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Hearts Implosion


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Did anyone hear Chick Young's interview with the Hearts's Director of Football (if that's what he's called )? He seems to think Gordon was at fault for the Ranger's goal, AND he was about to be subbed !!


Gordon later asked Chick to confirm if he was being blamed, and also re the substitution, and apparently Gordon let fly with many expletives when Chick told him what had been said.


I know Gordon messed up against Celtic but every keeper makes a mistake.


Surely dropping Gordon would be the final straw for Hearts ?

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Well I didn't think it was a Hearts implosion when this thread started but I do now.


Dropping the best players in the team is nothing more than Lithuanian muscle flexing: showing the players who is boss. Well, carry on like that and the fans will have something to say about who is boss. They won't keep turning up forever...


I lost count of the number of times this season I've muttered to myself "He's lost the plot" wrt Mr Romanov. I would imagine there will be several more before the season is over. Like my Jambo pals say, you've just got to sit back and enjoy the ride.


Didn't hear that interview Moorit, sounds like a corker, time to get googling

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Did anyone hear Chick Young's interview with the Hearts's Director of Football (if that's what he's called )? He seems to think Gordon was at fault for the Ranger's goal, AND he was about to be subbed !!


Gordon later asked Chick to confirm if he was being blamed, and also re the substitution, and apparently Gordon let fly with many expletives when Chick told him what had been said.


I know Gordon messed up against Celtic but every keeper makes a mistake.


Surely dropping Gordon would be the final straw for Hearts ?


Oh man. I really hope that is true.


Alot of Hearts fans are pissed off about Pressley and Hartley being left out of the team. Dropping Gordon would push them over the edge.


Best thing about all this? When Neilson, Gordon, Hartley and Pressley leave in January...Hearts will only get a fraction of their market value because it will be fairly widely known that the players want to leave.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am not a bit surprised by the way it has turned out at Hearts, if you let a Lithuanian Dictator buy your club then you need to accept the way he dictates his authority.


Some of the Hearts fans on your call with Jim Traynor on saturday night were embarrassing, crying their Hearts out about bad Mr Romanov. Go back to when they were playing the Champions League tune at Tynecastle when they finished 2nd last season good Mr Romanov had them convinced they were going to win Europe's biggest trophy within three years.


Hearts are in turmoil and the fans and Mr George Foulkes are to blame.

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Heart of Midlothian FC and Steven Pressley have reached an amicable agreement to part company with effect from today.


Amicable agreement my ass.


It's a "here is some money, go away and if you kiss and tell we will sue. Now sign here Mr Pressley, thank you very much Mr Romandictator.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:grrr: he has no idea what hes doing, he thinks this is all just fun and games. hes messing with peoples lives here! Im sure i heard something about his next transfer targets are the whole side of the Slovakian League Champions!


Im a Loyal hearts fan & im gonna stay with them through thick and thin but he is an absaloute idiot :)


feeling better now ie gotten that off my chest...

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"Hartley, where's the door?

Hartley, Hartley, where's the door?"






It seems that the fans have finally, officially turned on Romanov. Check out the letter to him on there website (www.homst.com).


So the questions I now ask are: how long will he last? and, what sort of state will he leave the club in?

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