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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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How to stop Drugs in Shetland.........



1/ First the police have to want to.


2/ Drug dogs meet ferry every morning, check the car decks and after passengers have left do a quick tour of the cabins and lounges

any positive reaction from K9 check passenger list for cabin occupancy or cctv for lounge areas.


3/ Drug dogs meet every plane arriving into Shetland.


4/ Every bulk postal delivery at main post office checked by Drug dogs.


5/ Spot check any Marine vessel arriving at Shetland ports ( use a bit of wit and be pro-active )


To arrive in Shetland you fly in or sail in......

think how easy it is to control drugs as opposed to counties on the mainland....

it's down to the police to want to stamp it out.

There's this product called Dogoff (or something similar), it's used to spray on furniture if you don't want your dog on the sofa. Spray your "package" with that, wrap it well and pop it in the mail. No dog will go near it. (allegedly :wink: )


Any more pointless suggestions? :twisted:

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How to stop Drugs in Shetland.........



1/ First the police have to want to.


2/ Drug dogs meet ferry every morning, check the car decks and after passengers have left do a quick tour of the cabins and lounges

any positive reaction from K9 check passenger list for cabin occupancy or cctv for lounge areas.


3/ Drug dogs meet every plane arriving into Shetland.


4/ Every bulk postal delivery at main post office checked by Drug dogs.


5/ Spot check any Marine vessel arriving at Shetland ports ( use a bit of wit and be pro-active )



To arrive in Shetland you fly in or sail in......

think how easy it is to control drugs as opposed to counties on the mainland....

it's down to the police to want to stamp it out.


Oooh and Point 7 - Customs & Excise. I take it you have paid your tax this year Salmon? They'll love you, thinking they have done nowt whatsoever to stop drugs!

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8 - Add enforced drugs testing at every tesco check-out. If you're wasted then no dice. Doing so will be as much use as not building walls (high ones!) all around the coastline to stop folk offloading at random locations as Fjool (and probably anyone with some common sense) points out.


We may also want to place a large net over us all to stop things getting dropped out of the sky. A ground to air missile system would be an alternative for that perhaps.


As for the assertion the polis currently don't want to stop drug trafficking... :roll:

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How to stop Drugs in Shetland.........


To arrive in Shetland you fly in or sail in......

think how easy it is to control drugs as opposed to counties on the mainland....

it's down to the police to want to stamp it out.


How to stop Drugs in Britain.........


To arrive in Britain you fly in or sail in......

think how easy it is to control drugs as opposed to countries on the European, North American etc mainlands....

it's down to the ???? to want to stamp it out.


Whoo....hoo....amazing how no-one ever thought of such a simple "solution" before.... :roll:

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  • 2 weeks later...
How to stop Drugs in Shetland.........


To arrive in Shetland you fly in or sail in......

think how easy it is to control drugs as opposed to counties on the mainland....

it's down to the police to want to stamp it out.


How to stop Drugs in Britain.........


To arrive in Britain you fly in or sail in......

think how easy it is to control drugs as opposed to countries on the European, North American etc mainlands....

it's down to the ???? to want to stamp it out.


Whoo....hoo....amazing how no-one ever thought of such a simple "solution" before.... :roll:



What a stupid comment....don't you get it ?

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You get drugs in prison, and it only has 1 gate...


Where as you would need to install look outs every few mils ALL around the coast. imagine, a big fence and just a few ways in and out...


It is a nice thought Salmon, but you then restrict folks freedom to navigate around the coast in British waters.


I have and will again sail around the wst coast near Oban. I would not like to have to go through a customs senario everytime I need to take the dog ashore for a dump (yup, I would pick it up too) LOL I would have a bag of good sh-t, any offers?

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^^A few years ago I would have said the same Styles, but now after many years of seeing how things go I cant agree totally, some folk are pre-disposed to sauntering on and nothing having much effect them in a negative way either through alchohol, powders or resin while others will inevitably end up banjaxed, I know this from having a very close family member pretty damaged from substance misuse (solvent & resin), while others are beggared from alchohol, one or two have never been right since having thier first pill and now quite a few pals now seem to have died or be dying from various cancer, all 'smokers' which IMHO cant be completely put down to tobacco usually it's a matter of time depending on the person so never say never, all substance have negative effects eventually whether legal or not, depending on the individual and how you use them...

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I thought I would throw my tuppence into this debate.


firstly, hello everybody :D this is my first post on this forum, though I have lurked around it before.


secondly, my name is Lyall Campbell, and I was the person that was unfortunatly caught havin a smoke up a lane, which, before anybody tells me, was a horrendously stupid thing to be doing.


I've smoked for quite a while, and while I've tried a few other things none of them really agreed with me as I have ADHD and my brain chemistry seems slightly different to others, i.e, speed makes me fall asleep, and cannabis makes me trip.


I disagree wholeheartedly with the gateway drug theory, mainly because it is too conveniant, I know quite a lot of heroin users and I think the majority of them would of ended up alcoholics if they didnt end up junkies, some people just arent comfortable in their own skin and need some sort of escape.

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A sheriff has told a young musician from Shetland that he must think up ways of steering young people off drugs, after he admitted giving a teenage friend a cannabis reefer at Lerwick Sheriff Court yesterday (Wednesday). Lyall Balfour Campbell, aged 24, of Stakkafletts, Fetlar, was arrested in Law Lane, Lerwick, last February after police were tipped off that a group of youngsters were preparing a reefer.Procurator fiscal Duncan Mackenzie said the finger was pointed at Campbell as being the source of the drugs


^^ Quick google search...


* Mods feel free to remove if the above re-thinks his post, this is just to highlight what a quick google search can find.. 8)

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