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If you ask me those sound very much like the words of someone who doesn't work in an office and is trying to reason to themselves why that is a good thing. I.e. I think they themselves are suffering from exactly the same problems they think are present in only office workers.


Me, I work for a Swedish based software company in the support department. Apart from the odd visit to customer sites or conferences I am confined to an office. Its a very informal outfit though, people are regularly seen running about the place in sock feet, playing with toy planes or remote control cars and we even used to have a snooker table. We take our arsing around as seriously as we take our work :D

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what job do you do? do you like it, or do you feel fed up with it?

what is the future do you think for new employment in shetland?


Left school 15yrs ago, am still in same job, happy as a larry :D , doing books, etc. for building firm. Still plenty o work going aboot we building, how long it lasts is a different, scary story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as an introduction more than anything...


Without giving away too much detail... am a RAD Application Developer working in .net / SQL Server as well as Microsoft Excel / Access. Working in Financial Markets (in the city) writing hot apps for 'East End Barrow Boys' (traders / dealers etc) ...


Work is long hours but money is good (which is what its about at the end of the day)... Not Degree educated but have worked my way up from the bottom so to speak...


Try and get home every weekend (Weather permitting)... Although am in town this weekend as had to make up time for all the fog in September... can you believe I was late back from ALL three trips north in September!!!


Do I enjoy the job? Yes, its cracking. But would drop it in an instant... but what the heck... have an escape plan and will be out of the rat race, permanently, in four years... :D

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I work helping people to build the skills required to get (back) into work.

Not being doing it long but it's incredibly rewarding work and I get to meet a very wide spectrum of people. I'm earning less than half the money I was 3 years ago and I wouldn't change it for the world.


Funnily enough I am office based and have found the atmosphere ot be relaxed and fun, the people I work with are dedicated to their jobs but also happy to have a laugh and let off a little steam.

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And don't go thinking i'm still in tourist mode folks, I deal with some of the more unfortunate aspects of Shetland life on a daily basis so haven't been blinkered by the good stuff.



When you wrote the above I take it you are reffering to those CLIENTS you are helping at the Job Centre Or Support Training. How ever did you get the job, more to the point how long will you keep it once your employers find out how you describe you clients.

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:roll: :lol:


When i said " I deal with some of the more unfortunate aspects of Shetland life on a daily basis" I meant the circumstances that surround peoples misfortune, not the actual people. I have nothing but admiration for folk who make an effort to change their lives in a positive way and many of the people i meet are far braver and stronger than I have ever been in life.


You may also have noticed that I didn't mention my place of work as I didn't think this was the proper place to do so... you have made several rather large assumptions.

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