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Where to get passport photos taken?


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The booth at Somerfield's works, but I'm not sure how it compares in price and quality to any of the local photographers; e.g. Dennis Couts.


The one at Somerfields lets you put comedy hats on and little logos, etc. They stop being useful as passport photos when you do this though... :P

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Cheers for the replies! Guess I'll try the booth in Somerfield first, see how they turn out. I'll try to resist the tempation of the comedy hats etc though! :lol:




I would go to one of the photographers. If you go to Somerfield's booth, the chances are your photo won't be suitable.

Here is a link to the new regs.


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I got mine done at the Camera Shop but the pics were AWFUL. I suppose they do say the camera never lies...


My vanity forced me to go to John Coutts and get them redone, and they were much better.


EXACTLY the same thing happened to me! I have never been back to the camera shop since.

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