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Mouth Cancer Awareness Week


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We are getting near the end of the week and your last chance to have a free oral check-up. If you are at all concerned about your oral health then get yourself along to one of the dentists participating, especially if you are on the very long waiting list to register for a place at the dentists.


Just remember that oral cancer could kill you before you get to see a dentist in Shetland.


Cancer killed my Dad in 6 months. It's a year to the next check up if you miss it now. Think about it.

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  • 3 years later...

This thread.. I'm going to resurrect *probably change the title in time*?!?


Good friends of mine have done a "Movember", and those at my work work recently did a "Moctober", basically to raise awareness of testicular cancer. This is something that you see on some billboards especially in airports or some pubs! Fantastic cause, no?


These 'Mo' scenarios where you grow a moustache for the charity across a month is a fantastic way to raise awareness of cancer! Especially in this case for men whom - lets face it - don't want to go to the doctor about anything so personal!!!

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Guest Anonymous

After discussions via PM with Trout, who is actually quite a nice old fish, he revived this thread.

I'm going into hospital on Tuesday, for exactly this problem.


I think that awareness of this cancer is sadly buried beneath all the more commonly known cancers, which is a pity.'

My prognosis is reasonably good, since I was bullied by my partner into going to the doctor early.

In my case it's actually "Tonsil Cancer", which I've never heard of before.


I can't for the life of me explain the feelings I felt when the doctor said "You've got cancer", but it took a few days to stop shaking, and a few more days to stop believing I was going to die. Then there was a few days of being angry with myself, and a few days of pure panic and confusion.


I've got the old braincell sorted now, thanks to a lot of help from a peerie Trowie.

I'm going to beat it, thanks to being in a country that has the best medical facilities available, and mostly thanks to that aforementioned peerie trowie..


I'd be very grateful to hear from others who have had this problem, or been recently diagnosed.

Just PM me.

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks E,

This is a very strange thing for me, to post on a serious topic.


Awareness of this type of cancer isn't widely publicised, so if even mentioning it can help others to be aware of it, maybe some good can come out of my problem.

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Thanks E,

This is a very strange thing for me, to post on a serious topic.


Awareness of this type of cancer isn't widely publicised, so if even mentioning it can help others to be aware of it, maybe some good can come out of my problem.


Thanks for being brave enough to do that. Your positivity is half the battle! Wishing you a smooth and hasty recovery x

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks to all for your good wishes, much appreciated.


The surgery part is now over, and I start radiation therapy early in the New Year. That involves a short treatment, 5 days a week, for about 5 to 6 weeks., so looks like I'm going to get to know Trondheim rather well.


Having seen some of the others who were at the hospital, at the same time as me, I think I've been very lucky to catch it so early.

In my case I had no sore throat, in fact the tonsil in which the tumor was, wasn't even noticeably enlarged. The only indication of something wrong was a swollen gland on my neck, which I might have lived with for too long if Oddie hadn't pushed me to get it checked out.


I'll let you know how it goes with the therapy, but I'm much happier now, since the doctors assure me it will be "A Cure", not just a treatment.

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