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Climate Change & Global Warming


How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?

    • Give me a break, I've enough on my plate
    • I suppose there's something in it, but it's for the Politicians/Corporations/Those in power to sort out
    • Yes I think it is important and I try to do my bit.
    • If we don't stop it, the Planet dies in a few years, it's as simple as that.
    • I think it is all hype and not half as bad as they make out
    • I don't know what to think

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would that be the official line from 'grofaz' (look it up) the the great visionary and banker fat eck. Or just more scaremongering crap from youtube. Funny how the same folks that were in cnd and other such leftwing airy fairy clubs are now the ones greeting about global warming. FACT the ones that are going to be most affected by all these dumb shortsighted waste of time policies are the well off western nations. It is just another attempt to get us all eating grass as we sit around singing the red flag in perfect socialist harmony.

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[quote name="This has happened very quickly in the last 50years or so.


Many old photographs show scenes of deep snow & frost . Lochs with several inches of ice ' date='voes frozen over ect.


These are pictures that we cannot take to-day even if someone on the TV said we were getting more snow in the UK, I do not believe them !



Next time we get a decent fall of snow ,when it thaws go up in the hills away from any source of dust and tell me where the black scum that you will find on the snow comes from ?


Snow can certainly form without dust ,but when there is dust present it then presents a “nucleus†& we get more snow forming.as it falls to ground.


My theory is there is a link and until proved otherwise will haver on[/quote]


Soooooo, Nigel, let me get this straight...


YE'RE sayin that all this cleaner fuels has, in fact, prevented another Ice Age? I KNEW them damn polar bears an penguins were up tae sumthin!! Cuddly an fluffy, my ass!! Antarctic evil geniuses, is what they bloody well are! I can see it now, Sir David A at their feet/flippers, bound an chained as their Elephant Seal hench...animals... loom above. "Wel-come Mr Attenborough! We've been ex-PEC-ting you!" :shock:


Think on it.. spray MORE aerosols! Help defeat this Penguin/Polar Bear Evil Alliance! (I always knew there was a reason they're called EMPEROR penguins...!! :shock: )


As fer "black scum" on all the snow, yez DO know there have been these things called "vol-can-ic ash clouds" in the last couple o' years? :roll: (that's me speakin slooowly fer yer benefit...)


Trust me, I've been aroun the world a bit in this last two te three years (me an Lisa Stansfield) an that includes some bloody cold an snowy places in the SOUTHERN hemisphere, away from much o yer Icelandic muck. Didn't see any soot or dust THERE. Did YOU, Nigel? "The thing is, old chap, I read an ahticle someone wrote about it in the "Navel Gazer and Finger Cymballist Gazette. Ahbsolutely fahscinating! So it simply MUST be true!" :roll:

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would that be the official line from 'grofaz' (look it up) the the great visionary and banker fat eck. Or just more scaremongering crap from youtube. Funny how the same folks that were in cnd and other such leftwing airy fairy clubs are now the ones greeting about global warming. FACT the ones that are going to be most affected by all these dumb shortsighted waste of time policies are the well off western nations. It is just another attempt to get us all eating grass as we sit around singing the red flag in perfect socialist harmony.


Wha will be we consider most reliable. Reputable scientists at spend der lives looking at dis stuff? or Dratsy, red can in haund?


mmm....mmmmm......hard to call.

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Thats a tad low, isn't it bucko?


Awright then, Dr Derick, explain 1910-1940, 1975-1998 an the Medieval Warming Period, which I believe even Phil Jones has acknowledged was at least semi-global in scale? Me, I can't figger out how the upper hemisphere can be, mmmmmm toasty-warm with the lower bein brrrrr chill-chill-chilly? :? Perhaps Doc Dez can explain it te me? (lapsang souchong only in hand, spud!)


And an ould professor of mine used te say "there's no such thing as an honest academic. There are only those that are published and, ergo, have grants, and those that are not and, ergo, do not". He included himsel in that, by the by, the incorrigible ould sod! After all, Dezza, ye know what that fine an legendary man (a scientist himsel, no less) Thomas Huxley would say about the three categories o dishonesty? "lies, damned lies and experts"



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By the by the by, this has mebbe been linked here afore, but it's fairly interestin anyways, specially with Doc Dezza espousin his own table of Global Warmin Risk Management Matrix (neat title, Dez! Did ye write the whole thing yersel from yer very own research? Ye should write a book!)

Anyways, here yez are, it's a transcript o a Q&A with that paragon o scholarly virtue that is Dr Phil ("Data? What Data?!") Jones. I feckin love his chat show, me!





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would that be the official line from 'grofaz' (look it up) the the great visionary and banker fat eck. Or just more scaremongering crap from youtube. Funny how the same folks that were in cnd and other such leftwing airy fairy clubs are now the ones greeting about global warming. FACT the ones that are going to be most affected by all these dumb shortsighted waste of time policies are the well off western nations. It is just another attempt to get us all eating grass as we sit around singing the red flag in perfect socialist harmony.


Friends of the Earth are one of these organisations that think something is going wrong.




An organisation you have supported.

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would that be the official line from 'grofaz' (look it up) the the great visionary and banker fat eck. .


fat I think we can agree on. Care to substantiate the 'banker' line?


Actually the peerie tubby man wis an economist, not a banker, first at Scottish Office. He created the Royal Bank/BBC oil index in 1983. which is still in use


Grofaz nah. surely 'Strength through Joy'


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would that be the official line from 'grofaz' (look it up) the the great visionary and banker fat eck. .


I agree with the banker bit, nowt wrong with a bit of rhyming slang.




Nickname amusingly given to Adolf Hitler by certain of his commanders out of earshot.
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Awright then, Dr Derick, explain 1910-1940, 1975-1998 an the Medieval Warming Period, which I believe even Phil Jones has acknowledged was at least semi-global in scale? Me, I can't figger out how the upper hemisphere can be, mmmmmm toasty-warm with the lower bein brrrrr chill-chill-chilly? :? Perhaps Doc Dez can explain it te me? (lapsang souchong only in hand, spud!)

1910-1940: Fairly steady temperature rise. The biggest driver of this is thought to have been warming of the Sun as it came out of the Maunder minimum.


1975-Now: Again, steady warming. However this was not due to the Sun as the Sun stopped warming around 1950, and since 1970 has actually cooled slightly. CO2 on the other hand has continued to rise and has assumed a dominant role in the current warming. See below:








Medieval Warm Period: Was warm. But not as warm as it is now. You can see this in the graph below, which is a composite of all the various "hockey stick" proxy reconstructions for the Northern Hemisphere:-




from here.



When you compare CO2 vs Temperature over the last thousand years, the correlation is obvious:





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Sorry Del, I certainly didn't mean te offend ye! An good work with the Matrix, bucko! It just read like the sorta thing Mr Craven would write. Hence me suggestion o a book!

As te the graphs, I hope the data fer them didn't come from Dr Phil & his merry mob, as he rather infamously failed to have any corroborative data te support most if not all o it! The show musto bin keepin him too busy. Course, his apologists just said he was an honest but disorganised feller. Just the sorta chappie ye'd want headin up globally significant research then, huh? :roll:

That ould "hockey stick" thingammy? Well, it could just as easily be a "pool cue", fer all I know.

I'm no against it all, ye know. Just all this "probable" and "possible" an "projections" don't sit well with me. If he can project me lotto numbers, I'll be impressed an start trustin the learned, disorganised "academic"...

Till then, I'll keep waitin fer some real proof.

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Well it would be better if I was tech literate enough to post the actual matrix with the pretty colours. Yes I know you're not supposed to use matrices in risk management but dammit, everybody does


Alas the whole point of science is that nothing is ever 'proven', merely has not yet been unproven.

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Holy Moley Canneloni! Folk keep comin up with inneffable hoodoo like this! I'm only simple Franco-Irish-Canadian fer peeps sake! I mean, whaddabout 2 + 2? Can that not be proven? Or precipitipitipitipitation? Or medical science? Or... the list goes on, an on, an on, rather like meself. But the inescapable conclusion I keep comin te is that whichever "profound" article came up with THAT one, wis as full of bullhooey as I am most days! (an nights! Mustn't ferget them now :P )


ONE thing that fer me at least DEFINITELY can't be proven is any piece o research or statistical data that came from that Professor Dumbledybumbledybampot Dr Phil (yeah, ye heard! An yer show sucks the big one, actually! So nyaaah!!:P ). Yeah RRRRRIGHT! "Please sir, I lost all me data. See, a big boy came an took some an me dog ate some more, an me mammy put me trousers through the wash an the rest was all in me pockets at the time, honest!!" Fer fecks sake. In this day an age? Even 20 years ago when he started? What feller carryin out an intendin te publish research doesnt keep records an' original data, te proof read afore ye publish. A charlatan, that's who. Gimme a break.


He might as well belong wit Fulcanelli an Cagliostro an all these other faker tw*ts.


Or should that be Dan Brown? Coz fer me, his stuff is the Da Vinci Code o modern climbatallogyckal "science".


"Hockey stick" me hairy ass! :roll:


(Woaaah man! Is it just me or is that 3rd graph kinda... grooooovy an trippy-lookin? Like a shirt Jerry Garcia mighta wore back in the day? Givin me flashbacks bucko! An that last one I'm sure is an invasion o me privacy, as it appears te represent me erectile condition in the time leadin up te and just after Jessica Alba appears first in "Sin City"!! :shock: :oops: )

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