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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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I'd love to see a day in Shetland where everyone on the isles who smokes Cannabis, didn't go to work.

I don't understand this bit.


Its really simple actually.


Now imagine if you will...These people who have smoked cannabis don't go to work on this one day. Imagine the public knowing this and then realising how many people smoke; the subsequent knock-on effect this could have.




-Mass Protests/Walkouts once the cannabis consuming community realise they have a collective power (and no, not like the Borg)


-Law Changes


-Medication that actually works for patients


-A more Liberal and Relaxed way of life for a large percentage of the population who get screwed over because of a false premise which the majority buy into


-All non-violent "offenders" released from jail and records wiped

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well i will be staying at home and insuring all those with the munchies dont eat my animals. im using enough drugs at the moment i was sniffing powder (ive just had to dust 20+ birds for lice) yesterday and today ive been using a Hypodermic (one very unlucky chicken needed help with his little visitors) and the same tomorow (turkeys,geese then the sheep and ponies) when ive done them all i think i will be dosed up with enough drugs to insure i never get a bug again oh hang on then ive got to worm them all.

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Its really simple actually.

Oh I see what you mean now. Ok; sorry. Got the wrong end of the stick.


To be honest, I don't think it would do the cannabis smoker's image many favours to stay home as a protest. Can hear opponents now, "Dirty hippies are just looking for an excuse to stay home and indulge while we hard-working have to support it."


Since you're talking about growing, for commercial reasons, how about if people were to start by giving up a day now and then to do voluntary work, growing local fruit and veg at Tingwall, for example? If enough people are motivated then... oh, wait. I just saw the flaw. Ok. Stay at home day does make more sense. :oops:



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Great idea but slightly flawed.


As a comparison you could ask everybody that achieves an erection when they see a picture of Margaret Thatcher to stay at home. Many might...but would they admit to it?


Well my appologies if my 5 minute rant at the computer was in some way unrealistic. Play it down if you want, but there are to many idiots that don't realise whats going on and a drastic measure needs to be taken. I choose to use cannabis as an example because i rather enjoy the fine herb but i do not draw the line at that.


A "V for Vendetta" scene at the town hall. Can you picture it now;) now thats worthy of an erection.(sorry Maggie)

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drastic action public execution for drug dealers. how about the death penalty for a person who supplies drugs to someone who dies from it. i think a nice gibbert at the market cross would be good. stocks at tescos and the co-op. extreme messures are indeed called for but they are not the rampant use of drugs. even the pro lobby would be apposed to your ideas on weed use. no body in there right mind wants this island flooded with drugs, we just disagree on what needs to be done about the problem.

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Not quite a level playing field there, Inky. To bring it on a par with the drugs situation, you'd have to make cars as dangerous as possible by removing MOTs, garages, seatbelts, air-bags and manufacturing standards. Next you prevent people from using them except at night, with no lights, off-road along a cliff-edge. Without driving lessons. Then you punish the people who sold them the car.

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