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President Macron has now ordered that all school pupils be taught Arabic Should it not be the other way round migrants being taught French  . https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/macron-s-plan-to-undermine-radical-islam-branded-a-folly-63k6x6xtd


Da article says no such thing and da fact du has put it in italics makes it look lik a quote.


Da article is aboot offering it in schools as an additional language, not "ordering that all school pupils be taught Arabic"


For those o you withoot a Times subscription, here what it actually says:


"The aim of the scheme would be to offer an alternative to the mosques and religious associations where unqualified, often foreign, teachers indoctrinate young Muslims and “offer them the worst and manipulate them”, Mr Macron said. “Arabic, just like many other languages, is a treasure of our children, of their families,” he added.

Arabic is offered as a foreign language in the primary and secondary curriculum but only 0.2 per cent of pupils study it, compared with 97 per cent who choose English and 4.3 per cent who learn German. The rate of those learning in mosques is said to have multiplied over the past decade.
France has about 5.5 million immigrants from its former colonies of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and their French-born descendants.



Yet anidder example o dee skewing whit an article actually says to suit dy agenda. Poor craic indeed.



And as for using Sputnik News as a source...!



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President Macron has now ordered that all school pupils be taught Arabic Should it not be the other way round migrants being taught French  . https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/macron-s-plan-to-undermine-radical-islam-branded-a-folly-63k6x6xtd


Da article says no such thing and da fact du has put it in italics makes it look lik a quote.


Da article is aboot offering it in schools as an additional language, not "ordering that all school pupils be taught Arabic"


For those o you withoot a Times subscription, here what it actually says:


"The aim of the scheme would be to offer an alternative to the mosques and religious associations where unqualified, often foreign, teachers indoctrinate young Muslims and “offer them the worst and manipulate them”, Mr Macron said. “Arabic, just like many other languages, is a treasure of our children, of their families,” he added.

Arabic is offered as a foreign language in the primary and secondary curriculum but only 0.2 per cent of pupils study it, compared with 97 per cent who choose English and 4.3 per cent who learn German. The rate of those learning in mosques is said to have multiplied over the past decade.
France has about 5.5 million immigrants from its former colonies of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and their French-born descendants.



Yet anidder example o dee skewing whit an article actually says to suit dy agenda. Poor craic indeed.



And as for using Sputnik News as a source...!




Where do you get the figure of 5.5 million muslims in France from ?  and what is your figure for the number in the UK .

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From Muckle Oxters post...

"For those o you withoot a Times subscription, here what it actually says:"


OK, it's not exactly "plain english"  :razz:  but, it highlights the difference between reading(?) and UNDERSTANDING a post.


I would presume that a Times subscription (which I don't have) would have provided the figures quoted.  Either way, it is an easily obtainable figure.

A quick "Google" would tell you that the number of Muslims in the UK is (roughly) just under 3 million.

The number in France is quoted as just over 4 million.

I do not know how accurate these numbers are, but it is a good starting point for you.

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One of the main problems with online sources, is that the algorithms tend to feed you the facts twisted to suit your agenda. I “liked” a post supporting our military and got inundated with right-wing propaganda, similarly if you like some left wing groups the same happens. Gives you the false impression that you are right and that most people agree with your beliefs. It gets to the point where any statistics you hear must be subject to a measure of doubt.

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From Muckle Oxters post...

"For those o you withoot a Times subscription, here what it actually says:"


OK, it's not exactly "plain english"  :razz:  but, it highlights the difference between reading(?) and UNDERSTANDING a post.


I would presume that a Times subscription (which I don't have) would have provided the figures quoted.  Either way, it is an easily obtainable figure.

A quick "Google" would tell you that the number of Muslims in the UK is (roughly) just under 3 million.

The number in France is quoted as just over 4 million.

I do not know how accurate these numbers are, but it is a good starting point for you.

The Muslim population in the UK was 2.7 million at the last census which was  nearly 10 years ago in 2011 as the Muslim population in the UK doubles every 10 years their number must now be 5 million. In 2031 - 10 million ?   2041- 20 million?    2051 - 40 million ?  .https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/11/muslim-population-england-wales-nearly-doubles-10-years

Edited by Watter
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Where do you get the figure of 5.5 million muslims in France from ?  and what is your figure for the number in the UK .


Da number o muslims in France is quoted, as signified by da italics, fae da article. I dunna hae a figure for muslims in da UK. You guys seem to be doin fine we Google on dat front.


OK, it's not exactly "plain english"   :razz:  but, it highlights the difference between reading(?) and UNDERSTANDING a post.


I doot da article isna dat hard to read and understand. Naewhaur does it say dat French students are being "ordered" to learn Arabic. Dirs a big difference between ordering somebody to do something, and offering somebody to do it alang with a list o idder options.


And even if you didna understand da difference, pittin something in itatics alang we a link implies it's a quote fae da link. 

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The Muslim population in the UK was 2.7 million at the last census which was  nearly 10 years ago in 2011 as the Muslim population in the UK doubles every 10 years their number must now be 5 million. In 2031 - 10 million ?   2041- 20 million?    2051 - 40 million ?  .https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/11/muslim-population-england-wales-nearly-doubles-10-years



Da article du links to doesna say "the Muslim population in the UK doubles every 10 years". It says it doubled between 2001 and 2011. It Whaur is du gettin dy statistics dat da muslim population doubles every 10 years?


I dunna ken wan wye or da idder, but I'm interested to ken why du thinks dat number should be projected exponentially intae da future when da article du links to, yet again, doesna back up dy assertion.



Perhaps it's worth reading an article dat is linked fae da one du posted -  https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2014/oct/29/todays-key-fact-you-are-probably-wrong-about-almost-everything


"Britons overstate the proportion of Muslims in their country by a factor of four, according to a new survey by Ipsos Mori that reveals public understanding of the numbers behind the daily news in 14 countries.

People from the UK also think immigrants make up twice the proportion of the population as is really the case – and that many more people are unemployed than actually are."
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OK, it's not exactly "plain english"   :razz:  but, it highlights the difference between reading(?) and UNDERSTANDING a post.


I doot da article isna dat hard to read and understand. Naewhaur does it say dat French students are being "ordered" to learn Arabic. Dirs a big difference between ordering somebody to do something, and offering somebody to do it alang with a list o idder options.


And even if you didna understand da difference, pittin something in itatics alang we a link implies it's a quote fae da link. 


Ahem, I was refering to YOUR version of "English", not the article.  :thmbsup


"Da article du links to doesna say "the Muslim population in the UK doubles every 10 years". It says it doubled between 2001 and 2011. It Whaur is du gettin dy statistics dat da muslim population doubles every 10 years?"


To add a little balance,  The Muslim population might have doubled in 10 years but, the "native" population didn't.


That does not mean that the Muslim population will exceed the native population any time soon, if ever.  However, it does suggest that they (Muslims) will exceed the natives(?) at some point.  Unless, of course, they also succumb to the financial, social, and other regulatory pressures the native population is subject to that limits their family sizes.


All possibilities should exist to the paranoid.!!

Edited by Colin
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