public venues. Everybody is doing their bit IN THE REAL WORLD.


Stop sitting at keyboards (THE germ breeding grounds of today) and open your eyes. Authorities and Corporations, sadly I guess to many, are acting as responsibly as they can. So are the majority of the public.


At the end of the day, responsibility lays with each and every individual. No other entity whatsoever. 


Yes, this is a hefty issue that may well kill our grannies and grandads. So stop lumpsooker about on the internet trying to get likes for controversial links and concentrate on reality.


Before it dies.

Partly agree and so feel suitably admonished.

However I would not take the point that it is solely the responsibility of the individual. We live in complex societies and all pay our taxes so it is not unreasonable to expect governments at all levels to make wise decisions on our behalf.

i am in a high risk group, age wise, and am philosophical about whatever outcome. Living on one of the smaller islands I thought it would be easier to isolate the whole community rather than selected individuals. This idea did not earn widespread support. I take no relish in others suffering but if those who rejected my plea then suffer personal loss they may care to reflect upon the consequences of their actions as must we all.

Now then, a question. If the government brings in self isolation for all over 70s then as a 70 yo am I outside of this category.

and, does isolation mean within four walls or can one go into ones garden, Croft or whatever?

Edited by Islandsun
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I think self isolation means not mixing socially. So I would take that to mean isolating from other people not places. So if no ones around you could go anywhere. Places like Shetland, however, are not where you want to go to find isolation. Once one of catches something the rest get it quickly.

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For avoidance of any doubt - this opinion is personal, mine, my own theory that it is, nothing to do with anyone but me etc etc.



For darlings sake. Get a grip. "Transparency" on closing the schools locally is that its lumpsooker obvious! How more transparent can it get! Everything explained in detail ahead of time.


Same goes for so many things. Travel, care homes, public venues. Everybody is doing their bit IN THE REAL WORLD.


Stop sitting at keyboards (THE germ breeding grounds of today) and open your eyes. Authorities and Corporations, sadly I guess to many, are acting as responsibly as they can. So are the majority of the public.


At the end of the day, responsibility lays with each and every individual. No other entity whatsoever. 


Yes, this is a hefty issue that may well kill our grannies and grandads. So stop lumpsooker about on the internet trying to get likes for controversial links and concentrate on reality.


Before it dies.

Partly agree and so feel suitably admonished.

However I would not take the point that it is solely the responsibility of the individual. We live in complex societies and all pay our taxes so it is not unreasonable to expect governments at all levels to make wise decisions on our behalf.

That's like expecting a leopard to change its spots, governments and wisdom rarely make comfortable bed-fellows.


Certainly though, if you subscribe to the belief that you are part of a 'society' and that by willingly paying your taxes you're entitled to a 'reasonable' level of promised services in return, then you have a valid point. However, I take exception to your use of 'We", as not everybody subscribes to that belief.


'Scoiety' is not something I ever asked to join, nor have I ever been asked to, or agreed to join. 'Society' though seems to assume that just because I am, I am part of it, and its that incorrect assumption on their part that usually leads to the fight starting. However, I digress.....


Society is something I visit as infrequently and for as short periods as absolutely possible when needs really must, the rest of the time it can please itself as long as it leaves me alone I'll leave it alone. I begrudgingly pay what taxes are stolen from me by strong arm tactics, and immediately write those funds off as 'lost', and expect nothing of worth in return, and I am seldom disappointed in that expectation.

Edited by Ghostrider
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This will be controversial, but most of the victims of Corona, were it not for decades of flu jabs and other modern meds would have been gone long ago. 


In our headlong rush to not die, 


We've lost sight of at least a couple of inalienable 'facts'.


1) The weakest get taken out first.


2) Mother nature always wins out in the end.



I have been saying this for long, vaccinated up to the eyeballs.

Nobody is allowed to die nowadays-

Doctors getting sued for sick folk dying.


Is it connected to the falling numbers in kirks-


fewer folk of Faith?

Edited by fina
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Thought provoking point, fina. Whatever brand of faith one has it certainly changes ones view on death.

Of itself I am pro medical advances just as I am all the other advances that make life easier. But you are correct in my view that when death is inevitable it should be accepted with good grace.


Ghostrider. You are an incorrigible old curmudgeon. I love it, keep flying the flag

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This will be controversial, but most of the victims of Corona, were it not for decades of flu jabs and other modern meds would have been gone long ago. 


In our headlong rush to not die, 


We've lost sight of at least a couple of inalienable 'facts'.


1) The weakest get taken out first.


2) Mother nature always wins out in the end.



I have been saying this for long, vaccinated up to the eyeballs.

Nobody is allowed to die nowadays-

Doctors getting sued for sick folk dying.


Is it connected to the falling numbers in kirks-


fewer folk of Faith?


You could well be on to something there, as far as a lot of folk are concerned.


Religion tends to 'normalise' death for those who may be struggling with it, by presenting it as the undesirable but inevitable, made somewhat palatable by framing it as a portal to some sort of 'pleasant' continuing 'afterlife'/


Medicine tends to minimise if not outright ignore death, focusing almost entirely on extending life and quality of life. No bad thing in and of itself, but as a consequence it generates a sense of almost immortality in some folk.It worked well enough I guess as long as medicine and religion were of roughly equal importance in folks' lives, but with the decline in religious interest, it has arguably left a vacuum that is spooking some.

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