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No Defence of the Football Crown


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I think it's poor that Shetland aren't sending a mens football team to Rhodes to defend the Crown.


Fair enough if some experienced players can't go and Shetland aren't sending there full team. In the interests of the younger Shetland players footballing development they should have sent a team so these guys can get good experience for the future.


Even they go and get a few heavy defeats it's better than not turning up at all.


What will happen at the next Island games after Rhodes if the full Shetland team can't go?, another no show?.

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Magnus Flaws.....


No he didn't. I heard him on the radio tonight and what he said was that the new manager is now canvasing players to see if they are keen or not. No players no point?


In adition he said that the Shetland Football Association were seeking medical advice from football doctors at Hampden Park on the climate side of things.


He said that the Association were keen to defend the medal but the conditions had to be right. Makes sense to me.


Final yaw or nay on the 19th of this month.


So dere :whoop:

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I think it's poor that Shetland aren't sending a mens football team to Rhodes to defend the Crown.


Fair enough if some experienced players can't go and Shetland aren't sending there full team. In the interests of the younger Shetland players footballing development they should have sent a team so these guys can get good experience for the future.


Even they go and get a few heavy defeats it's better than not turning up at all.


What will happen at the next Island games after Rhodes if the full Shetland team can't go?, another no show?.


As Wheest says it's not been decided yet, however, I totally agree with the rest of your post.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Shetland not going is an absolute disgrace!! Ironic that winning the gold medal at the Island Games could turn out to be a bad thing for Shetland football. Not going to the Island Games is a giant step backwards.


Please explain why you feel that and what, in your opinion, was the reason for the SFA not sending a team and please offer arrguments against those points.

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Going to the only 'competitive' competition currently available to the Shetland team is a must. It gives vital experience to those who need it for future tournaments. Bound to help the league structure as well. New blood in the county will mean better young players for the clubs. Simply defending what is Shetlands is also quite important. I mean we're basically proving Guernseys point. I could go on in depth about these points and more but my fingers are getting tired.


As for the reasons for no going. I know heat will be used as the main reason or perhaps a lack of interested players but fear seems to be the main one. Not repeating last years effort, which is almost certain to happen, is definately the over-riding factor. Short sighhtedness of the Association for the long term benefit it will have to Shetland football is another.


I suppose the Shetland team will most likely be treated to a few productive trips south?

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There's just no real appetite to take the game forward in Shetland, either from the players or the office bearers. It's a shame for the Shetland public which turned out in such huge numbers for the Island Games Final. I really thought the fitba team really brought the people of Shetland together in a massively positive way that I have never seen - it beat the pants off Up Helly Aa!


I wouldn't mind if there was another plan in the offing about how Shetland football is going to move forward, but there's nothing.


I think the term 'resting on their laurels' is quite apt here.

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I find it very sad indeed that there are so many who have a pop at the football people for taking this decision.


Think about it if you will. Do you think they just didn’t want to send a team?


I think not.


Do you think they did not want to defend a medal hard won?


I think not.


Do you think they don’t care about their sport?


I think they do.


As far as plans are concerned. I know it is not for the want of trying to change things but there are to many unwilling to see the big picture and look outside their own club, to many who have no ambition and to many moaners who will do nothing to help.


I also find it unsurprising that those same people will NEVER turn out and help organise any sport, which are all entirely run by volunteers. It is little wonder that fewer and fewer people will put their hands up and help when those who will NEVER help, freely, vociferously and anonymously criticise those who do.

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I find it very sad indeed that there are so many who have a pop at the football people for taking this decision.


Think about it if you will. Do you think they just didn’t want to send a team?


I think not.


Do you think they did not want to defend a medal hard won?


I think not.


Do you think they don’t care about their sport?


I think they do.


As far as plans are concerned. I know it is not for the want of trying to change things but there are to many unwilling to see the big picture and look outside their own club, to many who have no ambition and to many moaners who will do nothing to help.


I also find it unsurprising that those same people will NEVER turn out and help organise any sport, which are all entirely run by volunteers. It is little wonder that fewer and fewer people will put their hands up and help when those who will NEVER help, freely, vociferously and anonymously criticise those who do.


It's fair enough to have this ponit of view Wheesht, and I agree with you that there is plenty wrong with the situation worth railing against. I also agree to an extent that some of the playing staff would like to play in Rhodes, but I also think that it doesn't matter enough to enough of them to actually do it. I accept there is a massive cost implication, but if going to Rhodes to defend the Island Games doesn't matter enough how else is Shetland football going to move forward? Playing several Highland League teams next year is all very well but it's a long way from the white heat of real tournament competition. There would also be cost implications if Shetland was to take part in a national competition. The only way around this is subsidy. Should public funds be used for this? If they were would Shetland send a team to Rhodes? I'm inclined to think they might.

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I also find it unsurprising that those same people will NEVER turn out and help organise any sport, which are all entirely run by volunteers. It is little wonder that fewer and fewer people will put their hands up and help when those who will NEVER help, freely, vociferously and anonymously criticise those who do.


So who are you then Wheesht????


Jonners is, not for the first time, talking a lot of sense here.

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Is it just me or are we all wandering off the beaten track with this one. I don't think anybody is having a go at those who organise football. I think they should be applauded for their time and effort. This however does not mean that it is being done correctly. If people are willing to give their own time to help with the state of Shetland football I can only assume it because they want to and are happy to do so. Let's be honest you know you're not going to be paid.


My point will remain that not sending a team to Rhodes is very much to the detriment of Shetland football. Wheesht, your point about people not being able to look outside their own clubs is very true. I think this next season will deal with those people by forcing teams to become involved in the new league set up. Rightly so. Again I think the league set up has nothing to do with the association (or the managers) decision not to send a team to Rhodes.


Surely a new group of players being introduced into the county set up would breath new life into a very poor A-league. The more people involved with the county squad and it's training then there has to be a knock on effect for league teams.

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I also find it unsurprising that those same people will NEVER turn out and help organise any sport, which are all entirely run by volunteers. It is little wonder that fewer and fewer people will put their hands up and help when those who will NEVER help, freely, vociferously and anonymously criticise those who do.


So who are you then Wheesht????


Jonners is, not for the first time, talking a lot of sense here.


Does it matter who I am that I hold MY opinions? Who are you?????????


There no goin, get over it.


Will we see the same uproar and jibes against the posrts governing bodies when bla bla the athlete, swimmer, shooter or cyclists says they are not going to Rhodes becaus ethe conditions are way over the top for our athletes?


I do hope so but I won't hold my breath.

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