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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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Well, see... this is the bit that nobody really likes to talk about. The reason people take drugs is because they like them: drugs make them feel good. Many people don't 'need' to take drugs, they 'want' to.


Maybe we should talk about it then. Despite being illegal I can comprehend why someone might want to smoke a joint at the weekend while relaxing or whatever, the same as someone might like to make a really nice extra chocolatey cake for the occasional special pudding or share a great bottle of red with some friends. However, what makes someone eat so many cakes that they become hideously obese, or drink sooo many bottles of wine every night that they pack their liver in, or smoke sooo many joints that they [insert side effect of choice here], or failing the accessibility of cannabis move on to harder addictive drugs. There has to be reasons one would hurt themselves long after the feel-good factor has worn off.

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^^ Well, one possibility is the fact that you come in to this world without being warned, without having a choice in the matter yourself, without instructions and without any obvious purpose except ultimately being food for other species, plants etc, a purpose which civilisation has more or less rendered ineffectual anyway these days.


Simply "being", while its the best to a lot of people, is not up to much and downright boring in the opinion of many others, hence they don't care how quickly they either intentionally or unwittingly arrange their own demise, just so long as they have a blast along however long the path is.


Live fast, die young and all that....

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problem drug use
is wrong drug use is abuse

i think you are slightly mistaked take some crack and lets see how soon your fun lasts. how abut some crystal meth try that and see how long you enjoy it. in fact is not one of the ingredients in meth drain cleaner.


even you little spliff has a 10% chance of causing psychological dependence. oh i forgot to mention my wife informs me it increases your blood pressure and heart rate. so tying that in with your Tobacco use it will not be long before she or one of her friends is sticking things in places you dont want to think about.


that sounds good lets put the sale of these filthy substances into the hands of a multi national company. who knows a little trial sample in every pack of fags.


i seem to remember a couple of wars we fought to allow our legal companies to dope up the chinese. so all those opium dens were just propaganda no addidtion no millions of lives ruined.


you would only be putting the trade into the hands of corparations that would teach organised crime a thing or two.


face it if your using your playing russian roulette. one day you will find out you need it and then its to late.


drug use is abuse.

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you would only be putting the trade into the hands of corparations that would teach organised crime a thing or two.

I think you'll, unlike Columbian drug-lords, Anheuser-Busch, Scottish & Newcastle and the like don't settle their disputes using machine guns and car bombs.

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get in the way of the big ones and very unpleasant things happen. who knows the SIC could be hiring some italian american public relation experts to deal with there problems. and lets face it we do have lots of shetland ponies. could be heads you win and tails you loo's


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oh i forgot to mention my wife informs me it increases your blood pressure and heart rate. so tying that in with your Tobacco use it will not be long before she or one of her friends is sticking things in places you dont want to think about.


:shock: :) :D :P

Really...........................tell me more.


is it getting warmer in here

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that freedom of use does not work, your making someone happy and rich.

the freedom changes to slaverly and poverty.

there was a man in stockport who opened a dutch coffee house there. he was happy to go to court and prison for his choice. so lets see all the drug users phone the police and confess there using habits. this will then save millions of pounds that can be spent on my jack boots

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that freedom of use does not work, your making someone happy and rich.

the freedom changes to slaverly and poverty.


This is the free market and nature establishing the pecking order of things at work, what's wrong with it?


Do you want Communism? Unless you establish and strictly maintain Communism as per the theory of pure Communism, NOT as per the Soviet and Asian models, you will always have some people getting rich, and some people paying for it.

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hang on i was a nazi for the last two days. it does take a while for me to swing over that far in my politics.


so i will have to bull doze the centre of lerwick to build my red square. then a state owned supermarket that will teach tescos. then i had better build a palace of the people at somewhere near the musium. then i had better employ most of the workers in my totarian empire.


oh hang on we have most of that now it will just have to be the combine armed forces of shetland marching through lerwick on mayday , possably dressed up as women oh yes and waving bits of metal about and torches. wo betide any kings on this set of islands, must have a firing squad for somebody. still need the jack boots but maybe in a patent red instead.


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Bill Hicks would have liked this one:



There's plenty of these in Shetland. Perhaps D.A.D should be training up attack dogs to gaurd the hillsides and keep down on those inner space explorers and their hellish anti nanny state ideas.


(Mushrooms can be great fun or on another day they can be really bloody scary; but I don't see them as any reason to become a hippy.

It is possible to examine your reality while you have a job and a haircut.)

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These days I find that for a mind expanding experience; Shetlinks the cyberpsychoactive drug of choice.


Heavy use however, may cause users to become withdrawn from family and friends and if you indulge in heavy late night sessions, work prioritys may suffer the next day.


Extreme caution is advised. :wink:

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