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Favourite YouTube, Google...etc. Videos

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Very dull song, but wonderfully over-the-top video featuring Heath Robinson machine (or Rube Goldberg as they say in the US). Apparently not strictly a single take, but great fun nevertheless:



The explanation of the multiple takes is by Freddie Wong (freddiew) whose youtube channel is full of remarkable film projects and well worth a lengthy browse. See for example:


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If you're afraid of heights it might not be a good idea to watch this, but otherwise, enjoy.



The stig gets everywhere these days! :lol:

You would not need to go to the bathroom in a hury? :shock:

. :idea: You could clean plane widscreens on the side £££££s in your pocket.

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Please remember to use the Youtube tags when posting a video. It is really quite simple. You put at the start of the link and at the end of the link.




This then embeds the video in the thread making things much easier for all concerned.



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Please remember to use the Youtube tags when posting a video. It is really quite simple. ...


I suspect many of us are confused by there not being a "Youtube" button on the reply posting page, while there is one for "Img", "URL" etc. - could one be added, perhaps between the fonts and "Close Tags"? Also, two queries:

(1) Should we leave the "&feature=player_embedded" bit on the end, when it's there, or add it if it isn't?

(2) OK, how did you put those square bracket phrases in without them turning into, well, a Youtube link? One of your godlike Mod powers, no doubt! :D


But thanks to you, Pooks, for the info. I for one hadn't realised there were any special Youtube tags. Do they work for all video sites?

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