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Paranormal Shetland


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What.. perrie-lipper please explain the reason behind not showing or enlightening us more on what you know / have witnessed...


If it is truly as disturbing as you say.. why haven't you or this person taken them to some firm believers on the subject?


Sounds like your the vatican hiding away the answer of the worlds. because it will prove once and for all that religion is a farce. :?

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It would be like me saying I punched Jeremy Clarkson in the face...as cool as that would be, no one is going to believe me if I don't have some kind of proof.


There are folks that would believe you if you told it in the right way. They want to believe so much that someone punched him that they will not question it.


If I was to refute your claim to have punched Jeremy Clarkson, your argument would have to be along the lines of: 'You can't prove that Jeremy Clarkson does not exist!'

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It would be like me saying I punched Jeremy Clarkson in the face...as cool as that would be, no one is going to believe me if I don't have some kind of proof.


And while people might not believe you, there is no question that it is possible for someone to punch Jeremy Clarkson.

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Guest perrie-lipper
After the rippin I got... I think she should keep it under her hat! :wink:


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


You can't really expect to post those pics in a non-ghost related forum and not come up against alot of people trying to disprove the pictures.


She shouldn't have kept the story under her hat. But she should have at least posted something to back up her story, which you actually did. It would be like me saying I punched Jeremy Clarkson in the face...as cool as that would be, no one is going to believe me if I don't have some kind of proof.


Sorry Tomlands, but I don't need to prove anything to anyone and never had any desire too in the first place, please read again what I actually said.


What Twerto Said



What.. perrie-lipper please explain the reason behind not showing or enlightening us more on what you know / have witnessed...


If it is truly as disturbing as you say.. why haven't you or this person taken them to some firm believers on the subject?


Sounds like your the vatican hiding away the answer of the worlds. because it will prove once and for all that religion is a farce.


Here again is another example of people presuming things that they don't know anything about, who said anything about taken them to firm believers on the subject, what does it matter who indeed saw them. I have no need to explain further, you should go and read what I said again, I will not be pressured by anyone in this forum to disclose more on the subject and highlighted this, what I originally wrote in support of DarkstarIII and her interest in the area was a personal experience that is real, I know, others know and giving hope to others like DarkstarIII that she is not alone in the belief of the paranormal is between me and her.




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I have no need to explain further


There's no compulsion for you to explain further, but by withholding any sort of explanation or evidence you're hardly going to persuade anyone.


I know, others know and giving hope to others like DarkstarIII that she is not alone in the belief of the paranormal is between me and her.


With the greatest respect, perrie-lipper, you're posting this stuff on a public forum. It certainly is not just between you and DarkstarIII, and all the other users on Shetlink have every right to question what you post.

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Guest perrie-lipper
I have no need to explain further


There's no compulsion for you to explain further, but by withholding any sort of explanation or evidence you're hardly going to persuade anyone.


I know, others know and giving hope to others like DarkstarIII that she is not alone in the belief of the paranormal is between me and her.


With the greatest respect, perrie-lipper, you're posting this stuff on a public forum. It certainly is not just between you and DarkstarIII, and all the other users on Shetlink have every right to question what you post.


You are quiet right Mcfly, they can question if they like, but it is not my intention to try and persuade anyone, I did mention that. If you cannot write about factual things that happened in your personal life for the benefit of others passionate about a subject what is the point indeed. I refuse to get in a slagging match with anyone, let them make up their own minds, that’s there prerogative.

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If you cannot write about factual things that happened in your personal life for the benefit of others passionate about a subject what is the point indeed. I refuse to get in a slagging match with anyone, let them make up their own minds, that’s there prerogative.

You're not actually writing about factual things though, you are being vague almost to the point of incomprehension.


Change the names and places of your story but at least tell us what it involves. We're all curious about the supernatural here, and would welcome any stories which may act to "prove" the existence of the paranormal.

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Ooooh.. should I start shouting fight fight fight... can we all calm the 8O down here...


I think what peerie-lipper is trying to say, is that a few of us have had paranormal experiences. AND I do believe that .... to each of us who has experienced them they are real... Yes, this is a public forum and subjects are put up to be discussed ... and there shall be fors and againsts, believers and non believers... and the odd stupid comments....


This kind of thing has to be seen to be believed.. hence why I started investigating the paranormal... I thought it was a load of stoness to be honest and it was derek acorah that started me ... I used to sit and laugh and say this is a load of crap... aye right, she moved the glass etc.. Then one night I decided that I was going to find out for myself..


But can we stretch the same argument to god????


HAS ANY OF YOU SEEN HIM??? Or are you just believing what other people tell you or what you have read in books...????? or from photos that you have seen... or because your parents told you that there is a god....


Personally until I meet him... :wink:


Ooooh I can feel the waves of discussion already..... :twisted:




If we have to wear kid gloves about religion... why not about other peoples beliefs about the paranormal??????

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Guest perrie-lipper
If you cannot write about factual things that happened in your personal life for the benefit of others passionate about a subject what is the point indeed. I refuse to get in a slagging match with anyone, let them make up their own minds, that’s there prerogative.

You're not actually writing about factual things though, you are being vague almost to the point of incomprehension.


Change the names and places of your story but at least tell us what it involves. We're all curious about the supernatural here, and would welcome any stories which may act to "prove" the existence of the paranormal.


There are many things unfair in this world, and none more so than what happened in this case.


I do understand what you are saying, and if it was up to me to disclose the details I would, how could you not with such an extraordinary experience, but then some might say, and as the point I made earlier not trying to persuade nor sway anyone, it just happened.


However it is not my decision, not to share this with you, it can only be the decision of the holder-and the choice was made many years ago, not to speak about what happened.

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A lot of people deal with the paranormal this way, they dont want to talk about it and brush it under the carpet, because to speak of it makes it real.. and maybe they dont want it to be real...


some things are just too horrific to be talked about.. as this makes them real and brings them to the here and now.


I remember the night that I saw that spirit in the photograph I felt sick! ..my brain was trying to come up with a rational explanation.. and I couldnt find any... I did experiments with breath, cigarette smoke.. etc and nothing could make it go into the shape of a skeleton.. so I said, oh well then must be a spirit.. and left it at that..


I have had loads of paranormal experiences.. I got up during the night once and went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and was taking out the container of milk, when the tv came on all by itself... and it was switched off, and not even on standby.. it was like a channel with bad reception and there was voices behind it, which I didnt concentrate on.. I just shat myself that the tv came on all on its own...


I switched it off... again .. made sure that the plug was out, and then went back in the kitchen and then went through to the bedroom.. lay down, half an hour later... tv came on again.. my boyfriend at the time didnt believe me the first time, he said what did you switch the tv on for, and I told him it wasnt me... so he didnt believe..


Then when I was sitting on the bed drinking my milk and we were talking and him saying that he thought that it was a prank.. the tv came on again, I dragged him through the sitting room so he could look at the fact that it wasnt plugged in ... anyone got an explanation for this???? we are talking about a 32" sony widescreen tv... unplugged and to make it all worse..





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