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Paranormal Shetland


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Well the photograph must be of some sort of manifestation taken at the chapel of rest (Goudies). I attach the best ghost photo of all time. Puts the turds up me every time 8O




I could easily say that this pic is bollox and it is just someone sitting in the back seat... and taken at a different angle.. doesnt SUBSTANTIATE anything...

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perrie-lipper wrote

Thought I would just add to your interest and enthusiasm to this subject Darkstar III on a very real experience only a few bare witnesses too. I am not going to expand any more on this area as the subject is a very sad and real experience no one would ever wish to go through.


Whats all the fuss?........we have been told that there are some photographs of something strange taken in the Chapel of Rest as part of a discussion on paranormal things in Shetland. We have also been told that we will not get any more details about this from perrie-lipper.


To me the posting gives a little information and certainly opens a thread for any other tales about the Chapel of Rest. That is not an invitation to kick up a fuss because there will be no more details forthcoming from perrie-lipper.


My own beliefs on the paranormal. Probably 95% utter rubbish but dammed hard to disprove the remaining 5%.

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Well the photograph must be of some sort of manifestation taken at the chapel of rest (Goudies). I attach the best ghost photo of all time. Puts the turds up me every time 8O




I could easily say that this pic is bollox and it is just someone sitting in the back seat... and taken at a different angle.. doesnt SUBSTANTIATE anything...

This sort of photo was quite easy to fake at the time it was taken ( I'm guessing 1950s/1960s ? ), never mind what can be done these days with Photoshop.

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Maybe I'm missing something contextual here.......but I just don't see what's strange about the photo above.


There's someone sitting in the back seat, and that's wierd because..........umm, can anyone enlighten me? :?


I think that it is claimed that the original photographer didn't see anybody sitting in the car apart from the driver.


And the person in the back has freaky eyebrows.

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A lot of people deal with the paranormal this way, they dont want to talk about it and brush it under the carpet, because to speak of it makes it real.. and maybe they dont want it to be real...


some things are just too horrific to be talked about.. as this makes them real and brings them to the here and now.


I remember the night that I saw that spirit in the photograph I felt sick! ..my brain was trying to come up with a rational explanation.. and I couldnt find any... I did experiments with breath, cigarette smoke.. etc and nothing could make it go into the shape of a skeleton.. so I said, oh well then must be a spirit.. and left it at that..


I have had loads of paranormal experiences.. I got up during the night once and went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and was taking out the container of milk, when the tv came on all by itself... and it was switched off, and not even on standby.. it was like a channel with bad reception and there was voices behind it, which I didnt concentrate on.. I just shat myself that the tv came on all on its own...


I switched it off... again .. made sure that the plug was out, and then went back in the kitchen and then went through to the bedroom.. lay down, half an hour later... tv came on again.. my boyfriend at the time didnt believe me the first time, he said what did you switch the tv on for, and I told him it wasnt me... so he didnt believe..


Then when I was sitting on the bed drinking my milk and we were talking and him saying that he thought that it was a prank.. the tv came on again, I dragged him through the sitting room so he could look at the fact that it wasnt plugged in ... anyone got an explanation for this???? we are talking about a 32" sony widescreen tv... unplugged and to make it all worse..






Power cuts....or surges.


I came back more than once to my old flat to find my PC on and I'll admit that it scared the bejesus out of me. Then I was in the flat once when it happened...directly after a powercut.


As for the unplugged bit...well if that true, then it's certainly interesting. But if you believe the theory that ghosts/spirits need to draw alot of energy (draining batteries) to show any activity, I would hate to think what they would need to turn a TV on.

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