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Religion & Theology (& should we respect beliefs)


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It's a shame because it's so stupid that it's kind of funny (if it wasn't actually sad or scary).

Agreed. The concept of "Judeo-Christian truth" is particularly amusing, and point 6 is totally at odds with fact. Fairy tales are, in their original form, littered with heroes resorting to the most dubious and unethical of actions. The author is clearly only familiar with the later sanitised children's versions.


And well you can read it but I'm not sure if you understand German....

I can indeed. I was being cheeky ;-).

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Hmm. I post a link (above) a few days ago about sixth sense, and within days I come across news that Southampton University has now demonstrated telepathy, too. At this rate, there'll be no "alternative science" at all soon.


Mind you, they're only claiming a "bit rate" of 0.14 bits per second (7 seconds to send/receive a 1 or 0). A quick check on the calculator tells me that to transmit 1 kilobyte of information (i.e., a very small text file) this way would take a little over fifteen and a half hours - that's continuous, remember, no stopping for a cup of coffee, or a loo break to get rid of it again.


So it will be awhile before we can use this method for "downloading" Hollywood's latest blockbuster. Don't uninstall your torrenting program just yet. :wink:

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When it comes to all this kind of stuff I find that the guy who is really interesting to listen to and read is Rupert Sheldrake. Hard science, but a decidedly open mind. He is focused on doing experiments, but not the kind usually encountered.

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Hmm. I post a link (above) a few days ago about sixth sense, and within days I come across news that Southampton University has now demonstrated telepathy, too. At this rate, there'll be no "alternative science" at all soon.


Mind you, they're only claiming a "bit rate" of 0.14 bits per second (7 seconds to send/receive a 1 or 0). A quick check on the calculator tells me that to transmit 1 kilobyte of information (i.e., a very small text file) this way would take a little over fifteen and a half hours - that's continuous, remember, no stopping for a cup of coffee, or a loo break to get rid of it again.


So it will be awhile before we can use this method for "downloading" Hollywood's latest blockbuster. Don't uninstall your torrenting program just yet. :wink:


Was there any degradation based on distance? Okay so the bit rate is not fast, but is the transmission rate bound by the top speed of the electron? What I'm getting at is that could you for instance send a Kilobyte to the next star system in 15 hours rather than a few years.


Maybe teeps have a bandwidth issue.

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It's a shame because it's so stupid that it's kind of funny (if it wasn't actually sad or scary).

Agreed. The concept of "Judeo-Christian truth" is particularly amusing, and point 6 is totally at odds with fact. Fairy tales are, in their original form, littered with heroes resorting to the most dubious and unethical of actions. The author is clearly only familiar with the later sanitised children's versions.


And well you can read it but I'm not sure if you understand German....

I can indeed. I was being cheeky ;-).


I'm sure she would consider them as devil's work or Pagan (if she differenciates...)


And you understand German? :shock:

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And you understand German? :shock:

The old joke goes:

Q: What is someone called who speaks three languages?

A: Trilingual

Q: What is someone called who speaks two languages?

A: Bilingual

Q: What is someone called who speaks one language?

A: British


Of course it isn't always so. In my case understanding German is quite easy. On the other hand, speaking and writing it is difficult due to the conjugation complexity etc. Three sexes has long struck me as being a bit excessive.

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Do you mind me asking how come you understand German?


I had heard the joke about the british before but I luckily I know quite a few who speak various languages :D


Although I'm still amazed that my best friends German isn't much better since he hears me every day and has been to Germany many times.

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Sounds like the Raelians had it right all along ...


Oh god! I had completely forgotten about their existence! One of their members approached me and a freind while we were walking the dog.

It was sooo funny! Shaem I can't remember his Arguments to various questions on evolution.



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So; what's the real story about the Saturn hat that John likes to cruise about in.

One would almost think it improper for the head of the catholic church to be seen under a symbol of the pagan king of the gods.


I gave him a phone to find out but his only response was "For christs sake, you're not supposed to ask things like that" then he hung up. :wink:

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Guest Anonymous

Q: What is someone called who speaks three languages?

A: Trilingual

Q: What is someone called who speaks two languages?

A: Bilingual

Q: What is someone called who speaks one language?

A: British


I've always considered myself to be Trilingual. I can converse reasonably easily in English, very fluently in Shetland, and very frequently in Sharn.

And one of these days, somewhere in the evolution of the Trowie species, I may actually get my brain around Norskie. :wink:

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