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Davie P

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This is quite disappointing https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2021/07/20/graffiti-defaces-lerwick-town-hall-and-esplanade/

...and it's not even amusing or thought provoking. 

I expect it's not only Loki who isn't happy - the SIC cleansing team will likely be a little miffed too! Hopefully the paint comes off the stonework and pointing of the Town Hall without damaging it

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Beats me as to why anyone would want to do this kind of thing.  It's really dumb and only serves to alienate anyone who 'might' have supported their cause(?).

Interesting that plod is appealing for any CCTV footage that might be out there.  I seem to remember 250K + being spent on a system just so they could use it in situations like the aforesaid.  What happened I wonder ?



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^ Generally its to get a reaction, stirring the pot, poking 'society' with a sharp and pointy stick etc. The implied 'cause' being supported/condemned in such 'messages' rarely has any relevance other than it being one the author is of the opinion is as controversial that it will trigger the most people.

Its certainly worked given the way the media and social media have reacted, although perhaps not entirely in the way intended. As the 'cause' (which if there is one, would appear to be the alleged 'sexism' of the LK UHA, but its a bit cryptic.....) has mostly been ignored and the greatest 'outrage' has been that somebody has had the audacity to spray paint of a couple of walls and pavements in the first place, regardless whether it says anything or not.

The only 'victims' here are the SIC and the BBC, both of whom are big enough, ugly enough and omnipresent enough to take care of themselves. yet the outpouring of outrage and criticism over this far exceeds that for a similar incident at the War Memorial next door not all that long ago. That two of the main supporting pillars of 'the establishment' can elicit an outpouring from the public that the dead, whose lives were taken in exceptional circumstances, for the good of future generations, cannot, is what I find most concerning.

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17 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

The only 'victims' here are the SIC and the BBC, both of whom are big enough, ugly enough and omnipresent enough to take care of themselves. yet the outpouring of outrage and criticism over this far exceeds that for a similar incident at the War Memorial next door not all that long ago. That two of the main supporting pillars of 'the establishment' can elicit an outpouring from the public that the dead, whose lives were taken in exceptional circumstances, for the good of future generations, cannot, is what I find most concerning.

The 'victims' are people who don't like seeing the town vandalised.

And The War Memorial was a single location, whereas the last incident was several locations. There are arguments to be had regarding the relative symbolism and validity of the 'targets' but the scale is different.

From my perspective, the "outpouring of outrage and criticism" doesn't "far exceed" the War Memorial incident (which made it to the national news), but then I don't know where you're sourcing your outrage and criticism from.

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