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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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What about the millions who have smoked cannabis and taken nothing else?


Isn't it more likely that the people who are likely to experiment with one illegal substance are not dissuaded by their illegality anyway?


I know many people who only smoke tobacco once they've had some beers; what of that?

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People seem to be saying that smoking cannabis is not worse than drinking alcohol, but most people who drink alcohol would never contemplate taking cannabis or LSD or Heroin, however I bet there are loads of people who have taken cannabis who move on to stronger drugs. There is a big barrier between taking alcohol and moving on to 'drugs'. However the barrier from taking one drug to another stronger one is small.


Do you have any hard evidence to back up these assertions, particularly the boldened parts, as my, albeit limited and now dated, personal experiences convince that almost the opposite is true.

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Having read oneofpost's article, it seems that one drug leads on to another .....


Oh God, the same old "gateway" rubbish. The reason cannabis use often leads on to the use of other, harder drugs is because it is illegal, forcing you to go to a drug dealer (who usually has a whole range of delights to sell you) to get it.


It has nothing to do with the intrinsic properties of cannabis itself.

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Having read oneofpost's article, it seems that one drug leads on to another .....


Can't remember the wording quite right, but I think this illustrates the point.


Encouraging your children to drink milk, is encouraging your children to be alcoholics. Most alcoholics drank milk as children therefore milk causes alcohol addiction.


So just maybe milk leads to alcohol, alcohol to tobacco, tobacco to cannabis, cannabis to heroin, swatting flies to murder, I mean you could link up lots of things, most of it's to do with personality and opportunity.

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Having read oneofpost's article, it seems that one drug leads on to another .....


Oh God, the same old "gateway" rubbish. The reason cannabis use often leads on to the use of other, harder drugs is because it is illegal, forcing you to go to a drug dealer (who usually has a whole range of delights to sell you) to get it.


It has nothing to do with the intrinsic properties of cannabis itself.


I totally agree with you.

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It is easy to see why the 'Gateway' theory appeals, but it has been roundly discredited, and quite some time ago too. It is the result of flawed powers of reasoning, and a symptom of prohibition, not an inherent property of cannabis.


If alcohol or tobacco were illegal, they would be so-called 'gateway' drugs themselves.

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People seem to be saying that smoking cannabis is not worse than drinking alcohol, but most people who drink alcohol would never contemplate taking cannabis or LSD or Heroin,


Except in this case, it seems that alcohol was the "gateway" to the other drugs...


I continued to drink to excess and I found myself, usually while under the influence of alcohol, more inclined to try other drugs. Speed and LSD were becoming popular by now.

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People seem to be saying that smoking cannabis is not worse than drinking alcohol, but most people who drink alcohol would never contemplate taking cannabis or LSD or Heroin, however I bet there are loads of people who have taken cannabis who move on to stronger drugs. There is a big barrier between taking alcohol and moving on to 'drugs'. However the barrier from taking one drug to another stronger one is small.


Do you have any hard evidence to back up these assertions, particularly the boldened parts, as my, albeit limited and now dated, personal experiences convince that almost the opposite is true.


My mum and granny like the odd tipple of alcohol but would never contemplate taking cannabis.

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People seem to be saying that smoking cannabis is not worse than drinking alcohol, but most people who drink alcohol would never contemplate taking cannabis or LSD or Heroin,


Except in this case, it seems that alcohol was the "gateway" to the other drugs...


I continued to drink to excess and I found myself, usually while under the influence of alcohol, more inclined to try other drugs. Speed and LSD were becoming popular by now.


You are quite right, in this case.

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Having read oneofpost's article, it seems that one drug leads on to another .....


Oh God, the same old "gateway" rubbish. The reason cannabis use often leads on to the use of other, harder drugs is because it is illegal, forcing you to go to a drug dealer (who usually has a whole range of delights to sell you) to get it.


It has nothing to do with the intrinsic properties of cannabis itself.


I totally agree with you.


I totally disagree with you.

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People seem to be saying that smoking cannabis is not worse than drinking alcohol, but most people who drink alcohol would never contemplate taking cannabis or LSD or Heroin, however I bet there are loads of people who have taken cannabis who move on to stronger drugs. There is a big barrier between taking alcohol and moving on to 'drugs'. However the barrier from taking one drug to another stronger one is small.


Do you have any hard evidence to back up these assertions, particularly the boldened parts, as my, albeit limited and now dated, personal experiences convince that almost the opposite is true.


My mum and granny like the odd tipple of alcohol but would never contemplate taking cannabis.


Well, that would be two then, out of how many is it that's riding the back of old Britannia these days....66 Million, plus no doubt a few million more illegals. Hardly what one might call a meaningful and representative sample, is it?

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