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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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Comment from: David Pyke, psychiatric nurse, Norwich

Date: February 1, 2006


In my job I meet people every day who are damaged by cannabis use. Apart from the psychological damage they cause themselves they are as much danger to others as a drunken lout on a Saturday night.


Yeah right, those hot rocks can be a b*gger.

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Apparently the two officers in question were photographed snorting Cocaine.


For the country boys : Yun white pooder.


I know the names but i would hate to post them and then my information turn out to be wrong. I do feel that the public have the right to know if the people in charge of upholding the law, are not practicing what they preach.


We all know there not straight cops up here.

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I heard this a couple of weeks ago, too. Two police "folk" came into a Lerwick establishment to talk to an off duty police person to proclaim it was all not true! and just rumours. Well they would do.

Everybody in the place could hear what they were saying- this was the tuesday before last.

The cocky young one that I have read so much about on here, was one of them that was doing the talking.

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Even if there is any truth in the rumour it really doesn't matter, like the parked panda out the Nort Rod "maybe" contributed to a wreck that half killed a wife, or the panda heading to a non-event at the Ness that ended up lying on its lug against a garden wall at the top of the Soond Brae, pointing back the way it had come, or the deputy chief that grabbed her pension and resigned before it was settled that "maybe" she'd been a total incompetent for a second time, nothing will come of it!


They do not hang out their own to dry, the above incidents over the last few years prove it beyond all doubt.

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  • 8 months later...

Why are drugs so bad in Shetland and why is nothing been done about it, i have Children growing up here and i so worried about their future, it's not just the youth taking it but parents taking it, social workers, and many more people from council workers to nurses, Where are the drugs coming from. It's all of Shetland now, everywhere from The isle's to Lerwick. Why are these Drug dealers not been named and shamed and more to the point why is the police not doing anything about it. Shetland need's to clean itself up for our children and our children's, childrens. :( :(


bring in drug testing for worker's from all job's from the council to garage workers and maybe even our local football teams. make it way more harder for drugs to get into our pubs.


something really needs to get done before Shetland is drugged down with a crummy reputation like so many other places. Shetland is a great place and i love i dearly and i hope we can see a fall in drug taking in the coming years


(*** Mod - merged ***)

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bring in drug testing for worker's from all job's from the council to garage workers and maybe even our local football teams.

Do you have any idea how much that would cost, given that not only would to have to pay for the tests themselves, you'd have to pay at least two people ( one male, one female ) to spend all day watching people urinate into test tubes ?

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