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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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Airline pilots and surgeons have similar life-and-death responsibilities and can't take fag breaks at all. How do they manage, I wonder ?

Stick their heads out the window? I doubt they do what other smokers do and make use of patches, gum, e-fag or whatever nicotine fixer-upper they prefer. One of the beauties of these things is that you know what strength they are and have an option for a quick hit or a sustained fix over a number of hours. What a clever idea.


You, SS, may earn a shed-load of cash by putting yourself at risk for an oil company... but there's plenty other professions earning stacks more than you for doing things far far less dangerous. Similarly, there's plenty doing more dangerous work than yourself and earning far less. Shock. Horror.

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there are also plenty out here that earn a hell of a lot less than I do claudius (they also work for oil companies) same danger as I am in but they are powerless to prevent things going tits up hence the lower pay.

hell there are folk in the same job as me getting a hell of a lot less, and before anyone else says it, it has nothing to do with where they are from.

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Ooops I am sorry.


I did not explain myself....


My job is a traffic management engineer, designing, installing and maintaining HIGH SPEED temp traffic management systems.

As I said, as an example of what I have to put up with is thousands of partially trained drivers, some of which could be drugged or drunk, this is what makes the task I do more dangerous than yours, as you guys are trained and follow risk assessments.

You only get paid what you do cos of your training, any man or woman can receive the same pay with the same training and experience.


And the post was about your attitude to smoking on an oil rig and your acceptance of drug taking to ease work related stress.


I asked about measures to stop folks smoking, in my company, no one is alowed to smoke, tis a dicaplinary.


So there is really no problem to banning smoking...


And you may find that folks will spend the stuped salary you claim to get, Stuped as in outragous....on the excesses in life, hence the need for testing, the oil industry, in part is responsible for some of the drug taking that goes on.


And, no doubt there have been cases where it has been covered up..


The oil industry is about a stuped amount of money, tis not your life they always try to preserve but costs, tis cheaper to train someone than to have a catastophic acciden and loose millions if not billions. So if you dont do it, someone else will..


Tis not about money but how you feel at the end of the day.


I ensure that thousands pass roadworks, drugged, drunk or straight in a safe manner and my work force gets to go home to see their kids..


I have to build into my risk assessments measures for folk who are not quite up for drivin...

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And the post was about your attitude to smoking on an oil rig and your acceptance of drug taking to ease work related stress.


Who the hell said I accepted drug taking to relieve work related stress, the stress I let them relieve themselves from is the stress of not getting a fag.


And unless you are a traffic cone your job doesn't come close to being as dangerous as mine

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What point are you two trying to make? Sounds to me like your bragging about how dangerous your jobs are and how much pay you get! Doing something dangerous or high paid doesn't make you better than other people (not that you have said it does, but the implication is there) and I can't see the relevance to drugs personally.

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What point are you two trying to make? Sounds to me like your bragging about how dangerous your jobs are and how much pay you get! Doing something dangerous or high paid doesn't make you better than other people (not that you have said it does, but the implication is there) and I can't see the relevance to drugs personally.


It can also reflect the drug taking population...


To have thousands of pounds and take cocaine is ok




to be un employed and be addicted to heroin is a no no..


I do not get highly paid but have to pick up the pieces of folk who have loads of cash and have caused carnage at the wheel of a vehicle...


So to have a high pressure job seems to be an excuse to get offa face as is to be poor, and stressed and do the same but in a more cheaper fashion,

I was not initially bragging but pointing out that in a regulated confined space, drugs are not as an issue as dealing with joe public and his wants...

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I get what you mean now peat


I guess for those with high amounts of disposable income at can be easier to hide drug abuse and it's effects up to a point, and that might give them a feeling of invulnerability. I don't think it makes it better, but it can be managed more easily than someone who relies on a little amount of money to support themselves.

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reminds me of the Brass eye quote:


Luckily, the amount of heroin I use is harmless, I inject about once a month on a purely recreational basis. Fine. But what about other people less stable, less educated, less middle-class than me? Builders or blacks for example. If you're one of those, my advice is leave well alone. Good luck.
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SP you have not the slightest idea of how or why oil industry tries to make things safer, you are trying to say the the OIM of a rig wants no accidents because it will cost a shedload of money if production is lost, might it not be that if the rig goes bang he is just as dead as every other poor sausage out here are you saying management accross the industry are heartless boobalubes.


The oil industry is about a stuped amount of money, tis not your life they always try to preserve but costs, tis cheaper to train someone than to have a catastophic acciden and loose millions if not billions. So if you dont do it, someone else will..


It has taken 22 years for me to gain the experiance I have and to replace that would take another 22 years, so it may be cheaper for the cost of training but what will they do in the interim while waiting for someone else to be trained up.


The wages in the industry as a whole are not that much different from the wages on the beach, that is why we are struggling to recruit young blood into the industry.

Why would a qualified engineer leave his family for 6 months of the year for a salary not that much different than he is already earning.

most staff positions mean working in the office when on the beach so no 6 months holidays a year either.

And for the record pop stars are on a turd load more money than me and quite a few are smack heads and my opinion of them is the same as a smack head on the dole, waste of space and if they won't clean up their act then f**k em.

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But even with folks who have plenty of cash,need education and their own will to stop, plus with support. To want to see any human being die because of social circumstances is beyond that of a reasonable man/woman.

There are lota of rpograms available, and employers have a duty to help if you come to them with what is, a medical condition.

But, these folks have to be moved away from the environment that put them into the situation they are in now.


But sadly folk cannot see a way out, sometimes because of the stigma attatched to being open and honnest with them selve, fear of persecution from the less educated or the bully who is in fear of other things.


But there are probably more killed and injured, as said through legal drug taking.


The program in Amsterdam and the one in Portugal, allows folk to be a bit more open about their problem, even privately. And the needle exchange and replacement theropies help to maintain a better understanding.


But, for me the biggest trouble comes fom cocaine and alchohol missuse.


Cocaine in the young fliers of today has become the norm. So has sitting and drinking so much that folk cannot communicate and going around beating and stabbing folk.


The attitudes of some bussines to turn a blind eye is a problem as well.


Marketing brightly coloured drinks that will only attract the young.



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Nothing has worked yet, no matter how badly you want to treat these folks ss. you will not eradicate the problem, but send it further underground and with more risks come a increased danger for folks who happen to get in the way.

And the cost would be huge..


I read that it can cost 30,000 pounds to keep someone in prison a year..but I am sure that you wont mind a 50% or even 60% tax rate to help pay for it, or do you expect someone else to pay, please explain how you would finance this, oh, and see if you can do it without any personal attacks..

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^^ Make prison's what prisons should be, each cell no more than 4 x 8, no window, a hole in the floor to let the waste out, and a blanket. Yes, yes, I know, Human Rights yadda yadda....Once sentenced someone should have the majority of their Human Rights removed as far as I'm concerned. The right to adequate food, shelter, protection from physical harm and necessary medical care, fair enough. The rest, tough....play by the rules, and you get rewarded, play outside them, you lose.


Those that are fit and able to should be set to work for 12 hour days, 7 days a week to earn income to help pay to keep the prison operating, the current concept that law abiding folk have to foot the bill for all the living expenses of those who don't, is absurd and insulting.

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Does that include folk who cannot pay their council tax cos it has gone up so much to help pay for prisons...


You can be sent to prison for not paying...


How much, then should some one who has been wrongly convicted be compensated for your breach of their basic human rights???


How much would you expect...?

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