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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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I don't differentiate between junkies and alckie's week minded fools one and all :wink:


4Addiction[/url]"]An open-minded approach to addiction that takes into account all kinds of causal factors will increase our understanding of addiction, and how we can best manage and prevent it.


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Been on da piss for weeks at a time an it bloody hurts when you stop but unless you want to spend your life in da sharn stop you must. its a simple choice.

There may be instances when some one has suffered something they can not deal with, the loss of their loved ones in a tragic accident for example.

but to stay on da piss or any other substance because the come down is too much for them,

week minded fools leave them to stew in their own sharn I say


[mod]Removed excess quoting[/mod]

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In the Bible we find an interesting (and perhaps surprising) relationship between conscience and legalism. The references to people whose conscience is not working properly describe, not people who fail to realize they are sinning, but people who think they (or others) are sinning when they aren't.



At no time should a Christian feel uncomfortable following the example of Jesus. When a doctrine develops that causes us to ignore or even repudiate the example of Jesus, or to imply that Christians cannot use the behavior of Jesus as a reliable guide, it is time to question the doctrine. In connection with our current inquiry, it cannot be ignored that several of the references to wine in the Bible involve Jesus. To suggest that any use of wine is a sin would be to suggest that Jesus sinned. This fact is so obvious that it cannot be ignored by even the most ardent prohibitionists.

I hear you J.C.

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Seems odd to suggest that Scouse drug suppliers should "target" Shetland. You'd have thought that there'd be a lot more profit to be made from some of their own housing estates. Surely more likely that there's one wide boy in Lerwick who'd set up a new supply from them.


I'm sure Sherlock knows. An' I'll bet he's not saying ...

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Seems odd to suggest that Scouse drug suppliers should "target" Shetland. You'd have thought that there'd be a lot more profit to be made from some of their own housing estates. Surely more likely that there's one wide boy in Lerwick who'd set up a new supply from them.


I'm sure Sherlock knows. An' I'll bet he's not saying ...


There's too much competition in their own patch - there's been a similar link between Wolverhampton and Aberdeenshire for a few years.

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Guest Anonymous

well mr sherlock why wait until the rat has supplied and hooked a sizeable portion of youngsters, take him for a one way walk to the Hams of Muckle Roe or if you are unwilling let us know who it is and leave it to the community.

Prevention is much better than a cure as they say

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