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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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this is seperate from use of drugs this is the supply. this would be like fords selling cars with a faulty fuel tank that will explode when you turn on your engine at some time in your ownership. they could supply the users with clean safe drugs. but why would they want to do that it cuts there profits. now i know you all think drugs should be legal but even if they were. these folks would just undercut the clean supply with cheap rubbish. the dealers are not nice people they dont give a stuff for what harm they do. so they deserve the same treatment a whole heap of c--p falling on there heads. jail, loss of property and branding on there forehead with the letter D. would be the first step then the penalties should increase.

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well i will be staying at home and insuring all those with the munchies dont eat my animals.


Wait - so everyone with the munchies goes rampaging through people's houses and eats their livestock and/or pets now? :shock:


Can I just ask - does that flea powder you've been putting on your birds have any side-effects?

yes it stinks of tea tree very pongy.

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oh hang on then ive got to worm them all.


How do you know your sheep have got worms? Poor innocent animals being forcibly injected by a DRUG PUSHER!!!

well its drenching time and the sheep dont after all swallow if they dont want its there choice. i only have a few sheep so i use a hyperdermic its cheaper than buying a big tub. so you see im only a small time pusher

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they could supply the users with clean safe drugs. but why would they want to do that it cuts there profits. now i know you all think drugs should be legal but even if they were. these folks would just undercut the clean supply with cheap rubbish.

They would ? Legitimate vodka makers aren't undercut by people illegally producing cheap vodka laced with meths.

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these folks would just undercut the clean supply with cheap rubbish.


Given the choice all heroin addicts would opt for pure diamorphine rather than street heroin.



Can I just ask - does that flea powder you've been putting on your birds have any side-effects?


Possibly similar stuff to the bug powder in Burroughs 'naked lunch'. :)

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"I just find drugs and the sort of lifestyle(s) that go with it, so unappealing."


it was lords n ladies that were the druggies afore, and the higher the standard of living the more likely it is to find harder drug use....

look at Norway and it's heroin problem, one of the richest country's in the EU....


I know where you're comming from tho, but don't be fooled into thinkin it's the dropouts and ner do wells that are just the druggies ;)


(I think that's what just lookin was tryin to point out earlier)

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I see the scientists are wanting ectasy downgraded to class B as its safer than drink and fags, but the government does not like to use science and common sense :evil:




The move follows recommendations from drugs bodies and the police that Ecstasy is involved in far fewer deaths than other class A drugs, such as heroin, and is several thousands times less harmful.


Now the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) will review the classification and is likely to recommend the drug be downgraded to class B. The body will hold a special evidence session next Friday during which it will hear the latest data on the drugs' effects on the brain and its toxicity. Its decision will be announced next year.


MPs have already heard evidence from Professor Colin Blakemore, the chief executive of the Medical Research Council, that ecstasy was "at the bottom of the scale of harm" and "on the basis of present evidence should not be a class A drug."


The view was confirmed by Professor David Nutt, the incoming president of the ACMD in an article in medical journal The Lancet last year which suggested alcohol and tobacco were more dangerous than ecstasy.


Nutt said that young people already knew ecstasy was relatively safe, so making it a class A drug made a mockery of the ABC classification.


"Let's treat people as adults., tell them the truth and hopefully work with them to minimise its use," he said last March.


But even if the ACMD make a recommendation for downgrading the decision could still hit hurdles. Earlier this summer, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced she planned to override ACMD advice and move cannabis back to class B from class C.


Drugs minister Vernon Coaker said he would consider any recommendation on ecstasy but made it clear the Government believes the drug should remain class A.


Currently possession of ecstasy carries a maximum prison sentence of seven years.

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look at Norway and it's heroin problem, one of the richest country's in the EU....


OK max where did you get your figures for Norways heroin problem and when did they join the EU,


The heroin problem in Shetland is far worse than Norway.

And Norway is so damned rich because it is not in the EU.

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SS, soz, typo thing there....I meant europe not the EU...but hey that's just a technicality


on the Heroin thing, if ya didn't know just google it.....



old article from the NY times



and they're mentioned here quite frequently



why would that be if they didn't have problems.


figures, well you go find them ;)

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