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Sharing old photos online?


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An elderly family member passed away suddenly late last year and left me with several hundred old photographs, slides, and negatives they'd taken, mostly of the Scalloway area, beginning in the 1950s and continuing up until the early 2000s. I have been busy scanning, and I am presently casting around trying to find a website which will let me upload them so that people can view them, and download them if they like. Facebook is all very well for the odd one or two images, but I would prefer some other solution so I can bulk upload and they can be organised and searhed through.

The ideal thing would be something like Orkney's excellent "Orkney Image Library", but sadly we don't have anything close to it in Shetland. It has been suggested that I lend the collection to the Museum but I strongly object to the way they handle their Photo Archive, where you can only see small size version of images, half obliterated by an unsightly watermarks.

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I recommend https://www.flickr.com/ - it's good for bulk uploading and managing collections, and you have a lot of control over who can access and download images. I think the free account is limited to 1,000 images

https://photos.google.com/ is good too. It's quite straightforward compared to Flickr but does the job. If you want to upload hi-res images you'll need paid subscription.

'Social' sharing apps like Facebook and Instagram are good if the objective is to openly share low to medium res photos far and wide. You don't have much control over who can access/download the images and their approach to copyright pretty much means you surrender control to them.

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Depends on exactly what you're looking for in 'bulk' uploading. Facebook now pretty much permits multiple images to be uploaded as fast as your connection can handle them. There's also groups on there for specific local area photos as well as all Shetland wide photo groups, with browsable image libraries and search functions. eg. There's a Scalloway & Burra Photos one.

I take your point though, a site specifically for the job would be better than doing the best you can with what a a somewhat eccentric billionaire yank has decided will maximise traffic/revenue on his site.

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On 14/02/2021 at 14:43, peeriebryan said:

I recommend https://www.flickr.com/ - it's good for bulk uploading and managing collections, and you have a lot of control over who can access and download images. I think the free account is limited to 1,000 images

https://photos.google.com/ is good too. It's quite straightforward compared to Flickr but does the job. If you want to upload hi-res images you'll need paid subscription.

'Social' sharing apps like Facebook and Instagram are good if the objective is to openly share low to medium res photos far and wide. You don't have much control over who can access/download the images and their approach to copyright pretty much means you surrender control to them.

Yes, I'm thinking I'll go with Flickr, 1,000 images should be plenty - I say "should" since the old lad was a mad keen snapper back in the day. Thanks all!

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