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No Defence of the Football Crown


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Hi everyone in Shetland,


a little note from a windy Aland. What a shame that you are not sending a men's team to Rhodes. We are sending both a men's and a ladies team and they are really looking forward in going. Our problem in the past have been our FA wanting to send the best team but our top players are not available due to Finnish and Swedish Premier obligations. They solved the problem by now using the Island Games for their under 21 "national" team. For the women we only have two clubs and they are jointly selecting the best available squad. Our best ladies team play in the Finnish Premier league. Cost is always an issue and each competitor and official have to pay between 450-500 euros each, the rest we subsidise through public funding, lottery, Island Games Newspaper etc. Our total cost per team member is approximately 1300 euros which means we subsidise some 800 euros per team member.

For the rest of the Shetland team - see you in Rhodes. Hope all preparations are going well. :P




Susanne Guildford

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