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Town Revamp


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I think it's just this time of year Judge, it's incredibly depressing - the weather doesn't help, it's always very dreary.


I agree, Commerical Street has been almost exactly the same since I was a kid but I can't see that changing unless it needs to be - which in all fairness, it doesn't.

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....besides, tourists would be disappointed if it didn't have that authentic, dreary fishing town look. They'd feel ripped-off that they hadn't quite reached the ass-end-of-nowhere, struggling to survive in the middle of the north-sea, etc


.. that's a special feeling.. :cry:

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I know from family who have B&B in Shetland, guests often (not all though) comment on how bleak Lerwick looks. I was thinking more of the shop fronts, refuse boxes placed at the sides of buildings rather than in front etc.............. Maybe i have nothing to do today..........!

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Does anyone else think Lerwick is in need of a bit of a face lift? It seems to be so run down in parts and not only in need of a good clean up, but money spent on completely rejuvenating Commercial Road. Its all so bleak and dreery looking.


This is one of those "yes....sort of" type things. It would be nice if the whole town looked sparkling fresh for every tourist and indeed for local people. That said Lerwick is a working town rather than a holiday resort and parts of the town will always look a bit run down......Malakoff and Hays as examples.


There is also the question of "who pays"?. Surely we are not expecting property owners to make the town look smart at their own expense but neither are we expecting the council to foot the bill.


I do think that some eyesores could and should be tackled by the council who could then bill an owner if one could be found. The rear of the soap factory and the wine bar would be a good place to start. Some of the smaller lanes between the street and the Esplanade need cleaning on a regular basis which could be done by the council. Going out onto Commercial Road if the old buildings by the Salvation Army are still there then their owners ought to be made to fix them up or to sell them.

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Yes, the buildings next the the Salvation Army need knocking down. Its an eye sore for locals as well as folk getting their first taste of Lerwick wandering into the centre off the boat in a morning.


I am sure that the council have powers to deal with derelict looking eyesores but have absolutely no idea if they can start proceedings themselves of if somone has to make an official complaint first. Ideas anyone?.

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