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Paranormal Shetland


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I know of a place that is up by Olaberry.. something to do with a witch... or along those lines anyway.. someone has built a house where the old schoolhouse was... I am not sure if they were aware of the history of the site... but if they are on here... They do NOW! ..


I am most definately going to check out sumburgh airport and Jarlshof... I think there will be some interesting things there.. especially in the dark!



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Never been aware of anything odd in any kirkyard or in Shetland.

But the atmosphere in St Magnus Cathedral was distinctly cold and opressing despite someone playing a nice bit o'music. Felt the need to get out fast .................

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(** MOD EDIT ** Talk of Levenwick Graveyard has been split away from this thread so as to continue the conversation along that specific line.)


I know of quite a few old croft houses that are allegedly haunted. As for Sumburgh Airport there were human remains found there when it was extended in the 1970’s. If memory serves me correctly they are the oldest human remains ever found in Shetland (about 3000 years perhaps?) and used to be on display in the old museum. It has always intrigued me how no-one ever claims to see ghosts of Neolithic people etc. It always seems to be some dude in period costume.


Getting back to Sumburgh there was also quite a few people killed at the airport during the war. I seem to remember being told about the ghostly figure of an airman in WW2 flying gear being seen. Although isn’t this the case at every airport?


Apparently there was ghost seen at Levenwick graveyard recently. There’s been quite a lot of people buried in there over the ages. If you look at it from the main road and in a certain light you can see the graveyard has been built on top of a large mound.

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Do you know about a Danish scholar who is collecting Shetlandic tales about supernatural phenomena:




That's me. I'm afraid that I'm no longer in Shetland, but I'm still working on my project and would still to hear from anyone (frunco1@hotmail.com) regarding the Shetland supernatural.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 'orb' sounds very like an experience a pal once had with 'ball lightning'.

It came through the glass in the window, travelled across the room, stopped at the back wall, then 'frazzled' around & eventually dissipated... pretty scary stuff for her!


Anyone here ever seen St Elmo's Fire / met anyone who has?

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  • 16 years later...

Does anyone investigate here? I’m a photographer and despite lack of investigative experience I have a wealth of personal experiences of all kinds. I’m a skeptical believer so I question things before believing. In search of answers 


kind thanks



mobile 07584056685 (leave any message, voice mail is private 

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