Fjool Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 And how should they be enforced? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulb Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 with jack boots. very hard on the supply. compulsion on the user. the reason prohibition does not work is that the people who are in charge dont have the courage to inforce the laws. and please no more jokes. drugs = death have we not had cannibis farms found in shetland recently what did they get in sentancing. i thought the maximum sentance for supply is life. now a few of them would soon cut the demand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fjool Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 drugs = deathExcept the ones which save lives and reduce pain, of course. Oh, and the ones which don't kill people... like cannabis and caffeine. And the ones whose side-effects, when used purely and properly, are 'few to none'... which would be dimorphine then. the people who are in charge dont have the courage to inforce the laws.And you have the courage to send police officers to their deaths? To actively push policies which increase prostitution, assault, theft and terrorism? To imprison non-violent, productive members of society? Your ideas for enforcement... I am interested; do you have a newsletter to which I might subscribe? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fatal Paper Cut Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 I would rather live in a nanny state than in a society that allowed you to kill yourself. Your uniform for the brave new world is ready sir so your option i (*** Mod - Hot-linked image of Rachel Whitear removed (please refer to our T&Cs. If folks want to see the image, a google search will provide it. ***) Ah. Rachel Whitear. A quick search on Wikipedia tells me that when she died, fingerprints were not taken until a fortnight after police were originally called to the scene. Nor was there a post mortem. However, (and i quote) "Toxicology later revealed that the level of heroin in Rachel's bloodstream was 0.05 micrograms per millilitre, one third of the 0.15 μg/ml generally considered to be fatal". If you're going to bring the unfortunate death of a girl into things, how about doing some research on it first? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MJ Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 and please no more jokes. drugs = deathand you see it's statements like that, that makes your average teenager just switch off. May work on an 8year old, like the whole "smoking kills" thing, thing is kids wake up to it all, and notice that their mate who had a toke on a spliff at a party once is still alive.Improper use of any substance can kill, water, oxygen...Not pro legalisation of drugs or anything, I have seen more than my fair share of friends die. Just hoping when my daughter reaches the age where these choices are made, she remembers. She's had the talk fae ex-addicts, a 25year old with the body of pensioner explaining about the ulcers and false teeth. Hell we lived in powis/woodside in Aberdeen she saw it everyday, where needles were an everyday matter of fact, lying on the street, in the park or in your stairwell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MuckleJoannie Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 its done with mental health. so why not buy a drink and do a months probation. why do you think shetland banned the sale of booze between the hurts society yes lets ban everything And you can see some examples of how successful prohibition was between the wars here During that period an uncle of my mother's was heavily fined after being caught selling half bottles of some indeterminate alcohol he found in a barrel while going about the banks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fifi Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 ...we were at the northmavine Up Hellya and the amount of drinking was a joke. infact i took my kids home because i was not happy with there safty. its odd that everybody seemed to be drinking but there was nobody walking. i wonder what the police are doing on up hellya nights. is there some law in shetland that allows drink driving. I know you're referring to the Northmavine Up Helly Aa in particular as you were there, but I doubt if the Northmavine one would be any different to any of the country UHAs. Of course the guizers have their own buses, etc to transport them around so they have no need to worry about drink driving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 i would rather live in a nanny state than in a society that allowed you to kill yourself.i agree that the goverment is two faced by allowing cig sales and booze sales and earning taxes from it.though they seem to be relizing that its costing the country more than its sure that this will be expanded to alchol one day. it seems that if you are happy with the option of free choice then we must remove all those laws that protect us. were do i buy a machine gun i really want to shoot bunnies but hey if i run a muck then thats life. no more driving on the left pick your side of the road and hope. thats the same option as drug use. you are risking all by choosing this route for society. The right to terminate your own life is the only absolute right any of us have, and I sure as hell want to hang on to my right to do just that. Otherwise you miss the point completely with your rant about machine guns etc. Freedom of choice for one individual has to be tempered with the right of any other individual not to be negatively affected in any way by another individual's choices. Sure as hell if there was no designated side of the road to drive on many individuals would be negatively affeted by the choices of other, as would using machine guns to shoot rabbits, the speed or fire and range makes it impossible to use them without those bullets which miss any intended target doing damage beyond it unknown to the operator. There is no reason why any one individual using currently prohibited mind altering substances cannot use them without impacting on anyone else in any way, and if they do impact on someone else, there are a whole slew of laws to charge them with, which are there to address such behaviour anyway, regardless if the perpetrator is on any substance or not at the time they break them. The whole "Drugs cause crime" line is total b/s, people commit the same crimes anyway, regardless of substance use or not, and there is no way of knowing that just because someone uses certain substances and also commits certain crimes, that preventing them from using those substances will also prevent them committing the crimes. One is not the sole cause of the other by any long shot. It may have completely escaped your notice but people are dieing and destroying their health every day on so called banned sunstances, anyone anywhere would wants to purchase any of those substances, can do so. Will you please tell me, exactly, just how this prohibition is "working" and how it could possibly become a worse. 30 years ago when I was a teen at school I knew exactly where I could go if I wanted to try either heroin or a joint, I didn't want, "acquiring" a bottle of something every now and then kept us amused back then, but the point is, it was here then and relatively common knowledge how and where to get it. 30 years of prohibition has worked to give us numerous suppliers and a decent supply chain, and a copper stating in court that the place is "awash" with heroin. If this is the result of your "good" prohibition, god save us from your "harshly enforced" version of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulb Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 then lets stop messing around your aguements for pro drug use is not going to happen. not even the most libral country in the world allows the free use of drugs. theraputic(sorry about the spelling) drugs are dangerous in fact a fare few deaths a year are caused by them. but the diffrence is they have a purpose. whats the purpose of street drugs apart of course to hide from life. what do you think happens to the addicts family i think they get hurt by the addicts choice. now lets have a look at the so called safe drugs cannabis is addictive. go find an heavy user of a few years. then tell me its harmless. by they way its causes just as much cancer as fags. now how about all the lives destroyed and inslaved by the producers. make me out to a nazi thats fine. but just because i apose your dangerous views does not make me wrong. nobody will make a law to stop you killing yourself but you had better hope that there are laws to stop others helping you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Inky Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 now lets have a look at the so called safe drugs cannabis is addictive. go find an heavy user of a few years. then tell me its harmless. by they way its causes just as much cancer as fags. I've never claimed that smoking cannabis is harmless. But I believe that just because an activity is potentially harmful, it shouldn't be outlawed. Should we ban rock climbing and motorbiking, to name but two legal, but somewhat risky, pastimes ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roachmill Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 have we not had cannibis farms found in shetland recently what did they get in sentancing. i thought the maximum sentance for supply is life. now a few of them would soon cut the demandIt wouldn't cut the demand at all. It would cut the supply I think you meant. It's a sad fact that some of our larger dealers have purposefully cut the supply of the less harmful (subjective, I know) drugs (cannabis, e etc.) and pumped up the volumes of Bolivian marching powder, heroin and the like just to make more money. I'm in no way saying every single pot head or cheesy quaver is going to start taking heroin just because there usual tipple isn't around. Rather, as things stand with dealers being a law unto themselves (i.e. unregulated suppliers), they currently can have a much more damaging effect. I don't think making all drugs available to anyone is the answer either. Education is always a good starting point. Darwin is always there to help us along . Bill Hicks too: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khitajrah Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 I wonder if it might be a good idea to look into the "why" people think they need to use drugs at all, on a social scale. Perhaps we, as a society, could look at resolving those issues. Back where I grew up, near an Indian Reservation in Canada, there was a quite a problem with the youth inhaling aerosols, with a considerable number of deaths. As far as I am aware there is no problem with such a thing here and yet the same types of aerosols are available. Why aren't the youth here abusing those despite them being freely available? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fjool Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 I wonder if it might be a good idea to look into the "why" people think they need to use drugs at allWell, see... this is the bit that nobody really likes to talk about. The reason people take drugs is because they like them: drugs make them feel good. Many people don't 'need' to take drugs, they 'want' to. Take alcohol, for example: why would anyone want to drink this, one might ask? Because they enjoy doing so... it relaxes them, makes them feel witty and confident. It is a social lubricant. There's no mystery here. This is the demand side of the equation which prohibition fails to address. Now, of course, I've generalised. Not all drugs make all people feel good; everyone is different. And some people, I think, are pre-disposed to drug use, whilst others will never touch them or, if they do, will not enjoy and never use again. Any attempt to educate must recognise these facts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 nobody will make a law to stop you killing yourself but you had better hope that there are laws to stop others helping you. ....and the current status of prohibition contributes to this laudible aim, how? You cannot prohibit that which is quite quickly and easily created from readily available ingredients. If you kid yourself on that you are, such as the current legal situation does, you lay the procurement, manufacture and supply of such substances open to the unregulated, less scruplous and often criminally minded elements, who by definition will, in some cases be quite happy to trick and misinform their customers concerning their product to achieve a sale. I cannot see a more clean cut example of "helping someone to die" as that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArabiaTerra Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 now how about all the lives destroyed and inslaved by the producers. And why does this happen? Because the production, distribution and sale of recreational drugs is in the hands of violent criminal gangs. And why is this? Because of prohibition. Put the production, sale and distribution of these substances in the hands of competent and regulated drug producers and under government regulation as is the case with therapeutic drugs and you put an end to the evil, criminal drugs trade at a stroke. And not only that, but you save yourselves the billions of pounds currently wasted trying (and failing) to stop this trade and you get a whole new revenue stream of multiple billions for government from the taxes levelled on the sale of these recreational substances. Who loses? (And before you come back with an unfounded assertion that problem drug use would soar, every place which has tried even a limited relaxation of the current prohibition has seen a reduction in problem drug use) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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