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Never heard o neep raidin' but we used tae go Kale Castin, we always casted da eens we thought wid chase wis.


No sure if it still goes on but we wir doin it about 8-10 years ago, Bloody good fun... if anybody could be buddered tae chase you.

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Dir wis kale cast in Tingwall a couple o years ago. Some o it hed messages attached lik:






"One day offer only, your 5 portions of fruit and vegetables delivered free to your door"


No idea wha wis ahint dat.

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Dir wis kale cast in Tingwall a couple o years ago. Some o it hed messages attached lik:






"One day offer only, your 5 portions of fruit and vegetables delivered free to your door"


No idea wha wis ahint dat.


My guess wid be Peter Sharp :P

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I believe once in the '80's the police had to be called to one particular adult neep raider, though this was due to the fact the neep in question had just had Yaltox applied to it, and consumption would almost certainly have resulted in a visit to the Gilbert Bain, and possibly Goudies!

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I remember re-visiting Whalsay about 6-7 years ago, and my eldest disappearing with da eens he'd been at nursery with (they were about ten by then) - came back late at night with a belly-ache and said they'd been neeping. I thought it had died out - but not in Whalsa' !

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