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Drugs in Shetland

da ness tattie man

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IMHO it is so complex it frightens me that there appears to be so little emphasis on using properly qualified people to lead the policies on solving the hard drug problems that have now evolved up here.

That's because any competent drug expert is pro-legalisation and the government forces them out of a job. Progress? War on drugs doesn't work. We need only to cast our eyes on Portugal who decriminalized drug use (dealing is still not permitted) and the situation improved; drug use down across the board except Cannabis, drug deaths down, Hep C down, HIV down... We can only ignore this for so long and increasingly so at our own expense.

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Follow portugals lead or stop speaking about it. This topic has gone on for 49 pointless pages now. Until this country does what Portugal has done in legalising drugs (in a controlled manner)

then the problem will never end

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I do hope Sherlock is doing his best to inform his local council and upward of the benefits to the ability to police properly, should the legalisation of drugs take place. I'm sure he will no doubt say something to the effect of "I am none partisan, my job is to carry out the requirements of legal statutes no matter how detrimental they are to the society I am helping to destroy, ahem!! I mean to protect and that is all I am obligated under my oath to do. hypathetically speaking".


Follow portugals lead or stop speaking about it. This topic has gone on for 49 pointless pages now. Until this country does what Portugal has done in legalising drugs (in a controlled manner)

then the problem will never end


I dont think the powers that be want the problem to end, far to much money in private prisons and laundering the money for them to just cut off a steady supply of profit.

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My dear fellow, I am unsure as to how exactly I have earned your ire, unless this is an attempt to stereotype and thereby insult and denigrate a section of our society? Surely not...


However, as this is a free country and I am a grown man, I shall attempt to endure stoically, in the face of your superior wit - hypothetical though it may be :roll:


May I take it that you, yourself, are taking up these matters on an active basis with those political forces best placed to address such matters?


Your humble servant :)

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My dear fellow, I am unsure as to how exactly I have earned your ire, unless this is an attempt to stereotype and thereby insult and denigrate a section of our society? Surely not...


Not my society by any means. If you cannot name your society then you are not part of it. I am quite happy not to be able to name any society that I am in any way involved or apart of. Legally speaking of course.


May I take it that you, yourself, are taking up these matters on an active basis with those political forces best placed to address such matters?


Your humble servant :)


You take it correctly; I am active in, unfortunately the only avenue available, the letter writing in support of change for the better. It’s just a shame that your society see fit to pursue a course of action which is so evidently wrong. Your lack of opinion and non-response to the subject matter only goes to show how deeply flawed the system is from the core. You are in a position of ability to change the system from within and not just go with grain. Stats and Promotions mean more than what is right. My utter contempt for such Corporations is indescribable.


You might not be on the street, you might be CID and spend most of your time dealing with the apprehension of paedophile rings but no matter where you are in the your system, you hold power over peoples’ lives and common sense (I pray) must prevail.

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Sir, the tone and content of your posts often suggest strongly that you are a young person, freshly filled with ire, bile and vitriol for "the establishment". Anyone who may disagree with you is wrong. In your eyes, they are not entitled to an opinion and are (obviously) less intelligent than you. In fact, you believe them to be sheep, manipulated by some grand "NLP" conspiracy. They are only to be denigrated, demeaned and despised. Such opinions and views would have gone down a storm in 1950's Alabama, or even 1930's Berlin.


I sincerely hope that time and experience will temper your inner anger and allow you to focus and channel your abilities and talents to better society (and thereby yourself) in some way - and I hope it is not following in the footsteps of Messrs. Dzhugashvili, Schicklegruber and Sar. At least two recent Home Secretaries are former activists against said establishment, having led protests and even carried membership cards for the Communist Party.


There may be hope for you yet.


Your humble servant.


Post scriptum


When I wrote of our society, I meant society in general, i.e. you, me, your neighbours, everyone in this country. You appear to have assumed (rather bemusingly) that I meant some sort of secret society. I fear this says more about you than it does about me. :shock: :roll:

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Sir, the tone and content of your posts often suggest strongly that you are a young person, freshly filled with ire, bile and vitriol for "the establishment". Anyone who may disagree with you is wrong. In your eyes, they are not entitled to an opinion and are (obviously) less intelligent than you. In fact, you believe them to be sheep, manipulated by some grand "NLP" conspiracy. They are only to be denigrated, demeaned and despised. Such opinions and views would have gone down a storm in 1950's Alabama, or even 1930's Berlin.


What if I were young or old, how old is young, do you mean in the mind or physically speaking? Irrelevant as it is. Point is you are assisting organised crime when you enforce these drug laws.



I sincerely hope that time and experience will temper your inner anger and allow you to focus and channel your abilities and talents to better society (and thereby yourself) in some way - and I hope it is not following in the footsteps of Messrs. Dzhugashvili, Schicklegruber and Sar. At least two recent Hone Secretaries are former activists against said establishment, having led protests and even carried membership cards for the Communist Party.


^^And this somehow makes what they do (or not do) ok?? You avoid the point of the topic. The facts are there. Legalise and control.



Post scriptum


When I wrote of our society, I meant society in general, i.e. you, me, your neighbours, everyone in this country. You appear to have assumed (rather bemusingly) that I meant some sort of secret society. I fear this says more about you than it does about me. :shock: :roll:


^^No I never meant some secret society, if i had meant that i would have said so, I wouldn't be afraid to chat about secret societies. Your tone implies that believing that secret societies exist is somehow amusing. They do exist and its well known in Shetland that a good handshake can go along way. (secret society or a society with secrets bandi how you wish)

"society in general" you say. I specified Society legally speaking. such as your law society which its assumed in court that we all stand under. I'm not a part of this society you speak of. What’s its name? I can't remember signing up to that. Create a lawful one and i'll jump on that band wagon.

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My dear fellow, I am aware of such groups as that of which you speak, and it was not that I find the idea of their existence amusing, rather that YOUR tone implied a willingness to believe "they" are behind every organisation, every agency, every facet of our society. Which I doubt.


As to the first part of my post, I offer an apology to you, as, upon reading it back, it may appear I was rather patronising. I strive to avoid such things, regardless of the nature or conduct of the "adversary" in any argument, dispute or debate in which I may become involved. :oops: Even the best of us may have a bad day, and while I make every attempt, I fear I am by no means in this category.


However, I do go home at the end of every working day, secure and content in the knowledge that I have spent my time fruitfully and in the service of others, addressing the needs of the victim and the pursuit of justice. While I cannot speak for my colleagues - and never attempt to do so - I am sure they feel the same way.


Can you say the same?


If so, I am genuinely happy for you. But do not attempt to denigrate the good work done on a daily basis by those in the service of this community, simply because you do not agree with current drugs legislation. It ill behooves you, sir.


Your humble servant.

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Switzerland, also have drug policies similar to Portugal which they have trialled in certain districts & have found to be so successful that they are now using these policies in every region.

The history of Swiss drug policies based on research that has lasted many years can be found here.



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