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GMT +10

Guest yaduk

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Cheers for pointing that out. The main site time setting is GMT, but the user setting in the 'Your Account' --> 'Your info' section over-rules this. For some reason, the default user setting is GMT+10. I'll look into it and get it sorted so the default is GMT, but registered users will probably have to change the time themselves. Oops :!:

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Update: the problem has arisen because the web server is located in a

different timezone than our geographic location. The default time is

that of the server location (which is Canada I believe). I hadn't

noticed this while I was developing the site on my own computer and it

has only become apparent since the site was uploaded to the server.

I'll try tweaking the website code to work around the problem.

Anybody out there know how to fix this?

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Nope the server is definetly on UK terafirma!


A yadUKHosting server upgrade last July saw yadUKHosting infact move to a new UK based Data Centre at Farham, South Hampshire - a state-of-the-art facility with top-quality connectivity from three primary dedicated gigabit fibre uplinks taking diverse routes via road and railways to a central London-based six-point gigabit ring. From there the connections are peered with all the major UK backbones and out to the world across the Tier 1 Internet backbones.


The forums are different I see. People can adjust their own settings?! I've altered mine accordingly.



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Sorry YadUK, I thought your server was in Canada for some reason :oops:


I've made a couple of changes in the admin preferences section which should help, if not sort it out. I had the 'locale time format' set to en_UK, but I changed it to en_GB, which I think is correct.


However, I can't figure out how to make the user setting GMT by default, instead of GMT+10 which it is now. Its not too bad, it just means users have to set it themselves, but its not the best solution. Any ideas YadUK?

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Not to worry as the server prior to the upgrade was based across the pond.


The move ensured an increase of 100ms+ on requests to clients websites - a significant increase for those sites requesting large amounts of server-side data i.e. forums, shopping carts, etc.


For the forum, I believe there is a setting in the admin configuration screen that will allow you to set the default time. It'll be under General Admin - Config or something very similar.





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