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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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If one of my close friends or family were so involved, I would be involved too, but accidents happen, and you cannot account for that, I dont blame the girl at the Co-op for my mates death, I blame the reasons he got to the stage where drink killed him...


But, he sells to make his own habit sustainable, so get rid of the habit, and so on...


See the other side is that this guy does not sell to kill...I dont think he would want folk to die, as a money making scheme it would crash once you killed your last customer.


We all know cars can kill, but most folk have control, there are some who don't.


More the worry, is folk who spike other folks drinks, these people may be outside the drug circle but if they do something daft and get arrested then they would be labled a junkie of some description,,


But, what about cocaine, tis only ever mentioned by me it seems.


It causes more problems than opiates, as does strong skunk and speed..


We seem just to be picking on one drug...and one guy at the moment...

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Perhaps Salmon is wondering how he got caught out of interest..it will have nothing to do with sales of tin foil....I believe...cheap shot that...do no other shops sell foil?


I am wondering too, was it police intelligence, a witness, an agreeved body or was it a random stop check?

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Why does anyone get caught?!?


50% of the time its some old biddy picking up the phone, the other 50% is down to pure luck for a good part, and the remainder is plod actually doing what he's paid to.


Does it really matter....and in the end, who cares? It's only when it sticks that there are any consequences, and 90+% of those are a bad joke.

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Guest Anonymous

I have it on very good authority that the first idiot was caught coming out the sleazy beasts house and that is why the plod decided to put his door in and get the tosser. the first idiot is a very close freind to the sheepshagger and you can rest assured that when SS gets back to the isle that said friend will be getting it in the neck big time.

no sympathy from SS or me for his stupidity

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You could try to help your friend....it may take a while, but I can tell you it is worth it...


Try not to persicute him.....


Get him on a program, dont kick him when he is already down, that would not work...make it a partnership..or unless you are really not bothered, let him go...

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Get him on a program, dont kick him when he is already down, that would not work...make it a partnership..or unless you are really not bothered, let him go...


Try to understand what makes people tick before you spout psychobabble sweeping generalisations like this.


You may well be right, I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong, the "softly, softly", "I'm your pal, I'm here to help you, its not your fault" bleeding heart liberal approach does work with some, but to claim it is the only solution is both arrogant and naive.


Some will lap it up to your face, but laugh behind your back. They will only change their ways if they have the living s*** scared out of them, which of course opens up the fresh question, does the rest of us have the right to force them to change?

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Why do the Police not use a wee bit wit and ask Northlink if they can patrol the Drug dog through the ship every morning after docking, checking all the cabins, it would only take minutes and if there was any dog reaction in a cabin the ship has a list of all cabin accupancy.




At the end of the day you don't have to be a top detective if you have access to daily passenger lists in a small community to work out that a young guy living in Shetland and earning £6.50 an hour is probably up to no good if he is taking his car South on the ferry 12 times a year.

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Why do the Police not use a wee bit wit and ask Northlink if they can patrol the Drug dog through the ship every morning after docking, checking all the cabins, it would only take minutes and if there was any dog reaction in a cabin the ship has a list of all cabin accupancy.




At the end of the day you don't have to be a top detective if you have access to daily passenger lists in a small community to work out that a young guy living in Shetland and earning £6.50 an hour is probably up to no good if he is taking his car South on the ferry 12 times a year.


Dear Mum


Thanks for the offer of paying my ferry trip for me to come and visit you every month to make sure you are okay as you haven't been well. The dosh will be greatly appreciated ...


... oops wrong window.

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Why do the Police not use a wee bit wit and ask Northlink if they can patrol the Drug dog through the ship every morning after docking, checking all the cabins, it would only take minutes and if there was any dog reaction in a cabin the ship has a list of all cabin accupancy.


Im pretty sure dey do dis already..


I came aff the boat a week ago and da dug was der and so wis da cops..


AND yis dey walked onto the boat and had a good luk aroond!

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