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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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What I think is that people who have taken the step from alcohol to, say cannabis, are more likely to then move onto stronger illegal drugs.

The vast majority of people who drink alcohol don't move on to take strong illegal drugs. It's just my opinion, though.

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  • 4 months later...

Some food for thought in this article http://www.shetland-news.co.uk/news_06_2008/Shetland%20awash%20with%20heroin.htm


A SHIPWRIGHT who became addicted to heroin in prison and moved to Shetland to escape the drug told a jury trial at Lerwick Sheriff Court yesterday (Tuesday) that the drug followed him to the islands......................................................................................


Anderson, originally from Peterhead, became an addict after being sent to prison for a cannabis offence when he was 24. He moved to Shetland in 1999 to escape his habit after it was recommended by an islander he met in jail.


Assuming what was being said in court was of course the whole truth etc. The guy was imprisoned for a cannabis offence. If he hadn't been imprisoned for that he would not have become a heroin addict.



Mr Percy said that the drugs economy in Shetland was similar to the rest of the country in that all substances were easily available, except cannabis resin, which is too bulky to import safely into the isles.


Doesn't seem to much evidence in that piece to suggest the sniffer dogs are helping the situation here at all. It seems to add weight to the argument that they are more succesfull in detecting the softer drugs leading to an increase in the use of harder drugs.


I really do believe that anybody who thinks the present attitude of intolerance and prohibition is the answer to the drug problem needs to take a long hard look at what's going on right here on their own doorstep.

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^^ Amen to that.


The sincerity and will of the government to practice what they preach, will always remain an absurd and unbelievable farce and con-trick for as long as illegal substances remain obtainable in jails.


Rehabilitation, my left....foot. You place someone within a Government run building and place government hired staff in a position that they can, or at least could, check everyone and everything from the size of a pinhead and up that enters or leaves said building, and it still gets through. Either that's incompetent staff, in which case we taxpayers, as their ultimate employers should be raising merry hell about it, or the Government are, by either direct instruction, or through default of inaction, sanctioning sucha situation as "okay". While at the said time arresting and fining people for doing the same thing anywhere else, and preaching how good it all is to the masses. God, dontcha just love hypocrites! :roll:

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Well what I don't understand is why the police are stopping the mules from south when they are on the boat and not following them to the delivery point/contact.


Seems pretty inept to me that as long as there are dealers locally who will continue receiving drugs to supply that they are not being cracked down on.


Seems strange that one person who was going to be raided managed to leave his house before the raid and didn't caught and with most of the local youth knowing what cars the police use its no wonder they can't catch anyone.

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don't know about up here, but they're pretty inept at following them south. Used to laugh as you'd see them trying to trail folk in Aberdeen city centre during peak shopping times on foot, they stick out like sore thumbs.

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  • 1 month later...

I fear that there will never be any change as long as those in there advanced years have a voice in modern day issues that require modern day thinking. I know this may sound a tad extreme within the current ideals that have been imposed on the public, but with the way things are going in social climates... We need someone in the political relm to grow a pair and not shut up until all drugs have been legalised and all prisoners for non-violent drug use have been released. The people need to be informed of how the governments have been lying to us.Even some of our local constabulary are at it. It must be obvious to some of you. The amount of drugs you supposed straight laced law abiding alcohol drinkers get fed by your GPs. They are causing the real damage. Each of us has the right to do whatever we want to our bodies even if it kills us, as long as you don't in any way cause harm to anyone else in the process.


I hope our Forvik King has plans for green houses. I might cough up £120 for a plot then.


For anyone that doesn't believe at least in principal what i'm saying, do some research before you make any judgements or decisions. I'm not talking about Talk to Frank or any governmental funded website(deffinately not the BBC).

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I fear that there will never be any change as long as those in there advanced years have a voice in modern day issues that require modern day thinking. I know this may sound a tad extreme within the current ideals that have been imposed on the public, but with the way things are going in social climates... We need someone in the political relm to grow a pair and not shut up until all drugs have been legalised and all prisoners for non-violent drug use have been released. The people need to be informed of how the governments have been lying to us.Even some of our local constabulary are at it. It must be obvious to some of you. The amount of drugs you supposed straight laced law abiding alcohol drinkers get fed by your GPs. They are causing the real damage. Each of us has the right to do whatever we want to our bodies even if it kills us, as long as you don't in any way cause harm to anyone else in the process.


I hope our Forvik King has plans for green houses. I might cough up £120 for a plot then.


For anyone that doesn't believe at least in principal what i'm saying, do some research before you make any judgements or decisions. I'm not talking about Talk to Frank or any governmental funded website(deffinately not the BBC).


ths guy is fkn spot on.

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I fear that there will never be any change as long as those in there advanced years have a voice in modern day issues that require modern day thinking. I know this may sound a tad extreme within the current ideals that have been imposed on the public, but with the way things are going in social climates... We need someone in the political relm to grow a pair and not shut up until all drugs have been legalised and all prisoners for non-violent drug use have been released. The people need to be informed of how the governments have been lying to us.Even some of our local constabulary are at it. It must be obvious to some of you. The amount of drugs you supposed straight laced law abiding alcohol drinkers get fed by your GPs. They are causing the real damage. Each of us has the right to do whatever we want to our bodies even if it kills us, as long as you don't in any way cause harm to anyone else in the process.


I hope our Forvik King has plans for green houses. I might cough up £120 for a plot then.


For anyone that doesn't believe at least in principal what i'm saying, do some research before you make any judgements or decisions. I'm not talking about Talk to Frank or any governmental funded website(deffinately not the BBC).


ths guy is fkn spot on.

I totally agree.

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Wow, that's a pretty well thought out answer (for someone who has been educated well beyond their level of intelligence)

Thing is, if all drug users are dorks, including (tea and coffee drinkers, those who fancy nipping out for a pint, anyone who uses medication for their ailments and illnesses and just about everyone else on the planet unless perhaps your a still born Eskimo who had hardcore puratanical parents) then your pretty much on yer own fella.


Or did you just mean those deemed "BAD" by some grandmaster rockefeller in a weird gay fancy dress club for those who will never be able to think for themselves, while they bow blindfolded and flashing their knees to their boyfriends on the promise of a few perks and perhaps a sook on the root. While they delight in ruining the world for everyone else for their own profit and perversion, that an outsider could never understand.


Such coolness, such fine, shining examples of humanity. :lol:

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