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Scottish Independence Referendum 2021

Davie P

Scottish Independence Poll  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Scotland be an independent country?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided

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28 minutes ago, BigMouth said:

The paperwork is the red tape Colin!  It was red tape that we didn’t have when we were EU members.  The lack of preparation was down to the Government springing the final decision at the last minute on the poor exporters.  The Government are now advising Uk companies to open branch offices in the EU to make it easier, so they lay off staff here and take on staff in the EU countries.  You couldn’t make this up!

No-one is buying our fish, that why so many of GB’s boats are tied up.  Presumably the meat is still walking around the fields!

But, that's my point.  Exporting to the rest of the Wold requires many types of certification.  UK businesses have had it easy with the single market principle.  Maybe it's time that they got into the real world.

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It's tempting to surmise that the last 20 polls that've shown a majority for Scottish independence is all down to Boris, I daresay having an incompetent joke as a PM is part of the reason but there's also a few other things that spring to mind...
Disastrous Covid response.
Brexit inflicted on Scotland against the will of the majority of Scottish voters.
Yet another Tory government, rejected by the majority of Scottish voters. (Since 1955).
Labour, the only other party that can possibly achieve government in Westminster, rejected by the majority of Scottish voters.
The lies, threats and broken promises of the last independence referendum.
These few examples might explain why those who want independence are dissatisfied with the status quo but imho the main reason the desire for Scottish independence isn't going away is the fact that anyone who bothers to look beyond our borders can see loads of small independent countries all over the world doing much better than Scotland, a significant proportion of them even manage to do it with fewer resources than Scotland has.
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I wouldn't put my trust in the polls,did they not predict a Labour win at the last GE and the Tories won with a big majority.

The silent majority out there,who knows which way they will vote, but neither Brexit or Covid will influence me at an independence ballot box, there is many,many other issues to consider.



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50 minutes ago, Capeesh said:
It's tempting to surmise that the last 20 polls that've shown a majority for Scottish independence is all down to Boris, I daresay having an incompetent joke as a PM is part of the reason but there's also a few other things that spring to mind...
Disastrous Covid response.
Brexit inflicted on Scotland against the will of the majority of Scottish voters.
Yet another Tory government, rejected by the majority of Scottish voters. (Since 1955).
Labour, the only other party that can possibly achieve government in Westminster, rejected by the majority of Scottish voters.
The lies, threats and broken promises of the last independence referendum.
These few examples might explain why those who want independence are dissatisfied with the status quo but imho the main reason the desire for Scottish independence isn't going away is the fact that anyone who bothers to look beyond our borders can see loads of small independent countries all over the world doing much better than Scotland, a significant proportion of them even manage to do it with fewer resources than Scotland has.

Just before the independence referendum I remember the Tories telling us that North Sea oil was about to run out, and lo and behold within a couple of weeks of the No vote winning they announced miraculous new discoveries of oil in the North Sea.  You can only fool people so many times.  Assume everything is a lie or a diversion and you won't go far wrong, because millionaires are not in politics to help any of us.

Johnson is a gift to the SNP though, and Sturgeon always seems to have the upper hand over him.

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On 26/01/2021 at 21:27, BigMouth said:

Just before the independence referendum I remember the Tories telling us that North Sea oil was about to run out, and lo and behold within a couple of weeks of the No vote winning they announced miraculous new discoveries of oil in the North Sea.

Anybody paying attention to what the oilys were up to at the time didn't buy it. OTOH the Nats kept on telling us Scotland could be a prosperous independent nation, without providing anything but soundbites to back it up.

Had they produced, published and pushed an accurately costed and robust business plan to support their otherwise hollow rhetoric, they might just have won the independence they want.  But, in true arrogant 'powers that be' condescending style of 'the little people couldn't possibly understand such complex things' they published and pushed something that was only going to wash with pre-teen intelligence levels, and they got the vote out of it they paid for.

Oh, yeah, and the 'confusion' of pushing for 'independence' while still keeping old Madge as head of state, keeping sterling as the currency and being an EU member didn't help in the slightest either. Selling 'independence' in the shape of what folk saw as 'devolution max' did not help in the slightest.

The Monarchy is symbolic and ceremonial, and only of relevance to Royalists, rather than of any practical impact, and I'm not a Royalist. Sharing a currency though leaves you wholly under the control of whoever controls that currency, and while membership of the EEC by an independent nation could just about wash, remaining independent as an EU member doesn't with a great many people. You become a subservient member state, beholden to and wholly controlled by the collective.

The devil is in the detail, and the detail of the Nats version of independence contained so many red flags and asked more questions than it answered, that it didn't fool enough of the people. So, yes, agreed, disbelieve and distrust all parties and their leadership until and unless proven otherwise, as the official rhetoric regurgitated by them all is never what it appears to be.

The Nats are going to be lucky to hold on to power in May IMHO, if they do it will only be due to there not being any credible and viable left wing alternative to vote for rather than belief in their policies and achievements. They're doing next to nothing positive, and they're steadily imploding due in internal bickering. They're effectively, as they've always been, a one trick pony, if they didn't have the 'independence' card to play, they'd not exist, as they rely on those who rally to the word rather than its reality to be returned to power. They may seem to be striving for Scottish independence, but are they, as achieving it would almost inevitably lead to their demise as a party. Appearing to want it and appearing to be fighting for it keeps them in power, so why would they risk wrecking the gravy train.

So near, but so far, so we'll try again, but only do enough to get so near, but so far, ad infinitum. In return you get a grossly over-inflated salary at the taxpayers expense for a lac-lustre performance and the chance to stand up and talk sh*t so that you can feel important. If you're morally and ethically bankrupt enough to do so convincingly and without throwing up in the process. Sounds like an easy career path to me for anyone that's prepared to live with it.



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10 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

Anybody paying attention to what the oilys were up to at the time didn't buy it. OTOH the Nats kept on telling us Scotland could be a prosperous independent nation, without providing anything but soundbites to back it up.

Westminster took the oil.

They didn't ask, they did no more than take it and walk away. They've done no more and no less. That's what you get down there, OSIS.

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23 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

The Monarchy is symbolic and ceremonial, and only of relevance to Royalists, rather than of any practical impact, and I'm not a Royalist.

I'm very glad to hear that you're no Royalist, neither am I and never will be.

But there is a price to pay. We are expected to pander to the old wee queen and the Greek waiter that she married.

Vote S.N.P. and tell royalty, loud and clear, just what they're worth to us.

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