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Traditional fly papers seem to be moderately successful, but fly sprays seem to be ineffective.  Might as well try and hit them with the tin...:roll:

I tend to wait until they settle(?) and whack them with a traditional rolled up newspaper.  Only problem with this approach is that, although it's good excercise, the wife gets a little 'excited' by the mess I leave on walls and the rather coarse expressions of jubilation when I get one..  :-x

I have an electronic fly killer, but that doesn't seem to work as well as it might.  One or two have suffered an excruciatingly painful death as they get 'zapped', but it seems that most of them tend to avoid it.


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The little feckers moved in to ours just yesterday - and they're worse today. Fly papers have nailed a load of them, as has my trusty rolled-up tea towel. I had to resort to more drastic measures afore spending any quality time in the bog this morning and broke out the portable vacuum; this took some time and effort (emptied it outside straight away too) but proved fruitful in the end with a big wide nozzle on the end of it.

The highlight of last nights tea towel assault was whacking a pair of them seamingly in mid sexy-time. What a way to go :lol:

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Here's a rumour for wis tae start if it hasna started already.. I'm sure folk will find a wye tae blame da windfartsm for da flys so we might as well get goin, so..

I heard aa da flys hiv come up in containers we windfarm parts and/or dey are da result o diggin up da paet ;-)

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57 minutes ago, Muckle Oxters said:

Actually, dat soonds lik a no too bad wye tae go!

Yes, go out with a bang so to speak. Sorry.

52 minutes ago, Muckle Oxters said:

Here's a rumour for wis tae start if it hasna started already...

I'm not sure if I'm minding this right, but there was a similar plague of flies a few years back and Orkney got the blame for that IIRC - something to do with some of their waste getting shipped up here to burn. But yeah, windfarm this time for sure:thmbsup I heard [from the voices in my head] they removed the parts from the containers just so's they could fit in even more flies.

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21 minutes ago, Roachmill said:

I'm not sure if I'm minding this right, but there was a similar plague of flies a few years back and Orkney got the blame for that IIRC - something to do with some of their waste getting shipped up here to burn. But yeah, windfarm this time for sure:thmbsup I heard [from the voices in my head] they removed the parts from the containers just so's they could fit in even more flies.

Oh my mercy, dat wis right. I'd forgotten aboot the Orcadians. They must be in cahoots with the windfarm folk.

So yis, I agree @Roachmill. I heard dat last week da containers bound fur Shetland stopped aff in Orkney, and da windfarm folk smuggled turbine parts oot o da containers tae sell tae da Orcadians, and den replaced da parts we tonne bags full o Orcadian flies.

A man I ken kens anidder man whaa wis dare when dey opened da containers. Dey wir expectin boxes o bearings but got a facefull o bluebottles we up-and-doon pitched Orcadian buzzes instead. 

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