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Freecycle group in Shetland


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Ghostwriter wrote

Just thinking about practical points. Assuming for the moment, that recycling between different areas is part of the overall concept. How useful is is that approach to Shetland? The limitations of our geographical position makes me question if such a concept can realistically expect much if any recycling to occur with someone located off the isles.


As far as I can tell the idea is for local recycling. Certainly the list of groups covers so small places and the idea is that you join your local group. The value of Freecycle as a national and international organisation is that it is getting to be talked about with people getting asked by friends if they have looked for a local group.

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  • 7 months later...



Shetlink never did manage to get this one off the ground.


SIC recycling website - pass it on


SIC Website


I had contacted the Freecycle Group to join up - though it was like trying to talk to a slug getting any sense out of them ... some completely loony American woman that didn't seem to know who she was or what she was doing. Then a quite abrupt person equally as inept.


The conclusion was that for Shetland it would have been a better idea to just go it alone. . .


. . anyway, back to the point at hand! ---- good on the SIC for starting this up for real as it's a great idea, especially tying it in with the "Civic Amenity Site" or "dump" to you and me ;). There is tonnes of stuff needlessly wasted in this "throw away society" ... big thumbs up to the SIC!

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I got an email from the same woman you're talking about Trout. I had no idea what she was talking about, but slightly more idea than her! A very confusing exchange indeed




I'm glad to see the coonty recycling stuff too, as punters aren't allowed into the skips anymore!


That'll be a good job for somebody. A professional skip scranner. Where do I apply

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Whilst at the new skips a couple of weekends ago, the supervisor had seven or eight fairly good bikes rescued from other dumpers. He kindly offered them to us if we wanted one (or all). Now we see the SIC website listing items. Congrats to all concerned!

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Noo if da SIC can avoid any legal problems (dir bound ta be some) wi listin items "left at da dump", dis could be a fantastic idea.


I've never made sense o da stigma against makin use o second haand goods or scrannin. Its just basic human nature.

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Yes, Freecycling is great. A friend is a keen member of the Nottingham group, and apart from anything else practically runs his computing life on free kit - latest acquisitions a P4 server and :!: a Sony 24" monitor. (monitor case slightly wrecked, admittedly.)


I wonder if you might get more sense by contacting the organiser of one of the English groups? It seems to be basically setting up an email net, so can't be that difficult. If you like I could ask my friend's advice, if I can catch him inbetween haring off to today's mad bargains. :)

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Damnsaxon, if you could ask your friend for advice, that would be great. Maybe even get him to post in this forum?


If anyone has any idea about setting up a freecycle group, post a message here and we'll see what happens. As has been mentioned, the 'buy and sell' forum is half way to being a freecycle area anyway. We could set up a dedicated usegroup area of the forum for volunteers to moderatate and keep track of things. Anybody interested?



But since the SIC have done the work, it might be better to use their website as the certral point and somehow expand or their facilities? As has been said, good on the SIC!

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Yes, Freecycling is great. A friend is a keen member of the Nottingham group, and apart from anything else practically runs his computing life on free kit - latest acquisitions a P4 server and :!: a Sony 24" monitor. (monitor case slightly wrecked, admittedly.)


I wonder if you might get more sense by contacting the organiser of one of the English groups? It seems to be basically setting up an email net, so can't be that difficult. If you like I could ask my friend's advice, if I can catch him inbetween haring off to today's mad bargains. :)


I had contacted the central Freecycle group ... mad American woman.... the UK equivalent head of kinda thing was the abrupt person. Gave up on the idea and thought "pah!" ...


For Shetland you can't really be part of the central Freecycle group anyway - seeing as sending to your neighbouring groups is mostly outta the question with freight charges etc.


What the SIC have done is perfect for Shetland with a unison with the "Civic Amenity Site". ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've let my friend know - he's been out of town for a week or two. Even if freight charges limit contact with the nearest other Freecyclers it's worth doing, beats burying perfectly good stuff as landfill.

the "Civic Amenity Site". ;)

I saw a place in Derbyshire which had a "Refuse Amenity Site" - by the time I realised what they were talking about I'd already wondered what sort of amenities they were providing for the refuse ... :lol:

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^^^ I suppose logically you could do this, but it's so much at odds with the Freecycle ethos you'd probably be booted out of the group, so don't reckon on running a business off it. :)


If you can fix up something broken there shouldn't be too much objection to covering your costs though - it all keeps whatever it is in use for longer, which is the name of the aim of the game.

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