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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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Why do the Police not use a wee bit wit and ask Northlink if they can patrol the Drug dog through the ship every morning after docking, checking all the cabins, it would only take minutes and if there was any dog reaction in a cabin the ship has a list of all cabin accupancy.



Totally pointless exercise due to the fact that the dogs can't smell heroin inside a human rectum.



At the end of the day you don't have to be a top detective if you have access to daily passenger lists in a small community to work out that a young guy living in Shetland and earning £6.50 an hour is probably up to no good if he is taking his car South on the ferry 12 times a year.


Goodbye civil liberties.

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I have never said that thes folk are blameless, or they should not be treated with a firm hand...


But, if someone continues to offend in the same manner then the second bout of rehabilitation should be mere exact.


This is a serious contract that will involve folks lives and how they are treated, not a wishy washy program of try again later...

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Why do the Police not use a wee bit wit and ask Northlink if they can patrol the Drug dog through the ship every morning after docking, checking all the cabins, it would only take minutes and if there was any dog reaction in a cabin the ship has a list of all cabin accupancy.



Totally pointless exercise due to the fact that the dogs can't smell heroin inside a human rectum.



At the end of the day you don't have to be a top detective if you have access to daily passenger lists in a small community to work out that a young guy living in Shetland and earning £6.50 an hour is probably up to no good if he is taking his car South on the ferry 12 times a year.


Goodbye civil liberties.


The dog could not get on te ferry last time I was up, doors had jammed.


Unlinked ure are rihgt there, I have bin up 3 times so far this year, maybe , but no.. But it is that easy..............


But an x-ray can see a p nut up an elephants nose

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Then, if you cant stop it physically, give it away at a clinic. Then, you will get to know who folk are who take it, you can make a contract with them, tis easy to put DNA markers on the drug for testing, you get a better chance of helping folk to stop and get on with life with the rest of us..

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If the police were to check roof boxes on cars there could possibly be a higher success in stopping some of the drugs getting into the islands. I am aware of one dubious character with frequent appearances at the hillhead to his name, who regularly fits a roof box to an already large estate and appears to have lots of south holidays (Must be some job to able to take the car south so regular) Last time I went it cost a small fotune.

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......................................But an x-ray can see a p nut up an elephants nose


With all respect, are you suggesting that everyone who comes off the ferry should be x-ray screened?


Or just the elephants ?


What elephants??? :? :?

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For me, legalising drugs would only work under a system whereby people have to take medical responsibility for their actions.


I don't like the sound of that. Currently, we don't deny medical treatment to smokers, drinkers, motorcyclists, or bank robbers injured by the police. What would do with people who we deemed responsible for their own medical problems, but couldn't afford to go private ? Dump them in the gutter to die ?

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For me, legalising drugs would only work under a system whereby people have to take medical responsibility for their actions.


I don't like the sound of that. Currently, we don't deny medical treatment to smokers, drinkers, motorcyclists, or bank robbers injured by the police. What would do with people who we deemed responsible for their own medical problems, but couldn't afford to go private ? Dump them in the gutter to die ?

Private healthcare is a pain to try to explain to people in any positive light because they look at the very regulated private health care system which they have in America, and think its the worst thing since sliced bread. PEople think that Private = ludacrisly expensive.


But if you look at other markets which have lower regulation or very little regulation (electronics industry) you see prices going down. Car companies compete and lower their prices, Xbox Sony and Nintendo are all trying to lower their prices and attract customers. Internet service providers compete, food prices are competative - why wouldn't it be the same under an unregulated free market system of health care?


I don't disagree with the NHS at all, in fact I love it and will be using it twice this week, but as you mentioned; drinkers, smokers etc: we are paying for people's choices and lifestyles, regardless of how dangerous they are. In the case of myself, I bought my skateboard and I rode it dangerously fast and broke whatever bone because of it - which part can I blame you for Inky and get your money for?


If I knew that because I drank every weekend and eat crap all the time would increase my insurance premiums would I take better care of myself? Of course I would. I would be a healthier person.


To answer your question, even in a private systems you have free clinics, ironically they are not free but they very low cost and that is where people who can't afford to, or risk not buying insurance goes.$

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