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Climate Change & Global Warming


How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?

    • Give me a break, I've enough on my plate
    • I suppose there's something in it, but it's for the Politicians/Corporations/Those in power to sort out
    • Yes I think it is important and I try to do my bit.
    • If we don't stop it, the Planet dies in a few years, it's as simple as that.
    • I think it is all hype and not half as bad as they make out
    • I don't know what to think

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The Tea Party belongs in the second category. It is mostly composed of passionate, well-meaning people who think they are fighting elite power, unaware that they have been organised by the very interests they believe they are confronting.


You may find they are not alone in that.


So the Guardian has learned that the Koch brothers laid the tables for the Tea Party or that BP and several other big European companies are funding the midterm election campaigns of Tea Party favourites who deny the existence of global warming or oppose Barack Obama's energy agenda.


They're not the first to connect the dots and debunk the Tea Party movement’s “grassroots†front funded by the pile of money the Koch family made working for the Bolsheviks in the late 1920s and early 1930s, building refineries, training Communist engineers and laying down the foundation of Soviet oil infrastructure. lol.


This is just business. Show business really and the floor show is in full swing. The Koch bros may have only been given a bit part and not the full script and may not be aware they were to be swallowed by a larger body before climate change is given lead role as the engine for the new economy in the New World Order, once the world reserve currency has bogged off to a stage somewhere in China.


Anyway, the Koch brothers, like BP and the rest likely have investors confidence to consider and must be seen to put up some kind of fight against the imposed public consensus of AGW.

I don't attend many board meetings myself but I imagine there is the odd bit of bluff an bs used now and then and perhaps a situation demands that tact is preferable to truth.


Bring me something worthwhile. Lets hear a report on, say, Peter Sutherland the ex chairman of British Petroleum, buying cakes for the teaparty; or is he prevented from taking on the part because of other roles? such as being credited as being "the father of globalization", European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group and non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (yes them), vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists, a member of the advisory council of Business for New Europe who was a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group.


Many fingers, many pies.


I was right to take a rain check on the Tea Party then.

A wash out before it ever began, which strengthens the manufactured consensus by infusing public indignation.


Nope, no surprise.


"In a report titled "The First Global Revolution" (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."


"Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated in his article "State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era," that a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming, as well as terrorism. "Moreover, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function," says Haass. "Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves..."

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Just to pick one line from Gorgo's latest post:

Most CO2 in the atmosphere is natural, more than ~93%

Bollox (Damn, must remember to be polite)


Wrong! :wink:


The pre industrial level of CO2 was 280 ppm.


The current level is 390 ppm.


This means 40% of the current CO2 in the atmosphere is man-made, not 7%.


That kinda changes your conclusion, doesn't it, Gorgo?


And if your source can't even get the basic facts right, how can he be trusted with anything else?


Tell me how is it that you are proving all of that 40% increase in CO2 has been man-made :?:

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^^^^ Nope, no surprise.


If you actually take the trouble to look into the funding sources of the organisations denying climate change, you almost always find fossil fuel industry money at the bottom.


It's something I wish more people would do before swallowing their lies. Always check the source of your information, especially if it claims to contradict the established science, or contains allegations of corruption and conspiracy.



So who were you again?

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Anyway, the Koch brothers, like BP and the rest likely have investors confidence to consider...

No they don't. Koch industries is the largest privately owned company in the US (and possibly the world).


Tell me how is it that you are proving all of that 40% increase in CO2 has been man-made

Isotope research. Fossil fuel carbon has a particular isotope signature which is different from natural atmospheric carbon. This signature can, and has been detected.


More here.


Additional confirmation that rising CO2 levels are due to human activity comes from examining the ratio of carbon isotopes (eg carbon atoms with differing numbers of neutrons) found in the atmosphere. Carbon 12 has 6 neutrons, carbon 13 has 7 neutrons. Plants have a lower C13/C12 ratio than in the atmosphere. If rising atmospheric CO2 comes from fossil fuels, the C13/C12 should be falling. Indeed this is what is occurring (Ghosh 2003). The C13/C12 ratio correlates with the trend in global emissions.

(my emphasis)


So who were you again?

I provide references for my claims, unlike some others I could mention.

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Your jumping to conclusions AT.

I have nothing against anybody from china or elsewhere for that matter, I am sure the peoples of many other nations are also playing their part in the destruction of virgin forest.

I was pointing out that massive deforestation is ongoing on this planet and it does cause changes in environment and climate, locally and perhaps further outside the region deforested.

Changes in rainfall patterns, erosion, loss of vital habitat for endangered species and extinction of plants and lifeforms that are exclusive to small localised areas, and of course less trees to absorb co2.

I pointed it out because I believe this type of activity is far more damaging that burning fossil fuels.

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Guest Anonymous

I've only just realised how thoughtless and uninvolved I've been.. With all the hours spent trawling the internet for quotes by our Earth friend ArabiaTerra, I'm at a loss as how to fully express my admiration for His/Hers/Its 'passion for the cause' mindset and selflessness in giving so much to save us all.

It's actually moved me to step up my activities in my beliefs.

So far I've decided that I will, from this day forward, Never switch off my computers nor unplug a TV. I will never crush another milk carton or close a fridge door.. The list will grow and I will live happy knowing that I'm 'doing my bit'!

Unfortunatlely AT's daily preachings use enough energy to aid my cause :( . Oh well.. It's one more of use and one less of them!

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So far I've decided that I will, from this day forward, Never switch off my computers nor unplug a TV. I will never crush another milk carton or close a fridge door.. The list will grow and I will live happy knowing that I'm 'doing my bit'!


Enjoy your sky high leccy bills and replacing your freezer every week then.

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With all the hours spent trawling the internet for quotes ...


A true eco warrior would shun the Internet! I found this, (for spam alone)


"...some 62 trillion unsolicited e-mails were sent in 2008, using 33 terawatt hours of electricity. That is equivalent to the energy consumed by 1.5m American homes or 3.1m cars over a year. If generated by coal-fired power stations it would release 17m tonnes of carbon dioxide, some 0.2% of global

emissions of this greenhouse gas..."

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Guest Anonymous

Crofter; Total posts: 1059

[0.70% of total / 0.70 posts per day]


NorthernXposure; Total posts: 87

[0.06% of total / 0.32 posts per day]



I'm not 'doing my bit' atall if that's what 'shunning the internet' can earn!!

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Crofter; Total posts: 1059

[0.70% of total / 0.70 posts per day]


NorthernXposure; Total posts: 87

[0.06% of total / 0.32 posts per day]



I'm not 'doing my bit' atall if that's what 'shunning the internet' can earn!!


Yep, every post on Shetlink is another bucket full of CO2 into the atmosphere!

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Guest Anonymous
So far I've decided that I will, from this day forward, Never switch off my computers nor unplug a TV. I will never crush another milk carton or close a fridge door.. The list will grow and I will live happy knowing that I'm 'doing my bit'!


Enjoy your sky high leccy bills and replacing your freezer every week then.


High leccy bills I can afford.. But how could you even suggest buying a new freezer every week if you were not part of our 'throw away' culture?

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