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Covid 19 / Coronavirus


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What  happens when everything gets back to normal and we get a relapse,say several incidents occurring  throughout the UK and elsewhere will we all be ordered back into isolation?


I find it difficult to believe that this virus will be easily eradicated and fear it will still be around for a while after everything supposedly gets back to normal, and it will appear from time to time.


Trust they find a vaccine soon.  

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Whats the EU doing about this massive crisis which has hit Europe ? I have not heard of a single measure that  they have taken they seem totally impotent in the face of this disaster  . They  have retreated to their parliament [ soon to be closed with no loss of expenses for the MEPS of course ] to lament the reinstatement of national borders and whinge about the loss of ''European values '' Its been left to Russia ,China and Cuba to fly in massive quantities of medical aid and personal because of course the EU has allowed the outsourcing of most of Europe's pharmaceutical  industry to China .

They stole medical supplies from Switzerland and UK when it was en route in their territory to commandeer them.


As for Russia, China and Cuba



Dear Italy


Having some <contentious political issue>

and we are having some issues with <political/strategic goal>

Remember those doctors and medical supplies?


We can trust Italy will reciprocate this generosity.


-Sincerely Russia and or China and or Cuba



Dear Italy


The flowing directives are to become law

<List of directives>

like it or lump it Defy them and be punished!


-Sincerely Germa... i mean  European Union


Gee it seems like they have different diplomatic arrangement

Edited by NullVoid
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So Ghostrider ma'be Trump was correct, just let it run it's course,brutal inhumane to most of us but if we have reached a stage in our lives that we cannot survive this due to underlying health problems, then let the stronger survive to keep the system running.


This would certainly from an economic view save the country a very large amount of money should the need for beds in care centers be reduced but I'm not that callous that I would want to see the many frail and  elderly wiped out, but sadly that is what may well happen , a grim grim thought..


Now wonder what else is on TV to watch to cheer me up , Oh I know Pandemic then again possibly not.,should have bought some more paint and wallpaper  :???:

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after the black plague many laborers received higher wages and were able to better provide for their families which bolstered the genetic success of the lineages most adaptive.

a plague could be good for the job and housing shortage and crippled supply chains could be a boon to local manufacturing.



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Far be it for me to oppose the much adored cull-of-the-weakest due to Covid19 but (here's your starter for 10) given, how the NHS would crumble under the weight of cases from this one virus alone; who do you think would handle care for all the heart attacks, strokes, flu and other normal every-day life takers? Who? I'd like to know as half of them will be knocked flat with just this one virus.


To anyone proposing this to be some kind of "Mother Nature culling the planet due to over population" nonsense... you may like to imagine what may happen in 9 months time. The world population will more than recover.

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