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** Moderator edit - this thread was split from the Vaccination Cards thread **

On 02/04/2021 at 11:35, Muckle Oxters said:

Bit o an Islamophobic cheapshot dare Ghostrider, and ironic considering dat aabody is expected tae wear facemasks noo-a-days!

Agreed. It was reported earlier and after giving a chance for GR to self-moderate, I've removed the post.

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On 02/04/2021 at 11:35, Muckle Oxters said:

Bit o an Islamophobic cheapshot dare Ghostrider, and ironic considering dat aabody is expected tae wear facemasks noo-a-days!

Oh dear, it seems I've caused something of a stushie.

A the risk of being shot down a second time......

I'm struggling to see where you're pulling the Islamophobia from, as in the context in which I posted (in reply to cicero's assertion privacy didn't exist) it was actually intended to be positive. In that by accident of how they chose to dress anyway their privacy was far more assured than those who chose to dress otherwise, and good luck to them.

Again, I'm struggling with the masks comment. If you're seriously suggesting that I should have cited masks instead, you're obviously missing the point I was trying to make completely.

I could have cited masks, or full face crash helmets, but I didn't as they were poor examples, folk who wear them as a rule still remain identifiable from their choice of other clothing.

I could have cited nuns or monks (or is that Christianophobic?) to address the clothing identifying people issue, but neither 'uniform' usually includes an effective face covering, and in any case there's coming to be damn few of them around these days anyway.

What I cited covered all bases perfectly, and if I was planning to visit anywhere that's bristling with cameras, I'd seriously consider wearing one myself.

Anyhow, that's last weeks news, forward..............

Edited by Ghostrider
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You do not have freedom of speech and with all the new powers that are being given to the police you will soon not be able to protest about anything. These new laws of course will all be rescinded once the pandemic is over. I am not Jan.

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The new Scottish Hate Crime and Public Order law is indeed taking 21st Scotland into Big Brother territory.

It is very difficult, especially for older people like me and GR, to keep up with the pc terms to describe people of different nationalities, religions and skin colour. 

Its all to  easy to cause offence and therein lies the danger of being  found guilty of hate crime.

so, yes, we no longer have freedom of speech.

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In this case freedom of speech was very much exercised in the form of a obviously inflammatory remark. As I understand it, he was given every opportunity to adjust it but decided to leave it there with the consequence of it being removed. Are we saying we should be allowed to say whatever we want and expect no consequence?

Oh, and "Sure, Jan" is a meme used in response much like "aye, right". It wasn't directed at anyone other than or Troll in Chief. Apologies for the confusion!


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"Are we saying we should be allowed to say whatever we want and expect no consequence? "


I don't think that anyone has made that claim but, we should all be able to express ourselves in a way that fits our individual perspectives without having to 'pussyfoot' our way around certain sensitive(?) issues and words.

I didn't see GR's post as being islamophobic.  It was just the truth (as I see it) and, I guess that it was probably a 'throwaway comment' in closing his post. 

You would need to remember that some of us are way to long in the tooth to accept the modern, mind controlling, PC perspective on things and prefer to call it as we see it.  Also, if something needs saying, then it should be said...

As for Shetlink Mods.  Well, it's their board and they can run it any way that they see fit but, in their own words, 'they recieved a complaint'(?) (singular) and then Muckle Oxters made a comment, so possibly two complaints (unless the same person complained twice).  A bit of a knee jerk perhaps ?





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1 hour ago, Colin said:

"Are we saying we should be allowed to say whatever we want and expect no consequence? "


I don't think that anyone has made that claim

But you're about to...

1 hour ago, Colin said:

You would need to remember [:ponders:] that some of us are way to long in the tooth to accept the modern, mind controlling, PC perspective on things and prefer to call it as we see it.  Also, if something needs saying, then it should be said...

As for Shetlink Mods.  Well, it's their board and they can run it any way that they see fit but, in their own words, 'they recieved a complaint'(?) (singular) and then Muckle Oxters made a comment, so possibly two complaints (unless the same person complained twice).  A bit of a knee jerk perhaps ?

Let's get this straight then, Colin. Because someone is no spring chicken they should be able to drop in casual racist / sexist / whateverist comments and that's OK? And what, say, were a twentysomething to come along and do the same - would you put that down to the ignorance of youth and let it go? Throughout history folk have held opinions that were all sorts of messed up, allowed to go unchecked and look where it ended up.

And, as for "some of us are way to long in the tooth to accept the modern, mind controlling, PC perspective"... while that [the PC extreme perspective] does exist, are you saying folk aren't capable of being kind, considerate and respectful (even in their elder years)? I fear you're just offering out a rather rubbish justification for your own points of view.

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28 minutes ago, Colin said:

I didn't say anything of the kind, but there you go....

Well, I'm all sorts of confused then, Colin. You gave a green light to someone making an inflammatory remark on a public forum and then question it being moderated. That's not pushing the point they should be allowed to say what they want and not face a consequence [being moderated]?

Oh, and it wasn't a throwaway comment in closing his post; it was a post consisting of a single sentence.

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