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Prince Charles - The Carbon Footprint of a Charcoal Yeti


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The paraffin a 146 would have burned so that a superfluous Londoner could waffle bruck nobody was listening to, to an invited audience at Mair's Yard is a drop in the ocean compared to this:


The local Greens making a public spectacle of themselves on a public beach lecturing folk about further developments of fossil fuel, while they refuse to condemn the diesel thats being burnt and the carbon that's being released north, west and east fae Kergord daily day all day, and likely by all appearances to continue apace for years to come. Just so a folly can be built that at best will only profit a national corporate in subsidies from everyone's tax dollars, and a few crumbs to a handful of locals by the by to oil the wheels and make it happen.

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This is an interesting article on the royal's carbon footprint(s) https://www.theecoexperts.co.uk/blog/royal-family-carbon-footprint#link-who-has-the-biggest-carbon-footprint

It seems Charles is the worst offender.

His mam and her business interests managed to use their privileges to avoid carbon cutting legislation too https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jul/28/queen-secretly-lobbied-scottish-ministers-climate-law-exemption

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