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  • 2 weeks later...
^^^^ This has been debunked at: http://www.snopes.com/horrors/techno/radar.asp.


( A Sidewinder missile is a heat-seeking air-to-air missile, for one thing. )


I am well aware what a sidewinder is Evil Inky

It was posted just for a bit of a :lol:


As the idea of a AGM-88 HARM



whizzing down lochside and stopping at the crossing lights until they are green

then carrying on and taking out a police radar cracks me up

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^^^ A related story I heard (which may or may not be true):


When NATO were bombing the sh*t out of Serbia in the mid nineties, the Serbs started running extension leads out into the middle of empty fields and plugging microwave ovens, fixed so they worked with the doors removed, into them. When they heard a NATO jet approaching they switched on the oven, which tripped the planes hostile radar detector and launched the anti-radar missile. (A microwave is basically a radar in a box)


Apparently NATO wasted dozens of $100,000 missiles blowing up microwave ovens in empty fields before they twigged to what was going on.


Now, if the Serbs had just thought to put the ovens on the roofs of empty school buildings...



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  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Not sure whether this belongs here, or in the Dog Fouling thread. The council could always modify it as "Don't make our town LerwICK!" :wink:




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